Ocean Master

Chapter 300 - The Battle Of The Pinnacles!

Battle spear and superkick collided, then all hell broke loose!


The power of Black tier predators who stood at the pinnacle of Oceania was just too tyrannically strong if they decided to go all out, so also was the might of the Atlantian chosen\'s who embodied the essence of their gods.

The impact of killer moves was already astonishing, but when this came from 2 opponents with Black tier strength, the implications changed tone immediately.

The water rolled, squeezed, and tumbled over as a terrifying tsunami was induced. The shockwave from the explosion of power was so strong as black holes opened up in random places around the ocean volcano.

The Rabbit Monarch sturdily protected in his war-gear easily withstood the impact, the same to the Chosen Athena in her war gear, it was the onlookers that really suffered the impact of this collision.


When the shockwave spread across, lives were reaped in the tens of thousands as predators, and Atlantian soldiers could not even scream before they were annihilated by the massive power in display.

Of the 3 remaining survivors of the variant human races, they were too close to the point of collision, the shockwave ended the life of one of them, leaving only General Tito and General Saber as the only survivors of those who first attacked.

Without hesitation, these 2 heavily injured Generals retreated rapidly.

The warships of the variant human races did not escape the special treatment. When faced with the shockwave, their different energy shields and sturdy armor could only last for a time before they were cracked open.


The shockwave continued across as the casualties increased tyrannically.

The onlookers were horrified, both the Atlantian soldiers and the predators were equally horrified. They had heard stories of battle in the range of the Black tier realm but encountering it was a different nightmare entirely.

Just the effects of the first clash between these 2 predators already revealed that all the onlookers had nothing to gain by staying to watch other than death.

To safeguard their lives, they needed to escape now while they still could.

To your tents oh Israel!

Every surviving predator and variant human took to their heels, they swam with all their might to escape from this danger zone as fast as possible.

This ocean volcano already turned into a hazardous region. The dormant volcano that had remained that way for years had finally been stimulated after just the first clash between these 2 pinnacle powerhouses.

It was just a matter of time; it was already certain that this originally dormant volcano was already active and was on the verge of erupting.

Ocean volcanoes erupting on earth were already terrifying. In a world of magic filled with warped magical laws of nature, Sebastian could not fantom how fierce the might of this volcanic eruption would be.

Even if he was a fool, the greatest fools knew that this was not the time to linger and he was no exception as he swam for his life.

All these were just the effects of the first clash between the Rabbit Monarch and the Chosen Athena, they were not idle, this was a real battle!

The effects of the first mighty clash died down fast to these 2 powerhouses as a series of further blows were quickly released by the both of them.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Chosen Athena revealed her might before this veteran predator!

The both of them were engrossed in their own world as they gave their all and exchanged dozens of moves. While the world around them burned, they were completely taken in by the prospect of killing the other first.

With her Aegis shield, Chosen Athena was able to manipulate earth domain magic and with her special inherited battle spear, she was able to harness and manipulate the powers of thunder domain magic.

She didn\'t necessarily have a magic domain like a predator, but these 2 master magic weapons gave her all she needed to manipulate them.

After hitting her opponent with another earth domain petrify skill that made him freeze for a moment through her Aegis shield, Chosen Athena found her opportunity as she struck like a viper with her battle spear. 


The Rabbit Monarch suffered his second injury since the battle started.

The Rabbit Monarch was not content with just suffering his second injury though, he deliberately gave his opponent the opportunity for the 2nd opportunity, and this time, he retaliated in the most furious manner possible.

"Killer Move: Shadows of Death!"


The cries and wails of souls that seemed to be locked in an eternal torment suddenly reverberated soon after the Rabbit Monarch used another killer move.

From the void, shadowy hands and legs that seemed to belong to the suffering souls extended out with such a mind-blowing speed that Chosen Athena was unable to react before they bound her completely.

Chosen Athena struggled but she was bound tightly, she was temporarily immobilized which was fatal in a battle of this scale.

