Ocean Master

Chapter 78 - Hey! Help Me!

Still, with no solution in sight, Sebastian decided to temporarily forget about it and go hunting. Perhaps, hunting would inspire him.

This was a technique that he learned after numerous hunting exploits in this seamount, sometimes it was just like a cheat inspiration mechanism.

Motivated by that, he finally moved his enormous body.

[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim.]

[You have activated skill: Advanced Electroreceptors.]

[You have triggered Adaptation: Camouflage Organ.]

With this trio of hunting perks activated, he started swimming to the periphery regions of the seamount.

Going deeper, he was likely to encounter Crocodiles and Draconic lizards, most of his favorite and easier to kill prey were always at the periphery zones of the seamount.

As he swam, he did not have to wait long before his electroreceptors detected something. Quickly outlining the figures, he found 2 Poison Worms slithering through the seamount.

Seeing them, he was a little disappointed as he was not too much of a fan of their meat but something was better than nothing.

[You have activated skill: Sonic Drill.]

[You have activated skill: Advanced Dash.]

A sonic drill rapidly formed in the air before shooting at the nearest Poison Worm, not giving it anytime to react as it easily drilled into its slimy body.

The Poison Worm made a weird sound in pain, alerting its companion as they turned to face the enemy but Sebastian was already before them.

He already activated his shredding bite skill.


His sharp row of teeth bit down on the Worm\'s rough skin, taking away a chunk of slimy flesh and dealing astronomical damage as he immediately started shaking his body to tear deeper into its skin.

In seconds, the first Poison Worm died to his impeccable chaining of skills. And in this time, the other Poison Worm still didn\'t react yet and it paid for that.

Sebastian activated his Battering ram skill as his body immediately moved to collide with it like a moving train.


A huge depression was carved through the sides of the Worm. It was not given any time to use its magic power, Sebastian\'s teeth bit down to finish the job.

[You have killed 2 mutated Poison Worm- Level 12 and 13: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 6 Skill points and 10 Adaptation points.]

Without hesitation, he bit down and quickly gobbled up the meat left behind by the 2 prey. After doing this, he continued swimming while looking out for prey.

The speeds at which he disposed of the 2 prey were a manifestation of his current battle experience and skill upgrades for the past month.

For the next few minutes after feasting on the meat of the 2 Poison Worms, his luck seemed to have been used up as he did not encounter any other prey.

As soon as he thought of this, he remembered his abysmal luck stat point again. Despite everything that he did, his luck stat points remained stagnant like it was cursed by some witch.

Suppressing the sadness in his heart, he continued his hunt.

5 minutes later, when he already began to suspect that something was wrong with the surrounding, his eyes focused as he detected a faint vibration in the water through his sound control skill.

The fact that his electroreceptors didn\'t register it yet meant that it was a far distance away from his current location, but he was confident that something was happening.

Immediately, he started swimming faster in the direction of the vibration.

With the help of his sound control skill, despite how faint the vibration was he was able to navigate his way to where it originated from. What he met there surprised him.

Due to his culture of always being cautious, he did not make a sound so the predator was not able to detect him.

At this moment, a Draconic lizard was struggling and already at the point of death from the death-grip of an enormous strange Python.

The need for the term strange was that it had the skin of a Python, but the 4 hands jutting out of its sides were so contradictory to what Sebastian was accustomed to on earth that he was stunned in place for a moment.

Its 2 pairs of legs curled with its long body in such a way that it firmly wrapped and held the Draconic lizard in place. It was not swallowing yet, it was simply crushing the lizard fellow with its powerful muscles.


Hearing this sound, Sebastian was jolted out of his daze.

"A Python with legs…, a real Python with legs!"

He\'s always seen the snakes with legs whenever he went to the edge of the seamount and looked up at the wardrobe-like cliff, but this was his first time seeing one descend to this seamount.

A lot of thoughts went through his mind but he quickly concluded, fight and save the lizard first before any other thing.

[You have activated skill: Advanced Dash.]

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram.]

[You have activated skill: Spike Attack.]


He quickly collided with the enormous Python, digging his spikes into its side in the process as it quickly raised its head and hissed in pain.

Contrary to what Sebastian expected, the Python was extremely decisive as it immediately let go of its almost dead prey to better focus on the new opponent.

It rapidly turned around, raised its head, and opened its mouth to reveal its 2 menacing teeth amid its tongue flicking left and right.


Before Sebastian could react, 2 purple liquids shot out of the Python\'s teeth towards him. They drilled into his body effortlessly, he could not react to dodge on time but he retaliated immediately.

[You have been hit by a skill: Poison Drill.]

[You have been poisoned: You will lose 3 HP each second for 10 seconds.]

[You have activated skill: Sonic Reflection.]

The Python wanted to instinctively follow up on its attack, but it suddenly stiffened as sound waves battered at its head, dealing damage in the process.

After it recovered, its deadly eyes glared at its opponent but it suddenly ignored Sebastian and focused behind him. Its eyes flickered rapidly, then without hesitation, it turned and escaped.

Sebastian who was already ready to use his magic manifestations was left dumbfounded, but not for long though as his electroreceptors suddenly detected 2 newcomers rapidly swimming towards him.

Before he could turn, he heard a loud voice.

"Hey! Help me!"


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