The World Serpent

Chapter 29 - 29-Attribute Skills

A Bright Light Illuminated the whole field near the Pond. It shone through Grassland like a Sun rising from the Horizon. Such bright light was comparable to a Sun. It shone brightly through the Heavens and the Earth. The Thick Dark Clouds formed a strange color with the Bright Light Illuminating from Below. The Creatures in the Night looked at the Bright light from afar. They shook their head and ignored the Bright Light as they have no interest in dying.

Within the Core of the Bright Light that Illuminated the Grassland was a Reptilian Creature. It was the Symbol of Immortality, Rebirth, and Life. It was also the Symbol of Evil, Heresy, and Treachery. It was a White Serpent that transforms within the Bright Light. Its scale reflected such light, and the Serpent grew bigger.

The White Serpent was getting Longer and Larger than before. The Snake was getting Stronger, and nothing can stop it. It seems that a New Creature would stand atop the Food chain. Some would wonder what it would do after reaching such height. After the Bright Light shone through the Grassland, It slowly dimmed.

As time passes within the Grassland, The Bright Light disappeared, and the Grassland was back to its Dark scenery. The White Serpent slept peacefully in its slumber. It began to move and stretched its curled body. The Serpent\'s head rose from the ground and looked around the Open Field.

It looked around the Open Field around it. The White Serpent saw a Snakeskin that looked like its deflated self. It was a little bit smaller, but the Serpent wasn\'t shocked or surprised about it as it had gotten Stronger and Bigger. After seeing the Snakeskin right next to it, A thought passed through the White Snake\'s mind.

\'I have finally Leveled Up.\' Persia thought to herself as she stretched her snake body and rolled on the ground. She felt relax and come. She felt power brimming inside her body. She knew that she was becoming unnatural. The Open Field around her was desolated of Creatures. She already ate all of them, and the only left was the creatures that escaped. She needed to hunt them down in the pond. Before Persia could continue with this thought, The Notification Windows appeared in front of her and began ringing.


[You have eaten 44 Amphibian Creatures named Homoanura... You have gained 440 Biomass.]

[You have reached the Biomass Requirements for Level up...]

[Leveling Up.]

[You have gained a Level.]

[Level Up has affected your Attributes by a Small Factor.]

[Level Up rewards: 10 Points.]

[Your Dimensions has increased to 250 cm in length, 8.0 cm in Diameter]

\'Hmm... The Smell of Fresh Points.\' Persia thought to herself while staring at the Notification Window. She had a smile plastered on her snake face. She leveled up Three times during Nightfall. It was a good record as killing and eating them took days or weeks. It was disappointing that she only leveled up once but being greedy might make her lose everything. It was better to be satisfied with what she got instead of complaining.

\'I would like to increase my Acid Resistance, but it is too late. I could capture them, but I won\'t. It is better to Annihilate them all in one fell swoop. They are intelligent creatures. They might remember me and have a grudge. I should kill all of them so that a wheel of hatred won\'t start.\' Persia thought to herself. It was better for her to kill the Frogs.

\'Do you agree with the Plan, Ego?\' Persia asked Ego a question. She was curious if Ego would agree with the Annihilation of the Frogs. Persia didn\'t want something biting her tail, so she would rather take her time and annihilate them all. A Monotone Voice then echoed within Persia\'s mind.

<It would be better to enslave them and utilize their full potential, but it would be a bit better for Sister to take out the fire before it becomes Strong. It seems that Sister should focus on making herself stronger. Extermination is the Best Option we can give to the Frogs.>

\'So you agree... It seems that an Extermination would begin, but before that, let\'s take a look at my body.\' Persia thought to herself as she wanted to take care of her body before charging to the Frogs. She wanted to make it durable, stronger, and faster. The Points were the perfect way to that.

\'Now, How do we use the points. My Skills are enough, so it\'s time to focus on my attributes again.\' Persia thought to herself as the Skills within her were enough. The only thing she needed to do was focus on making her body stronger, durable, and faster. It was one of her Mottos.

\'Ego, Could you open the Attribute Window.\' Persia wanted to know the current attribute within her body before deciding to use the Points. A Lot of her Attributes had already passed the 100 Attribute Threshold. She needed to focus on the ones that didn\'t pass the Threshold.




[Strength: 92->95]-[Vitality: 136]

[Defense: 71->74]-[Agility: 106]

[Speed: 77->80]-[Coordination: 61->64]

[Wisdom: 41->44]-[Intelligence: 117]

[Charisma: 34->37]-[Perception: 35->38]

[Senses: 33->36]-[Stealth: 115]


\'My Remaining Attributes have almost reached the Threshold.\' Persia thought while staring at the Attribute Window. At the Lowest of her Attribute Window were the Attributes that didn\'t pass 50 Attribute. She was disappointed at the Low Attributes, but Persia would focus on them after completing her first focus attributes.

\'Strength, Defense, Speed, and Coordination are the ones that are nearing the Threshold. I should focus on these attributes for the meantime.\' Persia thought to herself while staring at the Four Attributes nearing the Threshold. She needed to upgrade them and make them pass the Threshold.

\'Ego, Allocate 5 Points to Physique and Allocate 5 Points to Dexterity.\' Persia ordered Ego to allocate the Points towards her Attributes. She would gain many skills from this decision, and it will be worth it. There were no useless skills. All of them had their uses, and their time will come. Ego\'s Monotone Voice echoed within Persia\'s Mind.

