Ocean Master

Chapter 158 - The Great Fall!

            Oceania was boundless, it\'s many waters spreading and covering the seven ancient Seas. Every magic essence revolution, the ocean water rippled, spreading its reach far and wide amid waves that were induced both naturally and artificially. 

These waves were sometimes subtle and gentle, but at times ferociously dangerous, showing the different facets of Oceania.

The magic essence of this world was also another important anchor point. The beautiful, rich, and colorful glow in each of the seas were induced by the origin magic essence in these seas.

It could be said that without the origin magic essence, there would be no Oceania. The origin magic essence made up Oceania.

In this seemingly dead world filled with water, the numerous creatures, including the flora and fauna added life to it.

The daily hunting, the daily chasing, and the daily cannibalism that happened between predators and prey added life to this world.

This was the law of Oceania, the strong prey upon the weak.

Having known and understood this important law governing this world was why Atlantis became the overlord. They learned; they learned to adapt and subtly alter this all-powerful law in their favor to make themselves overlords.

It was currently the time of the zenith glow, which in Atlantian time was 12:00am. This was the time when the glow in each of the seven seas was at its highest point, and today, it meant sometime more to Atlantians.

This was the monthly remembrance manna time.

Every month, Queen Auralis made it a compulsory rule that every Atlantian under her rule gather to listen to the tale of the great fall that was told and compiled by the ancestors over a millennia ago.

And today was the time, at the point of the zenith glow.

At the newly established base of the Crimson Fleet, a call for convergence seemed to have been sent out. Mini-submarines and other Atlantian machines came back from their assigned missions with speed. 

In the last 10 minutes before the zenith glow officially clocked, the base buzzed with activity as soldiers of the Crimson Fleet rushed back from their various assigned missions.

2 minutes before the zenith time, every soldier, including the non-combatant crew of the fleet settled in each of the 17 warships of the fleet.

Even Staff Sergeant Barnes and his assistant, Sergeant Raina responded to this invisible summon and sat at the largest hall of the Bloodhound.

In moments, all of them seemed like students about to receive a lecture.

In the main hall of the Bloodhound, amid the bone chilling silence, light flickered in the middle of the hall before materializing to form a large projection. 

In this projection, there was a woman who sat on a simple chair with a large book on her hand. This book was large, extremely large, almost as large and long as the woman herself which was outrageous.

This woman\'s gaze no longer caried that fearsome solemnity that she was known for, now it reflected gentleness and respect.

This was Queen Auralis of Atlantis!

"Elders, Soldiers, Scholars, Civilians, and Atlantians…" The Queen paused for a moment before she continued. "The day of remembrance has come again, and we are gathered again to re-imprint the tale of the ancestors in our memory".

With that, she flipped the impossibly enormous book open, removing it\'s wrap to reveal its real cover. There, a title was written in bold.


Queen Auralis flipped over to the first page and started reading. "August 13 2032, the world as we knew it came to an end!"

The first line in the book carried a vibe of solemnity, and Queen Auralis\'s emotions and tone changed with it, becoming solemn as she read.

"The U.S, China, and Russia formed a tripartite alliance that enabled them to control the world. With all the resources in the world free for them to use, they triggered the dimensional descent, the experiment tagged Death!"

"If the experiment succeeded, our world would change. Life would improve, technology would improve by leaps and bounds, transversing the universe would no longer be a dream, but…"

"Life is always filled with uncertainties, that\'s why it\'s called life".

"The experiment FAILED!"

"The next dimension to our world was indeed opened, but what came out was beyond our expectations. Dark mist descended from the next dimension, submerging and sucking the life out of us".

"Everyone died…" 

"Except the few…"

"The few consisted of the rich and the incredibly lucky…"

"Humanity was almost extinct".

"At the point where we least expected it, when all hope was lost, a glimmer of change appeared. A bolt of lightning accompanied by thunder descended from the next dimension, striking earth\'s center".

"Earth shattered with a boom!"

"Amid this terrible explosion, a light expanded from the lightning bolt and enveloped us…, the few. Surprisingly, we survived!"

"When the light left, we found ourselves here, Oceania".

"We were confused, shocked, and of course scared, but we had no choice but to face our circumstances. We prodded the outside world".

"Then we discovered the rule of this world, get strength or die!"

"Different creatures from all over the place attacked us, ravaging us and tearing us apart. All our knowledge from the previous world seemed useless, we were dying and going extinct by the day".

"In the end, we\'re going extinct Afterall, or so we thought".

"When we lost all hopes, the first emerged. The first magician, our greatest ancestor, King Orchestra!"

"With an iron fist, he fought and killed the Dragon, saved our race from the threat of extinction and brought the advantage of our knowledge back".

"Under him, we prospered, then we finally understood this world".

"We were not the only survivors from earth, others survived but we were the only intact survivors. Of course, we mutated after the light, being able to breath underwater and harness magic, but they mutated more".

"These 2nd group of survivors mutated, most turning to terrifying intelligent monster races while the others mutated to become intelligent races; the elves, the tree moguls, the man-trolls, the dwarves, man-insect race, and a host of others".

"Once we discovered them, we tried to integrate back with them but we couldn\'t. The experiment angered many, and none of us was able to forget the fear and anger, so we went against each other".

"For over a millennium, we\'ve been fighting a war amid the tyranny of the Sea Kings and all the other dangers of Oceania".

"This war was not baseless though. After we became the overlords of this world, King Orchestra started another experiment to know the truth of the dimensions and what exactly happened".

"After planning and experimenting for centuries without success, in his frustration, he let his magic power go berserk. Surprisingly, he was sucked away, into another dimension".

"We thought it was finished, but at the last moment before the ancestor disappeared, he told us the name of the dimension that he was sucked into".

"It was…, the Myth Realm!"

"He said another thing- Gather all the unique skills!"

"This has been our goal for centuries, finding the unique skills to deduce the secret in them. The only problem is the Sea Kings are too strong, we\'ve subdued only 1 after 4 centuries but we are never resigned to give up".

"Remember this, we would never give up!"

"Our life goal is to fulfill the ancestor\'s wish, gathering all the unique skills".


After a long read, Queen Auralis finally closed the big book. She looked forward, her eyes seeming to penetrate through the projection to all the Atlantians that were watching from all over Oceania.

"Remember the goal!"

"And remember, we are Atlantians, but also humans".

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