"Killer Move: Superkick of Death!"

The Chosen could do nothing as the Rabbit Monarch unleashed a 2nd killer move on her. The Rabbit Monarch dealt with her with his 2-fold killer move.

One with his shadow magic domain, and the other with his main weapons which were his exaggeratedly powerful hind legs.



The Rabbit Monarch\'s legs were too big and powerful, they completely covered the Chosen once they hit her. It was like attacking a bug with a sledgehammer, with the difference being that the bug was abnormally powerful.

Despite the power wielded by Chosen Athena, the Rabbit Monarch was equally powerful and the difference in size meant a lot.

Chosen Athena let out a wordless cry of pain as she felt her whole body cracking up. Like a piece of porcelain that was slammed against the ground, she cracked before shattering into pieces.

It seemed like she died, but did she?

The Rabbit Monarch did not let his guard down. Yes, he succeeded in dealing a staggering blow to the Atlantian powerhouse but his battle intuition that was trained and honed for centuries told him that the threat still lived.


Chosen Athena reappeared in the water like an imperious goddess!

She was indeed struck by a deadly blow and she sustained severe damage, but at the last moment, she was able to activate a secret technique that she got from harnessing the power of the goddess Athena.

One of goddess Athena\'s main domains was the domain of craftsmanship.

She miniaturized herself and forged a mechanical version of herself on the spot. The mechanical version of herself was what cracked and shattered, while she took shelter inside it.

Though she still took damage, it was just a fraction of what she was supposed to have been subjected to originally.

Once she reappeared, she glared straight into the Rabbit Monarch\'s eyes.

The battle was not over until it was over!

She went again for the head, and the Rabbit Monarch reciprocated.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

These 2 pinnacle powerhouses continued their fierce battle as the foundations of this ocean volcano kept on being destroyed.

At this moment, the circular cliff walls that Sebastian attributed this region with were already destroyed. The surroundings of the ocean volcano were already destroyed so much that it was now on the verge of eruption.

Another sword of Damocles was now hanging over the heads of every predator that was beneath these 2 powerhouses, but they never stopped.

They went at each other one more time after stabilizing themselves. 

Old Mak and his group of Great White Sharks were facing the greatest catastrophe of their lives that had ever befallen their clan.

Throughout the decades since he founded his clan, Old Mak and his elders, most especially his old friend Elder Marble had encountered a lot of challenges, even some that seemed impossible to survive but none of them were as intense as this.

This time, the lives of every shark were indeed at risk. 

This was not just because of the ongoing fatal battle that was going on between the Rabbit Monarch and the Atlantian Chosen, it was also because Old Mak and his escaping group were still being targeted.

Sebastian moved with them, and Sebastian was a trouble magnet. None of the escaping predators ever forgot that Sebastian was a prime target.

The Rabbit Monarch and the Chosen Athena all came because of Sebastian, there was no way that he could escape attention even in this chaotic situation.

Though most of the Atlantian warships were trying to navigate the hazardous region safely, the Annihilators still had enough juice to survive and still target them, and the 2 surviving variant human Generals were already coming after them.

The more time went by, the more the distance between both sides became closer. Old Mak was conflicted, he was faced with the hardest decision of his life.

Elder Marble who swam beside him seemed to have felt it, the Elder immediately spoke before his clan head could act.

"Mak, please do not do it, we can escape together".

Elder Marble\'s decision to speak had the opposite effect, Old Mak suddenly stopped swimming to escape as he looked at his escaping clan members with a conflicted but surprisingly resolute expression on his face.

The Elders and his favorite Queen already knew his decision, they felt sad but they did not allow the younger sharks to stop for a moment.

As the distance between them increased, Old Mak finally spoke.

"Old Marble, take care of them for me".

"Why?" Elder Marble asked, feeling sadder all of a sudden.

"Why?" Old Mak reflected on this question for a second before he answered. 

"When you love something, you protect it!"

Old Mak turned around to face the pursuing enemies.

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