The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 121 - Hurt.

Yang Dao was unaware of the gazes set on him as he walked around with his group and ate some street food. He did not need to worry actually. He was being protected by the Four Special Forces officers. 

Victor spoke in a low voice, "Is he being careless, knowing that we are here? Does that not increase our pressure?" his expression was wry.

Lin replied, "Focus, him being careless allows us to spot the snakes in the shadows." her voice was cold and firm. 

Talen spoke up next, "I have spotted five till now." he meant the assailants after Yang Dao. 

Kaya did not report until twenty seconds later, "Three, taken down. All Mercenaries."

The other three just shook their heads, they knew Kaya would always be the first person to act. They also got to work. However, the opponent was not a noob. Two Kilometer away, in a five-star hotel room. A man was looking at a laptop screen. 

On the screen, some red dots were flickering and moving. Suddenly, he picked up a phone, typed a message, sent it, and leaned back in his chair. The message content was some sort of code. He sent this code to multiple people. Soon, he received multiple messages. 

The man closed the laptop and said, "Seems like, I will have to hunt this kid by myself." he sighed. This man was the mercenary leader. 


Back at the Central Academic Hall, Lin was following Yang Dao at a distance. She noticed that some snakes left all of a sudden. He spoke in a mic on her collar, "The snakes are retreating. Do not chase. Kaya, if you went on your own, I will have the general deal with you by military law." her voice was low but the chill was very strong. 

Kaya was about to chase the people when she stopped and put forward her argument, "You know I can deal with it."

Lin replied, "And you breaking away means the lag in protection. You better stay here. I will report to the general right now." her argument was sound. Who knows what the opponent might have in store for them. Elementalists were not exclusive to Jewel Nation. They were all at the second level. The opponents turned to be a level three-person. They won\'t be a match for him. 

Kaya stopped after the three people voted for it. They all spread up to make sure that no one was left out in the surroundings. Kaya also decided to clean up the three dead bodies. Yang Dao ate the food with his friends. 

He suddenly glanced at his wristwatch. He saw the time and said, "Senior, I think we should leave. I have to report to the principal." 

Shelby Copper asked, "Why are you getting detained?"

Yang Dao sighed and said, "I gave an exchange student a minor 4 chai-drop. He passed out in the 2nd." 

Carole was drinking a soda, which she spurted out. She looked at Yang Dao and asked, "You missed the other three who ended up with concussions and also the international storm for Crypto nation."

Yang Dao had some guilty conscience, but he defended himself, "That was not my intent."

The group walked back to the car parking. They agreed on Shelby Cooper to ride with Yang Dao on the way back. The boy sat inside the car and took it out of the parking. He opened a door for Shelby when he suddenly felt a strong sense of danger and ducked. 

A bullet pierced through the bulletproof window glass, passed out of the other side grazing Shelby\'s leg. The victim fell to the ground. The rest of the people suddenly saw Shelby fall and were about to move over when Carole said, "Stay back. Someone is sniping them. I will get him back. You guys move back inside the Academic Hall."

She was a special recruit and had been trained to handle situations like this. Just as she was about to move when she saw a burly man running from behind them. He said, "Move back." he threw a projectile below the car. Soon, a dense smoke cloud covered the car. Yang Dao was inside the car, he recognized Talen\'s voice.

Talen quickly dragged Injured Shelby away. Lin appeared and sat down in the passenger seat. She said, "Drive out of here. You are safe inside the car." she then pressed a button on the dash console. Suddenly a secondary glass layer came out from the window gap. It was as thin as a paper. The same thing happened in the windshield. But it was as in a liquid form. 

Yang Dao started the car and drove away. He did not have the time to marvel at the liquid nanoparticle protection system. The traffic was less, but he still did not know where to go. Sensing his trouble Lin said, "I will guide you." 

The boy nodded and drove according to her instructions. On the way, Yang Dao met some car chases but they did not even get close to Yang Dao\'s Quinn. Ten minutes after the chase, the boy gazed at the rearview mirror. He spotted a black car following him. Lin spoke, "It\'s the rest. Don\'t worry."

Yang Dao nodded and drove as per the instructions. Suddenly he applied brakes and made a U drift. Lin asked, "What happened?"

The boy replied, "Caltrops on the road, the tires will burst." he stabilized the car. He accelerated when he saw a motorbike coming straight at them. His senses tingled, and he accelerated the car on the collision course. 

He bent the wind current into a downwind gust. His speed shot up to 300 kph in a few seconds. The man on the bike was the mercenary leader, he was also the one who shot the first bullet that hurt Shelby. Sensing that Yang Dao was not going to deviate from the collision course. He spoke, "Engage plan B, the prey is stubborn."

He leaned slightly to the side to change course as the car rushed at him. How was he to know that Yang Dao had no intentions of letting him go? 

Sensing the assailant changing course, Yang Dao made the car turn suddenly and leveled it out as soon as it fell on a collision course once more. This was unexpected by the biker. He had no time to react when the vehicles. Collided. 


The car rammed the front of the bike, made it flip over. The man collided with the windshield of the car. The impact was too strong that the glass protected by the nanoparticles almost gave in. The bike flew off and over the car. Yang Dao pulled the brakes and stopped the car. The man slid down the hood and fell to the ground with no movement. 

Yang Dao and Lin were panting inside the car. Lin was scared by Yang Dao\'s move, but the boy was panting because of a different reason. At this moment a knife was stuck two inches away from his heart. Yes, when the men collided head-on with the windshield, he placed a palm against the glass, and a crossbow-like weapon shot from his sleeves. 

It must have been very powerful to have shot a knife and get through the nano-particle and ballistic glass. Yang Dao never felt such pain in his body. Lin glanced at him and was shocked. She did not see when this knife flew in. She gazed at Yang Dao\'s chest, picked up her phone, and said, "Dao is hurt. You guys come over soon. We have a serious problem."

As for the man on the ground? He was already dead. At this moment, Ryu Jinshi was disposing of the dead bodies of some local killers, when he vomited a mouthful of blood. The same happened to the other three. They all sensed that Yang Dao being hurt severely. 

Laohu Bai failed Kaya\'s phone, as soon as the call connected she asked, "HOW IS THE YOUNG MASTER?" her voice was agitated and loud. 

Kaya was scared but she still replied quickly, "We met a mercenary attack. Young Master and Lin drove away in the car but later the someone came to attack but the young master, killed the guy, who knew that the assailant will carry out a last-minute suicide attack. At this moment we are moving him to the hospital. A Tungsten flying knife is lodged in his chest. Two inches away from the heart."

Laohu Bai disconnected the call and ran out. She just sent a message to the other three, \'YOUNG MASTER IS HURT.\'

The other three people gave up their work and moved. They could sense Yang Dao\'s situation. Using the spiritual bond they all flew to him. 


Yang Dao was conscious the whole time. He accessed his injury, got out of the car, and said to Victor, "Senior, check this man first."

Lin said, "You stop acting like this, Talen take him to the hospital." her voice was filled with worry. 

Yang Dao said, "I will go, but someone check this man. His injury was not as simple as it may seem. Any sudden pressure can complicate the issue further. Suddenly the knife in his chest started to glow, Yang Dao grabbed the exposed blade and pulled it out with a scream, and threw it away. 


An explosion strong enough to make anyone minced meat sounded. Yang Dao had fallen to the ground with a cavity in his chest, that was leaking blood at a high speed. The four people did not dare delay, they did a basic medical procedure to stop the bleeding and took him to the hospital along with the half-dead mercenary leader. 

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