Godlike Player in a Game-Like World

Chapter 6 Forest Wolf

At Falco\'s words, Seraher stopped and turned to look at him for the first time. Falco seized the opportunity and bowed politely to introduce himself right away. But this time, he spoke with a tone of arrogance.

\'\'I\'m Falco Sandefellar from the Sandefellar family. It\'s a pleasant surprise to run into a member of the noble Warden family like th… \'\'

Falco was speaking smugly when Seraher interrupted him.

\'\'Looks like you two know each other.\'\' She said, looking at Falco and Gary.

Falco was taken aback briefly because he had not anticipated Seraher\'s response, but he replied normally after that.

\'\'Yes, he is my cousin. He\'s lucky to be on the same team as me. But even if he is not as strong as I am, his strength isn\'t ba… \'\'

Seraher interrupted once more. \'\'Does either of you have investigative skills?\'\'

Falco was furious at Seraher\'s lack of interest in him, but he took a deep breath and calmed himself. He replied with a cheeky smile, pointing to the green triangle-shaped hat on his head.

\'\'This hat has a green rarity and allows me to detect movement within 20 meters by sensing vibrations in the ground. \'\' Instead of wasting time babbling this time, Falco waited to see Seraher\'s fascinated face, but what he expected didn\'t happen.

Seraher still looked cold, but this time she also had an irritated expression on her face. \'\'So you had better start putting your skill to use. While we are still wandering around looking for mobs, the other team has already got 3 points.\'\'

Everyone grimaced as they looked at their system interface after hearing Seraher\'s words. It was true. The enemy team already has three points, while theirs is still at zero.

While they were thinking that the enemy team wasn\'t so simple and that this match might not be as easy as they expected, they were jolted by a sudden system message.

[Your team gained 1 point.]

[Since you made no contributions to the battle, you won\'t gain any shared experience.]

The group fell silent as they stared in bewilderment at the system message.

Even Seraher, who always appeared cold and emotionless, had a dumbfounded expression on her face.

[Lv.1 Forest wolf(F-Rank) has been killed.]

[Your team gained 1 point.]

[You gained 10 experiences.]

Raydon took a deep breath and got up from the dead wolf.

\'\'A-all this e-effort was just for 10 e-experience points?" \'\'He was panting from exhaustion and felt that the reward was less than he deserved.

Raydon regained his breath and turned his attention to the stick in his hand. \'\'I wonder what\'s special about this stick. \'\'

After taking a look around, he went up to the tree where he had discovered the stick. He reached for one of its branches, and without exerting too much force, he easily broke it.

He muttered as he examined the tree and branch. \'\'It appears that this tree and branch are normal. Other trees around don\'t look much different either. I think some conditions have to be met for this stick to be formed, or it came here from somewhere else entirely. \'\'

He then made the decision to look around later in case there were any other sticks nearby, concentrating for the time being on the wolf he had just killed.

\'\'Nothing dropped when I killed the wolf. I suppose I should extract the useful materials from the wolf\'s body myself, but I don\'t even have a tool to skin it.\'\'

Raydon is generally aware of the fact that he needs components from mobs in order to craft anything in this world. He searched his surroundings to see if there was anything he could use as a knife, but soon realized it wouldn\'t be that simple. He also didn\'t know if there were other predators around that could smell blood.

\'\'I guess I should carry it with me until I find something to dismantle it with.\'\'

While thinking about how to carry the body, he remembered the dimensional storage.

Raydon reached out his hand, and with a thought, the space in front of him began to distort, and a 1-meter rift appeared out of nowhere.

\'\'Wow, it was easy.\'\'

Raydon peered through the opening and noticed a strangely bright space with walls made of a strange black stone.

Raydon turned his head and looked at the wolf, and again looked at the 1 square meter space in front of him and said. \'\'I think I can fit it in. \'\'

He struggled for a while before finally getting the wolf inside, cursing frequently because the inventory he was familiar with in games was far better than this.

\'\'Anyway, let\'s keep moving.\'\' Raydon took one last look around before heading out in search of his next prey.

\'\'Leas watch out, it\'s coming towards you. \'\' Seraher shouted. She pointed her hand at the wolf running in front of her and said.

\'\'Snowfall. \'\'

Snow suddenly appeared in Seraher\'s hand and began to scatter toward the wolf.

With a sudden jump, it jumped out of the way of the snow that was coming at it as if the wolf had eyes on its back. However, it was unable to completely escape, and snow could be seen covering its hind legs.

\'\'Vertical Dash. \'\'

Taking advantage of the wolf\'s slowing down, Gary dashed towards the wolf with his huge shield in his hand.

\'\'Shield bash.\'\'


With the sound of the impact, the wolf was thrown forward and collapsed on its back. Unfortunately, the wolf did not receive a fatal blow as it staggered to its feet, as another sound was heard.

\'\'Piercing shoot.\'\'

A flying arrow struck the wolf\'s head with great force. After being shot in the head with an arrow, the wolf eventually collapsed to the ground covered in blood.

[Lv.1 Forest wolf(F-Rank) has been killed.]

[Your team gained 1 point.]

[You gained 5 experience.]

Falco approached, laid his bow on his back, and gritted his teeth as he spoke. \'\'Tch, I hate agility-type mobs the most.\'\'

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