My mother's SON-IN-LAW


That on its own only meant one thing.

Alicia wants to meat \'that person\' again. She willingly had herself kidnapped just to reach that objective.



Five years ago when Frank came to know about Alicia\'s existence he was at first taken aback and was not sure how to handle the situation. \'He had a niece now\' But where did she come from?

 Why didn\'t he know about her before, what happened to the kid this whole time?

Most importantly who is she? ...

When Frank tried to reach out to his brother Felix, he was even more frustrated. The man was the most stubborn about the kids existence. It was as if he hated her existence all together.

The Hanover family is, ...a little complicated. Not to mention my brother Felix.

Most of the families roots originate from the underworld. More like we were only able to build the family\'s empire from the connections which we made when dealing in the underworld. Although most of the deals started there, the Hanover empire was built from scratch many decades ago by my grandmother. And just like her my father too charge of it from there onwards. But things started to change when my brother and I were born.

The rules of the Hanover family are very simple. Whether you take cahrge of the company and marry accordingly or you have to leave the family completely.

Every couple from my great ancestors to my great grandparents all had one child which was then given all of the responsibility when the time came.

Even my grandmother had the same fate. Although she was a woman herself. Any husband which she took would have to change theri name to Hanover and take their place as the family\'s son in law.

My father took after grandmother when it was time.

Yet when we were born things became difficult for my father. He was to choose an heir for the empire, yet that only meant that he would have to choose the best from us both.

Having twins was something he had not put into thought, thus he had planned to have us take charge of the empire together.

Yet Felix never had such plans to begin with. All he had planned was a peaceful life which would revolve his wife and future child. A job he could work at and retire when the time came to ccompany his wife afterwards.

Yet such plans did not fit the Hanover family. Especially as the first born of the twins. He was to lead by example to his brother.

Mother on the other hand did not have any problem with brother\'s plans. But things became hard when he was to marry a woman chosen by our father. It was something inevitable from the beggining yet he had tried to convince him of the problems which would arise in the marriage if they were to stay together. \'A lovel-ess marriage\' he used to call it. And although father could understand his plight. He also could not see any problem with it.

He had also met his wife due to a planned marriage by his father as well. And he fell for her the moment he set his eyes on her. So father believed that the same would happen for his son\'s as well.

A week before Felix was set to meet his future wife, Felix had a last minute minute in Britian. He left the country swiftly that very day in order to please their clients without any problem.

It was the only time he had left for a meeting without me involved in it as well. The meeting itself went perfectly without any problems. But issues came after the meeting. Brother was attacked in the hotel which he was staying and if it was not for a young lady who was staying in a room beside his taking him into her room at the right moment, he would have died that very same night.

Brother\'s attack was something that never spread to the family though. He believed that it was not something he had to speak about seeing that he was miraculously saved at that moment.

That was when brother like my father fell in love for the very first time. But father never agreed to his request to marry the woman who he had taken a fancy to.

Felix was adament to marry her anyway which is why he gave father every kind of explaination possible in order for him to marry the girl.

Father tried to get rid of the girl which had stolen his son away from him yet that was when he came to know that the young lady was the heir to the Cezar family which rulled the underworld for over decades. They were a prominant family who kept a low profile while they dealth mostly with Art and kept their underworld identities hidden.

He tried to strike a deal with the family in order to have their daughter marry into their family as his son was somehow interested in their child.

But the family did not agree to his request mostly because that would mean thaht they would be left without any heir to inherit their fortune. But they came up with a situation that she would marry their son but she cannot change her roots nor surname in order to take over the empire they would leave to her.

That was what drove Father the most angry about. This would only mean that they would only have a shallow marriage together and they would not gain anything from the marriage itself. Thus he had planned to convice the young lady to agree to his request of changing her surname from her maiden name after marriage, ...

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