Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 634 Cloud Key

Seeing that Lin Fan didn\'t say anything in response to this, the little fairy boy didn\'t waste any time as he threw the ring into Lin Fan\'s hand, putting it onto his right hand\'s middle finger.

Then without a single delay, the little fairy boy waved his hand which caused a bright light to appear around Lin Fan.

Lin Fan knew that this bright light meant that he was being sent out of this trial, but he was still confused why the little fairy boy was rushing this. Especially after he had heard about the cloud key.

Could it be that it had some special meaning?

But of course, the little fairy boy didn\'t give him a chance to ask a single thing.

As he left, the last thing that the little fairy boy said was, "Good luck."

However, the way that he said it was very strange. It was almost as if he knew that Lin Fan wouldn\'t survive and this was his last farewell to him.

Still, Lin Fan didn\'t get a chance to clarify as he had been sent out already.

Once Lin Fan was gone, the little fairy boy knitted his brows again as he muttered to himself, "For him to be given the cloud key, it must mean…"

Then he turned around and with a snap of his finger, there was a portal that appeared in front of him. The little fairy boy revealed a determined look and said, "I have to get to the bottom of this."

Then without any hesitation, he walked into the portal, disappearing from the spot.

But what he didn\'t notice was that behind him, there was another small portal that appeared which had an eye peeking out of it.

This portal only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing.

After the flash of light disappeared, Lin Fan found himself back among the stairs that were outside.

Looking around, he didn\'t see anyone else standing there.

It seemed like everyone else had gone into a trial as well to test their luck, but it also seemed like no one had been able to clear a trial as fast as him.

But that didn\'t matter to Lin Fan since it was better for him that no one was around.

He didn\'t want anyone to know that he had cleared the first trial and if he were to use the cloud key in front of someone else, it was impossible for him to hide this information, which was the main reason why he had gone into the safe trial earlier.

The other reason was that he wanted to see what kind of trials the safe trials were and if the information that he received from the statue was correct.

Facts proved that the information that he received was correct, so he wasn\'t worried about the people from the Hunters Organization.

So now Lin Fan turned his focus to the cloud key.

He pulled it out of his Storage Ring and held it in his hand, feeling the energy that came from it.

There was a strange pull that came from the cloud key as he held it in his hand, as if it was telling him where to go.

Lin Fan\'s eyes followed the direction that pull came from and he saw that there were many staircases in that direction, so he had no choice but to follow the pull of the key itself until it led to the specific staircase.

Walking along for several minutes, Lin Fan went past several staircases which he had thought that it would be and he reached a staircase that was very strange looking.

It looked strange because this staircase wasn\'t as tall as the other staircases, but rather this staircase only looked to be around two stories tall and Lin Fan could easily see the top of the staircase.

There was also a gate in front of this staircase, but there wasn\'t a countdown like the rest of the gates. Instead, there was only a single lock that was the same colour as the key in Lin Fan\'s hand.

Lin Fan could tell that the attraction that was coming from the key in his hand was pointed at this staircase, but he couldn\'t help feeling a bit of doubt.

After all, this staircase just looked completely out of place compared to the other ones.

It didn\'t even release an aura like the other staircases, so Lin Fan didn\'t even know if it was safe or not. However, since the statue had said that it was the greatest trial, it should be safe to assume that it was also the most dangerous.

Lin Fan had no reason to attempt this trial since he was just here to help the Hunters Organization, but now that the choice had been put in front of him, he couldn\'t help wanting to take this trial.

After all, this was an Ancient Era Ruin and the rewards that it should give shouldn\'t be that bad.

If this was the greatest trial with the greatest reward…Even he couldn\'t help being tempted by it.

Especially after he had figured out what the Illusion Ring that he had just received did.

It wasn\'t hard to figure out since its function was in its name.

It could create illusions just like what Lin Fan had encountered in the trial he had just faced.

While he couldn\'t create illusions that were as powerful as the ones he had experienced in the trial since his life energy wasn\'t strong enough, the illusions that he created were more than enough to bind anyone in the Embryo Soul Realm. They were even strong enough to temporarily stop people in the Child Soul Realm.

As he became stronger, the illusions would become stronger since this was an artifact that was well beyond his realm. He didn\'t even know the limits of the power that it could release, so this was something that he would be able to use for a long time.

Just one of the safe trials gave him this kind of powerful artifact, he couldn\'t even imagine what the greatest reward would be.

So after a moment of hesitation, Lin Fan still raised the key in the end and popped it into the lock that was on the gate.

The moment that the cloud key was inserted into the gate, there was a strong flash of light before the lock fell to the ground with a strong "thud" sound. After the lock fell off, the gate slowly began to open and it released an aura that immediately sent a chill down Lin Fan\'s back.

However, at the same time, this was an aura that was familiar to him.

As his senses became sharper, he was able to recognize this kind of aura. This was the aura that the girl with the turquoise hair had and more recently, he realized that this was the same aura that his system had.

He knew what this aura represented because Angela and Momonga had told him about it. This was the aura of the gods.

It seemed like this Ancient Era Ruin really was something that was related to the gods from a long time ago.

He couldn\'t help suddenly remembering what Huang Xiao Hou had once told him.

Huang Xiao Hou had told him that it was the gods that had summoned both of them to this world.

Perhaps he would be able to find an explanation for his reincarnation if he were to take this trial?

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, Lin Fan no longer hesitated and walked right towards the opened gate.

As he passed through, there was a flash of light that appeared and then he lost his consciousness.

This was different from the other times that he had been transported, this time he had been completely knocked out and didn\'t have any awareness of what was happening.

After Lin Fan walked through the gate, the gate suddenly slammed shut and the entire staircase disappeared from where it had once been standing. In an instant, it was as if there was nothing that had been there.

Far above these plains, standing in the clouds was the buff statue and the woman in the blue dress.

The two of them were standing right above where the staircase that Lin Fan had entered had been, intensely staring at where Lin Fan had disappeared from.

For the longest time, neither of them said a single thing, but then the buff statue broke the silence by saying, "Is this the right thing to do?"

The woman in the blue dress gave a sigh before saying, "He\'s not doing his job, so we have no choice but to interfere."

The buff statue had a hesitant look on his face and he was silent for a while before he finally said, "Perhaps he has his own reason? You don\'t know what could have happened in the thousands of years that we\'ve been dormant."

The woman in the blue dress didn\'t seem to acknowledge his words at first as she just silently stared down below, but then she shook her head and said, "No, I could feel his aura when that child walked past me. It didn\'t seem right…"

The buff statue revealed a confused look when he heard this as he asked, "Didn\'t seem right? What do you mean?"

The woman in the blue dress once again didn\'t respond right away. Based on the look on her face, it was like she was thinking about how to answer.

After another long silence, she finally said, "It\'s almost as if he\'s hesitating…but what would he have to hesitate about? Hasn\'t our mission been the same ever since the Great War?"

The buff statue knitted his brows, but he didn\'t say anything.

The two of them just stood in silence, looking down at the plains beneath them.

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