Ocean Master

Chapter 359 - The Orca Revolution!

Somewhere hidden inside one of the 7 Great Seas, the Dungeon of Souls.

Like every other one of the 7 Great Seas in Oceania, the Dungeon of Souls was unique in a way that separated it from its 6 other siblings. The origin glow of this Great Sea was a spooky dark green mixed with black.

But unlike its 6 other siblings, the uniqueness of the Dungeon of Souls reached such an extreme degree that it was uninhabitable to a lot of beast species.

Only a select number of mutated beast species could survive and thrive in this extreme water body. Extreme predator species like Death Dragons, underwater Wraiths, and zombie sharks were the ones that could thrive here.

The Dungeon of Souls was made specially to favor these types of predators. Though in contradiction to rumors, it was not filled with undead energy all year round, it was a fact that this great sea was modeled for mostly undead beasts.

In Oceania, the primordial origin essence made it possible for a lot of beasts to mutate and evolve into different species to survive the test of nature, this meant that Oceania could accommodate all types of beasts.

After the Great Fall, humans arrived in Oceania and through the primordial origin essence, they were able to survive and evolve into variant humans.

For a lot of other beast species, the same phenomenon like the Great Fall of earth happened in their worlds which led to their transportation into this neutral world of water that favored evolution for all species.

As for those beasts who were the original inhabitants of this world before the intruders came, they were seen as the truly blessed of Oceania.

Space Beasts were an example of the original inhabitants of Oceania who were blessed by the primordial origin essence.

In essence, common sense from other worlds did not apply here. In Oceania, the primordial origin essence made it possible for undead beasts like zombies and wraiths to survive in extreme regions like the Dungeon of Souls.

Due to the unique characteristic of this Great Sea, undead beasts normally had an advantage over their living counterparts in a lot of ways.

Undead magic was strengthened here, conventional magic was suppressed here, and this Great Sea was filled with hazardous regions where living mutated beasts could suffer a lot and even die if they encountered.

This was the why apart from the prosperous Blue Sea that was under the firm grip of the Beast King, the Dungeon of Souls whose unchallenged Emperor was the Necromancy King was the Great Sea that resisted Atlantian domination the most. 

Though this Great Sea was not like the indomitable Blue Sea, the suppression that living beasts and variant humans received here limited Atlantis\'s intrusion.

The Necromancy King\'s extremely notorious reputation prevented him from owning this Great Sea entirely, which made it the home ground to the worst mutated beast scum in all of Oceania who could resist the suppression.

The Dungeon of Souls recorded the most yearly beast battles and slaughters. Compared to the other 6 Great Seas, this was a real slaughter ground.

The most notorious beast criminals lived in the Dungeon of Souls, including the most notorious of mass murderer beasts. In essence, it was ok to say that the worst predators in all of Oceania lived here!

This was the reason why the headquarters of the notorious Turtle Confraternity was also located here, deep inside one of the hazardous pockets of water space that heavily suppressed living creatures.

The Turtle Confraternity took in any turtle beast into their ranks, including zombie turtles, but since their overall leader was a living Black tier turtle, it was inevitable that more living turtles filled its ranks.

At this moment, after a long time away from the headquarters, the leader of the Turtle Confraternity whose face must not be seen finally returned.

The leader of this inter-border beast cult, the Black Prophet returned injured.

This was shocking to the members of the cult who all treated the Black tier predator as their god. It was inevitable that a ripple of panic spread through them and their leader didn\'t even deem it right to explain to calm their panic.

Once the gigantic turtle that seemed bigger than the world returned to his lair, he ignored every other call and went alone to bath in his recovery pool.

Compared to the surrounding water body, this pool water was dark green in color. It was mixed with the concentrated blood of a million zombie beasts, and through some additional mixtures, it became a miracle healing pool.

Since the past week that the Black Prophet returned from his deep-sea expedition, he locked himself in his healing chambers throughout.

Not daring to interrupt the Prophet\'s healing process, his close confidants could only stay outside the gate inside the healing chamber while fidgeting for a whole week, going without food. 

They already could faintly guess what happened that resulted in their leader being so heavily injured, but they all refrained from thinking too deeply into that blasphemous thought route.

They waited, enduring the hunger until a reaction was finally detected.

Creak! Creak! Clang!

Creaking sounds reverberated before the massive gate was pushed open.

Once the gate was pushed open, the Black Prophet came out, completely healed of his extremely severe injuries already.

"Meet me in the main cult chambers!" The powerful turtle\'s voice blasted out in such decibels that left all his close confidants dizzy.

Despite feeling dizzy, none of the turtles, even those who were advanced in age dared to tarry as they all swam towards the main cult chambers at the fastest speed that their webbed feet could enable.

Once they were in the main cult chambers, the massive gate behind them shut close, completely isolating them from the outside world.

The leader was already lying on top of his throne, his iconic ninja mask that made him seem like a mutant ninja turtle was as iconic as before.

"Your Eminence, Black Prophet!" All the turtles greeted, both living and zombie as they expressed their sincere respect to the great prophet.

The massive turtle\'s red eyes merely gazed at them nonchalantly before his authoritative voice blasted again. "Tell me everything that is happening!"

The Great Prophet\'s demand sounded vague but all the higher-up cultist turtles here understood what he meant. The cultist turtle with the highest authority among them stood up and spoke.

"Your Eminence, your prophecy was right, the brewing Orca Revolution already started and it is taking all of Oceania by storm".

"The Killer Whale Empire officially started the war to establish their dominance approximately a month ago". 

"With their extreme numbers, might, and reach, the Killer Whale Empire was able to launch a 3-pronged attack at 3 different Great Seas".

"The Green Mist Sea, the Hot Realm, and the Dungeon of Souls were attacked simultaneously by the extremely ambitious Orcas".

"Though all their forces are currently spread between 3 Great Seas, their focus is here. They already made known their main goal which is to kill the Necromancy Sea King and become the new overlord of our sea".

"Hehe". The Black Prophet laughed.

"No wonder he dared to ambush me in my home ground".

It was like the Great Prophet was talking to himself while talking to them at the same time, but experience told all the higher-up cultist turtles to remain silent.

"I have to admit, his strength increased exponentially compared to the last time that we fought which is probably decades ago". 

While he was coming back from his expedition, this powerful turtle Black tier predator was attacked by one of the 3 Orca Kings, King Orcanan.

To his shock though, he was unable to hold his ground and was defeated by the now extremely powerful Orca after a fierce battle that lasted a full day.

He was only able to survive because, well, he was a turtle.

From this unwarranted attack, the Black Prophet knew that something was wrong which was the reason why he rushed back to his lair immediately. He never expected that his prophecy was already coming to reality so soon.

"Hehe, things are really getting interesting".

"If Orcanan alone is this strong, I wonder what the 3 of them together can accomplish. I shake in excitement just thinking of it, hehe".

"Killer Whales, ambitious fellows, now you want to increase your plethora of titles, even adding the more impressive title of Sea King Killers".

"But, can you?"

"Hehe, I can\'t wait".

"Crazy Psycho is not called the Necromancy King for nothing. The quest of killing a Sea King at the peak of his powers like this is surely a rarity".

The massive cultist turtle shook in excitement. "This intense game, I will surely watch it from the beginning to the end".

"La la la la la!"

"Crazy Psycho or Killer Whale, who wins?"


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