Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 163 - Being Apart Sucks

The relationship between a tyrant and their henchmen is usually kept intact by instilling fear to prevent resistance. But this bully and lackey interaction was nothing as mentioned above. Well, at least Huishe Yue thought he had strong-armed Lan Wu into getting what he wanted but in truth, it was his face that did that.

If Huishe Yue knew he was being treated as a pretty face he would be so upset that he would throw a tantrum. Huishe Yue pushed his wet hair back that was damp from the sea and eyed Lan Wu before saying, "Were you having a great time?"

Lan Wu, "...."

He couldn\'t understand what upset Huishe Yue so much when he was the one who was supposed to be upset. Huishe Yue had brought him here and left him on the shore all by himself so who between them should be upset?

"You left me here so I had to keep myself entertained," he replied in a barely audible voice you would think he was a church mouse.


Huishe Yue heard it loud and clear but he didn\'t feel like arguing with Lan Wu right now. His body ached from fighting his nephew and was in desperate need of a massage. "Let\'s go," he said about to transform.

Lan Wu took a few steps in front of him and asked, "Where?" while eyeing the stray strands of hair sticking on Huishe Yue\'s face partially covering his gorgeous eye.

Huishe Yue looked at him like he was looking at an idiot but Lan Wu wasn\'t fazed.

"To your ship..... let\'s go," he replied as he walked past Lan Wu intending to dive in the water and transform but Lan Wu stopped him again.

This time he had his hand in front of Huishe Yue blocking his path as he said, "Wait wait wait... don\'t tell me you are going to do what you did before. I can\'t have you tossing me around in the sea like before..... my stomach still hurts from that." His hand shifted to his belly that felt slightly queasy just thinking about the way Huishe Yue brought him here the first time.

"Stop being a wuss," replied Huishe Yue before grabbing Lan Wu\'s hand and dragging him along into the sea.

Lan Wu hadn\'t expected him to do that which meant this ride back to his ship didn\'t go so well. The fact that Huishe Yue was swimming alongside Rui Fei made it worse because the two Huishe were competing like a bunch of preschoolers.

By the time they burst out of the water to board Lan Wu\'s ship, the captain himself couldn\'t hold back. He hung his head over the railing and threw up which was pretty unusual for someone who spent time at sea. That meant the motion sickness from being tossed around really got to him.

After emptying everything from his belly he turned around intending to go to his cabin when he saw Huishe Yue standing in front of him with a handkerchief. Lan Wu was a little surprised that he was being nice but this thought was shattered by his next words.

"Why are you so weak?" asked Huishe Yue placing the handkerchief in his hand before turning around heading for the captain\'s cabin. Rui Fei was just standing there waiting for Lan Wu to show him where to go but Huishe Yue was striding down the deck like he owned the place.

It seemed Lan Wu still had a little bit of resistance against Huishe Yue because he rushed in front of him blocking him from entering his cabin. Huishe Yue already had his hand on the doorknob but he was forced to let go.

Huishe Yue\'s curiosity was piqued at this moment but he had to respect his lackey\'s wishes for now. And besides soon enough he would get to see what\'s inside.

Lan Wu had nothing special in there but if he allowed Huishe Yue to enter his cabin then he won\'t be able to say no to anything. He had to keep something for himself.

This is why these two were on Lan Wu\'s ship enjoying a rent-free experience each having their own problems. One had an immoral seductress for a wife and the other who had confessed his feeling but was given an indefinite answer.


Ever since that kiss Rui Fei didn\'t dare show his face in front of Ji Yao, neither in dream or reality. That kiss was etched on his heart and each time he recalled it a subconscious smile would appear on his face.

Huishe Yue was tired of that foolish smile that he almost wished he could kick Rui Fei straight to Red Bane so he wouldn\'t have to look at that silly smile anymore. It wasn\'t only the silly smile. Rui Fei was incredibly restless as well. He was like a toddler high on sugar.

Those were the signs of withdrawal symptoms. Being apart from Ji Yao he had nowhere else to put all that energy. He would pace up and down, pick an unnecessary fight and annoy the hell out of Huishe Yue.

To try and expel some of that energy Huishe Yue would take him out for training in his true form but that didn\'t help. In fact, he was getting more aggressive mainly because he wasn\'t around Ji Yao.

Ji Yao\'s scent had a calming effect on him and being apart from him wasn\'t helping. Ji Yao\'s personal belonging stashed on his person could only go so far. He was desperate to see Ji Yao even if it was for only a second. But despite his urge to see Ji Yao, he couldn\'t face him right now so he could only be a pain in the ass for his uncle.

On the other side, Ji Yao wasn\'t fairing any better. In fact, he was having the worst time of the two of them. After that kiss in the dream, he never saw or heard from Rui Fei again. Even in his dreams the guy was absent making him feel a little agitated.

His mood was bad, his ability to focus had gone down the drain and apparently, his IQ had also received a hit. To sum it up into a few words, he was a hot mess.

On day one, he tried to focus on the keystone and find where the next one is but no matter how hard he tried he couldn\'t concentrate long enough to get any information out of it. He kept on anticipating Rui Fei\'s return but of course, it didn\'t happen. 

Day two, after a miserable defeat the previous day he tried another route that is getting more information from Qilin Kai on the keystone. He was still denying that the reason why he couldn\'t tap into the keystone\'s infinite power was that he wanted to see Rui Fei.

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