Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Chapter 217


It was a peaceful day…or more accurately, the dying days of lingering heat of Liyue were the same as ever...

"Ozzie, my dear familiar…"


The raven gave his master a questioning look. Whenever her Majesty called him by his nickname, something bad was about to happen.

"…\'Ozzie?\' not again…Mein Fräulein…you are about to request something outrageous just like two day ago, is that correct? What\'s gotten into you lately…"

"Her Majesty beseeches you to unfurl your blessed wings, and with them block out the heavens, plunging the world into eternal night…forever…"

"If you didn\'t bring your parasol with you, that\'s your own fault, mein Fräulein! You knew that Liyue is a hot country! You\'ve been here before!" Oz huffed and disappeared into thin air, as if wishing to cut off contact.

"…No, don\'t go!" Fischl pleaded.

She reached out her hand but was unable to stop him, since the temperature was so hot it rendered her almost unable to move at all.

Fischl slept like a log yesterday, and had no idea what occurred during the night.

She thought she wouldn\'t be able to fall asleep at all due to her excitement for today, but once she hit the bed, sleep overtook her instantly, as if the Goddess of darkness was forcing her back to her own realm.

Today was her date! She had to move at all cost!

She couldn\'t laze around any longer. If she didn\'t go now, he would surely be gone by then!

She went to take a quick shower to get her nerves down and make herself presentable.

It didn\'t help that she was also nervous about the "thing" she planned for him. A secret way to capture his heart, so to speak.

Once done with her shower, she quickly brushed through her hair in an attempt to tame it a bit but failed miserably. Once finished, she headed back out to put on her bizarre outfit, as well as the gorgeous earrings she received from him on their last date together.

Sometimes, the earrings seemed to be as if, calling out to her…

They seemed to posses an ethereal power that brought them a life of its own; a mysterious existence of unknown origin.

Her gaze shifted between the pair, wondering who they belonged to before she received them as a gift.

"Ahhh! They are so pretty! I am so happy!"

(Silence. Thou art making a fool of thyself yet again.)

She heard her other self scoff loudly in her mind, accusing her again of acting incredibly stupid.

A particularly high-pitched ringing echoed through her ears, causing her to sway wildly.

"It is I, Amy who will be going on a date with him, not you! You had your chance last time! Don\'t tell me what to do now!"

Somewhat annoyed, she shouted back.

(Hmph! Bear in mind, should thou fail for the upcoming reckoning, the Prince shall be taken by me on the occasion of the falling moon! It\'s only a matter of time for this pinnacle of a Electro Hunter Queen really. For I am Prinzessin Der Verurteilung, and everything about him belongs to me!)

"Yeah, yeah, now sit quietly in the background and don\'t interrupt my date or I\'ll be mad."

(Hmph! If only this Prinzessin had a real body capable of withstanding the power of darkness, and didn\'t need to rely on you to sustain herself…I would have dealt with thy post-haste.)

"Woah…My other me is trying to kill me…I must truly be a weirdo to even lead this conversation…" She thought with an awkward laugh, shaking her head.

She really wondered what he even saw in her at this point. Any normal person would have backed off after talking to her for a few minutes, and then ignored her.

But he didn\'t. He was willing to talk with her, adventure with her, spend time with her and actually tried to understand how she felt.

He accepted her for who she was; he understood that she was unique and maybe even a bit crazy in the head to the point of roleplaying fictional characters in real life conversations.

And she loved that about him.

"But I guess you\'re not exactly a normal guy either, huh?"

His identity was a mystery to her.

He never personally said it, but she always had the feeling he simply wasn\'t of this world.

No one else seemed to share these suspicions, and she didn\'t want to pry much.

He would tell her once he was ready.

She just wanted to enjoy his company and be with him as they traveled the world together.

Yomite had become a constant presence in her life now. They were practically attached by the hip.

He\'d become her first friend, her first crush and now her first lover.

He was someone she could trust unconditionally, someone she could love unreservedly.

She smiled as she remembered their first kiss. It was very memorable and romantic.

Although it was a little bit sloppy and lacked a certain amount of finesse, it still gave her butterflies as she fell asleep on his lap while he caressed her hair softly.

Straight out of a fairy tale!

And today was the day, when she planned to give everything she had to him.

Her mind wandered briefly to where she would do it, and when she finally decided on a good place, she started imagining her and Yomite lying down against each other while kissing.

Her lips curved into a smile as she pictured them laying together and cuddling, holding hands and whispering sweet words to one another.

The soft sounds of their breathing and their gentle kisses filled her ears as she imagined it.

"He will hug me, and caress my hair...and then he will kiss me like that...Aaaah! So embarrassing!" Amy flushed deeply and muttered to herself.

(Thou incarnation of obscene demoiselle! This Prinzessin forbids thou from spreading thyne thirst any further!)

As soon as she tried putting her hidden desires out there like that, both she and her other self suddenly cringed.

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