Ocean Master

Chapter 338 - Discoveries And A New Ambition.

After the hours-long reading session and combined with the previous hours that he pumped into his work, Sebastian was tired but this did not diminish his fascination and enthusiasm about the knowledge that he just learned.

Sebastian didn\'t leave immediately; the first impression was very important in situations like this as they were what stuck to the mind the most. 

His wild and adventurous spirit was already stimulated, he wanted to properly comprehend and consolidate the ideas that were currently flowing in his mind before leaving.

The book on the mysteries of the mana core was not what fascinated him most about everything that he just learned, but its different take and detailed explanation on the mana core provided him with a different perspective about it.

According to the scientist, Albert Stone, the mana core was the driving force of every magic predator and he did not doubt it having experienced it himself.

Without the mana core, mutating a magic domain was useless.

Since he created his mana core after combining his magic qi, physical qi, and the primordial magic essence during his evolution, he never paid attention to it again though it was always there with him.

Like most powerful predators who also mutated and made use of it, he ignored it, instinctively feeling that it was a natural phenomenon that was far beyond his understanding.

In his opinion, his mana core was magic itself and it didn\'t work under the restrictions of science laws but perhaps he was wrong.

Perhaps, having this perspective alone was a mistake in itself, at least for an anatomist predator like him.

According to the book, after deep scanning, it was discovered that the mana core comprises a perfect mixture of mana, a direct essence of specific magic domains, and phasing lines of organic matter.

The mana core indeed mostly worked with magic principles and effects, but the fact that it contained a negligible amount of organic matter meant something.

Perhaps, this organic matter was the living imprint that every predator left on his mana core and it was probably why mana cores could only be assimilated by other predators and not directly taken.

Taking this train of thought, Sebastian connected it to what the book referred to as the greatest dream of every anatomist relative to mana cores which were to get to that golden age where predators can have more than one mana core.

And it was already proven by the results predicted by the processing supercomputer that this was feasible. The only roadblock was now how to make this hypothesis and theoretical data reality.

Sebastian could imagine the possibilities that would open for him if this ambitious dream was ever realized and predators could have more than one mana core and with each one tailored for specific usage.

If he had 3 mana cores, with one focused on his offensive magic skills, another on his defensive skills, and another on his movement skills, all tailored to enhance the effects of the specific skills as much as possible, Sebastian could only imagine how efficient and lethal he would be in battle.

While his enemies were still sending out one attack, he would have already attacked, defended, and rushed into the enemy\'s blind spot already. The potential of such a battle style was so high that Sebastian\'s eyes glittered like stars.

Adding the predictions of the supercomputer with his own hypothesis now. What if the secret to allowing a predator to wield more than one mana core was to replace the organic imprints of the dead owner with his organic imprint?

It may not be as simple as he thought, but Sebastian was confident that his speculations were not entirely rubbish that jumped out of nowhere.

The more Sebastian thought of this, the more his eyes became heated, burning like bright torches in a dark environment.

Despite how excited he was at his train of thought, he quickly calmed himself down. His hypothesis was promising, but the fact that no anatomist has ever accomplished this despite the extensive knowledge that they had said a lot.

He may believe his competence in his occupation, but he was not arrogant enough to believe that he was better than every Atlantian anatomist out there. 

The machines and computers alone that were available to them dwarfed everything that he was currently able to work with.

Their machines were better than his, they could access even more powerful predator test subjects, and their computers could scan faster than his by a margin. 

Also, it was not without reason why scientists tended to use experiments, take notes, and try to verify from fellow experts before a hypothesis could be believed and labeled as real.

Before this train of thought was experimented on and verified, Sebastian would not try his head. He did not want a situation where his enthusiasm would lead to his brain exploding due to forcing another mana core in his body.

Despite all this, he still felt excited about what he learned.

As for the book on the mysteries of beast adaptations, it was a lot clearer and more straightforward to Sebastian since he was more familiar with it.

Unlike with his mana core, every one of his adaptations was something that he studied extensively through his system before choosing to purchase them and he understood all their effects.

He completely agreed with what the beast said. Beast adaptations were really like the weapons of mutated beasts since some clever ones could single-handedly change battle situations if used correctly.

Beast adaptations like the shell war arsenal that he once saw in a crab and the cutting spiked chain that he saw in the living metal shark that he once fought all revealed the potential of a battle style revolving around adaptations.

The potential of this battle style was boundless.

Perhaps, by researching deeper into beast adaptations, adding his knowledge on superheroes and things from his previous life, he may be able to mutate the most overpowered beast adaptation ever.

Once again, Sebastian validated that his occupation was the best. Back on earth, people thought anatomists\' only job was dissecting, but here, he was perhaps about to prove that anatomists were more than that.

He was no longer just an anatomist, he was a magic predator anatomist, both meant entirely different things. 

His grin widened, becoming spooky.

After washing his brain with the knowledge of the 2 textbooks that he just assimilated, Sebastian finally deviated to the last book.

Unlike the previous 2, the Monster Dictionary was not about any major research theory, it was like its name said, a dictionary on monsters.

By dividing the dictionary into 2 categories that represented well-known monsters and rare monsters, Sebastian was given a faint glimpse into the monsters of this world that he had not had the opportunity of meeting yet.

Just looking at them set his eyes on fire. Despite the setbacks and side objectives that kept on coming to him every day, he never once gave up on his goal of dissecting all the powerful monsters of this world.

Now, with his increasing knowledge about Oceania\'s take on anatomy especially the part related to magic, he could do a lot more.

He couldn\'t wait to take all these beasts down.

He could not look at all the monsters that were on the dictionary, they were simply too numerous for him to finish looking at on a single sitting.

Despite this, he marked out those that he was familiar with and those that caught his attention. The numerous snake types were especially eye-catching, but the rare category of monsters was what really attracted his fascination.

Apart from Death Dragons that he was already familiar with, and the single species of a Space Beast that he had seen in his last battle, every other powerful beast in this category eluded his understanding.

The worst part of it all was that the monster dictionary of the basic library only gave detailed information about the well-known monsters.

As for the rare monsters, the monster dictionary refrained from explaining here, rationalizing that the junior anatomists of the department were not ready to know so much which annoyed Sebastian to no end.

To get the real monster dictionary that detailed the life cycle, anatomical structure, and basic information about these beasts, Sebastian needed to become a senior anatomist and access the advanced library.

Sebastian already resolved to become a senior anatomist before now, but with this sudden incentive, he was like a bull on steroids.

"Senior anatomist here I come!"

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