<Order Accepted...>

[5 Points allocated to Physique...]

[5 Points in Physique converted into 15 Strength, 25 Vitality, and 10 Defense.]

[Strength: 95->110]-[Vitality: 136->161]-[Defense: 74->84]

[5 Points allocated to Dexterity...]

[5 Points in Dexterity converted into 25 Agility, 15 Speed, and 10 Coordination.]

[Agility: 106->131]-[Speed: 80->95]-[Coordination: 64->74]

\'Unlimited Powaa...\' Persia couldn\'t help but reenact something that came within her mind. Her Body shone in bright light after allocating her Points. Persia felt power flowing through her snake veins. The Whole Field around Persia Illuminated with the weak light, and it began to dim.

\'I should stop acting like that.\' Persia thought to herself as she calmed herself down. She got too excited with her Body Illuminating in Bright Light. As she calmed herself down, It was time for Persia to check every Skill she got from the Illumination of Bright Light. Persia then began talking to Ego within her mind.

\'Ego, Could you show me the Current Skills that I didn\'t see.\' Persia wanted to see the recent skills she got from the recent events and days. She clearly remembered that she didn\'t check some of them as she fought the Frogs. Since she had a lot of time in the middle of nowhere, Persia wanted to check the Skills she didn\'t see.

<Recorded Attribute Skills not shown to Sister.>

<Inferior Regeneration and Inferior Strength Augmentation.>

[For passing the hundred Threshold in Vitality.]

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Regeneration.]

[Skill Description: The User could heal any part of her body at quick speeds. It would allow the User to heal during battle. The healing or regeneration process depends on the User\'s Vitality. The More the Skill Evolve, The More Efficient and Faster the healing process would go. A Hidden Gift is within the Skill in its Final Evolution.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

[For passing the hundred Threshold in Strength.]

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Augmentation.]

[Skill Description: The User could have the ability to strengthen the User\'s attacks. The User could also strengthen anything and make it permanent. Augmentation is the Ability to Enhance anything within the User\'s Capabilities. The Enhancement would get connected to the Evolutionary Type of the Skill. With the Current Capabilities of User, The Skill could double the User\'s Status in 10 seconds. It could also Permanently Double the Capability of an Object.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

\'I never thought that I would gain something like this.\' Persia thought to herself with a weird smirk plastered on her snake face. It was clear that she was satisfied with the Skills she had gotten. Most of them were Useful, and some were even a power-up. The Augmentation could destroy any balance within the System.

\'But there must be something that would balance it.\' Persia furrowed her non-existent eyebrows. It would be impossible for something like that to be easy. Persia began looking through her Status Window and saw something that gave her a Surprised. A Monotone Voice then echoed within her mind.

<Sister, You need 100 Points to Evolve it.>

\'I know... I just saw it.\' Persia sighed in disappointment. She regained herself as it was clear that such skill was hard to evolve. It would destroy the balance of the Attributes within Persia. The Evolution of the Augmentation cost 100 Points. Persia would have to sacrifice 10 Levels for One Evolution.

\'The Problem is that It would be hard to Evolve the Skill in the later levels as Leveling would be harder.\' Persia thought to herself. She couldn\'t do anything other than to choose the importance. She didn\'t want to sacrifice everything for a Skill, so she decided to take the Skill as a Trump Card.

\'Let\'s not think about such a complicated thing. I don\'t want to bother with it. The Augmentation would stay in that state for now.\' Persia shook her head. She needed to eat the Other Frogs within the Pond. She looked around the Open Field and found herself surrounded by silence.

Her head turned upward as she looked at the Starry Night Sky. She could see the Bright Starts and the Pale Crescent Moon plastered on the Heavens. It was relaxing and calm. The Cold Breeze of Wind passed through her body. The Grass and Bush around her rustled with the Wind.

\'Ego, did you find the entrance of their base?\' Persia asked a Question to Ego. The Entrance of the Strange Frog Base would be easy to find with her Seismic Tracking. With Ego processing speed, She could easily find it no matter how deep it was. Ego answered Persia\'s Question with her Monotone Voice.

<Northeastern Side of the Pond and 10 Meters Deep. The Entrance is connected to many tunnels that lead to many chambers. It seems that a Small City is hiding below us.>

\'Our Prey has larger numbers than us. The number of Strange Frogs could reach in thousands, but that would be a good thing as there would be more food for me.\' Persia thought to herself with a smirk. Number Advantage was useless to her. She could attack them from afar and wait for their group to die.

\'Let\'s start our attack.\' Persia thought as she began moving her body. She looked in the direction of the Pond and slithered towards it. Persia got faster and faster as she traversed through the Open Field. As she arrived near the Pond, She looked around and saw it desolate with Frogs. She then looked at the Calm Pond.

\'Beautiful...\' Persia thought to herself as she looked at the Calm Pond. The water was clear, and it even reflected the Starry Bright Stars above the Heavens. There was also something shining deep within the Pond that made it illuminated by Blue Light. She was curious about what it was, and there was only one way to found out.

Persia slowly slithered to the Pond. She entered and disturbed the Calm Water of the Pond creating small waves.. It was time for the Exterimation to begin.

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