Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 310 - Episode 310: An Existence That Will Live Forever.

We are staring at the map or Orion that has been discovered by me on the huge screen on the wall. Everyone is looking for the volcanos that have been discovered, they\'re all surprised to see that I have uncovered most of the area around the three sovereignties and the area beyond that. There are three volcanos that exist around the three sovereignties, the Zerkhil\'s Volcano, Singrave Volcano, and Argenser Volcano. Three of them are so far from each other but thankfully Ivonna realized that the Zerkhil\'s Volcano isn\'t the place where the NPC lives.

"It will take us a few days to reach Singrave Volcano from the Eluna Empire and it will take us another few days if we go to Argenser Volcano from there but I\'m not sure if it\'s faster that way or just goes back to the Aarus Empire to go to Argenser Volcano."

Kingstar is staring at the map and shakes his head.

"No, it will be faster if you go straight to Argenser Volcano from Singrave Volcano."

Ivonna is humming while leaning on the chair and staring at the map.

"Okay, but the problem is, am I be able to get near the lava since I might die from the heat."

Grisell is giggling arrogantly.

"Then leave that to me! I have prepared the perfect armor and cloak to prevent you from taking damage from the heat!"

Grisell throws a set of armor and a cloak on the table, everyone looks at it and reads the description of the equipment. As expected from the best blacksmith in the game, she has so many armors for all of the occasions. Ivonna grabs them and looks at the black-colored armor and red cloak, then she equips them all immediately. Grisell looks at me and she tilts her head while raising her eyebrows.

"Do you need one as well, Trev?"

I look at her and raise my eyebrows.

"Do you have another one like that?"

Grisell is staring at her inventory and drops the same set of armor on the table but then she looks at me while frowning.

"Unfortunately, I don\'t have the cloak since it was a prototype that my friend and I made so that\'s the only one that I have. I believe that the armor alone is enough for you, I think? Since you have high resistance and stats so it won\'t be a problem, right?"

I\'m humming in agreement while walking toward the armor.

"Yeah, this will be enough for me."

Ivonna is ready to leave wearing the black armor, to see her wearing black armor with her silver hair is somehow look so gorgeous. Kingstar and the others stand up and approach us, they\'re all wishing us good luck and after we have prepared everything, we leave the castle after we say goodbye to them. While we are going to the Singrave Volcano, Kingstar and the others are going to the Loslan Village and checking the Zerkhil\'s Valley since they\'re all curious about it. There\'s something that\'s been bothering me, Grisell is somehow is here with us and I think she wants to meet with this NPC because she wants to witness how a godly item is created.

The three of us are sitting on Azrael\'s back and flying above the clouds. Ivonna is staring at the map while hugging Grisell in front of her, she\'s humming with confusion and so she tilts her head to look at me.

"Trev, are you sure we are going in the right way?"

I turn my head and look at her from the corner of my eyes.

"We are not going to the Singrave Volcano or the Argenser Volcano, I\'m sorry but we don\'t have enough time to waste it on going around and exploring those volcanos. I\'m bringing you right to where the NPC is at, sorry that I don\'t talk about it with you first."

Both Ivonna and Grisell are immediately looking at the ground then they both look at their maps. They both are looking for a volcano to where we are heading but no matter how hard they look at it, they can\'t find the volcano. Ivonna is slowly moving forward so she can get closer to me while Grisell is getting pushed by her and doing nothing at all. Ivonna is curious and wants to know where we are heading to, and when I tell them that we are going to the Delaisse Mountain, they both are staring at me with confusion.

"The reason why we are going to the Delaisse Mountain is actually a volcano but she\'s asleep and will stay like that since the magma and lava are being consumed by this NPC. That\'s why it looks like a normal volcano but in truth, it\'s the most dangerous and active volcano in the past."

Grisell is eating her snack while looking at me.

"Is that why you didn\'t say a word about it when we were talking about it in the castle because you don\'t want them to suspect you of knowing the location?"

I nod.

"Yeah that\'s one of the reasons but the other reason is that I think it\'s going to be too easy for them if they know everything already, so I guess they need to find the NPC\'s location on their own in the future since they got a lot of information already about the godly item quest."

Ivonna is slightly nodding in agreement while Grisell is munching and humming with understanding.

"Well, that\'s fair enough."

We land on the mountain base, the three of us get off of Azrael\'s back then Ivonna is looking for a way inside the mountain. I guess it\'s fine if she wants to find the entrance herself since it\'s not that hard to find the mouth into the mountain. Grisell is casually eating her snack while following us from behind with Azrael and to be honest, I really want some as well since all of her snacks are delicious. Ivonna suddenly stops and tilts her head, she then walks toward the cliff in front of her, she seems to be seeing something that we don\'t, she turns around and points at something while staring at us.

"Did you guys see that?"

Both Grisell and I are shaking our heads since we didn\'t pay attention to what was in front of us, she then wiggles her finger.

"I saw a smoke down there, it\'s not thick but it was obvious that it was a smoke."

The three of us stand on the edge of the cliff and then as Ivonna said earlier we see a cloud of smoke coming out from below us. We all climb up onto Azrael\'s back and then dive down the cliff, we see the mouth of the mountain and that\'s exactly the entrance into the mountain, she\'s lucky to find it this fast because I was searching for it for three days back then. We immediately get inside the entrance and get down from Azrael\'s back then start walking from here.

The four of us are walking down the hill and slowly the temperature around here is getting hotter and hotter that we can feel the heat on our body already. Ivonna is staring at Grisell who\'s still eating her snacks but she feels that something is off with Grisell and so she touches Grisell\'s forehead with her bare hand but with her surprise that Grisell\'s body temperature is normal and her hand is hotter than her forehead.

"Grisell, are you not feeling hot? You somehow seem to not be affected by the heat, are you sure you\'re okay?"

Grisell looks at her and raises her eyebrows.

"Oh, I\'m fine and the heat doesn\'t bother me at all because I have so many passive skills since I\'m a blacksmith and have been standing in front of the furnace and burning flames, my body is immune to fire and heat. I have this skill called [Body Temper] that gives me 30% fire resistance, and then I have something similar to that one called [Heatskin] that makes me endure to heat debuff up to 50%, and then I have another one called [Flame Aura] that allows me to increase fire resistance by another 50% and immune to heat debuff by 50% so I\'m basically immune to heat and have 80% fire resistance."

Ivonna is amazed at Grisell\'s skill and continues walking down the hill while wrapping her arm around Grisell\'s waist.

The heat is starting to bother us and we both are sweating like crazy while Grisell is still fine, we both decide to use Azrael\'s body to cool our bodies down. While we are busy cooling down, the ground is shaking and we can see the same smoke coming up and going toward us, before I can warn them that the smoke is actually hotter than boiling water, Azrael blows at it and creates a cloud then it floats past us. The cloud is actually blocking our vision but then a gigantic silhouette is already standing behind the cloud that we can hear it breathe and growls. The moment the cloud is disappearing, both Ivonna and Grisell are shocked to see a dragon is glaring at us.

"Who dares to enter my lair?!"

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