Book Eater

Chapter 292: INVIDIA (4)

Chapter 292: INVIDIA (4)

“「 I speak to you, the godking who has fallen asleep on the Mag Tuired Plains―」”

The magic circle under Theo’s feet emitted a gentle light as it sucked in mana. It wasn’t actually necessary to provide magic power in summoning magic. The magic circle would create an osmotic pressure to equalize the difference in mana concentration between the material world and the magic circle.

“「 You, with the golden hair of the sun, and the red cloak that guides to victory. You, the honored king whose lost arm was replaced with silver, once wielded a sword that destroys wickedness. 」”

It was a story that didn’t exist in the current age. This was a summoning spell based on the biography of the godking of the god clan, Nuada Airgetlám. Theo had to consume most of the Library’s remaining points in order to recreate this spell. An ordinary person might not know, but the value of a forgotten myth was literally endless. The spell that borrowed the power of a forgotten god was actually 9th Circle magic.

Keraunos, a lightning god descended from Zeus. Gungnir, a blessing destined to always hit the target. The bow that could shoot down the sun with one arrow. Theo was casting a spell that went beyond those.

“「 You, who have welcomed the three women of destiny as wives, who once withdrew from your place and regained your throne... A warrior with more fairness and courage than anyone else, Lia Fail shouted at your coronation, and the noon sun was your crown. 」”

A forgotten god was still a god. Even a great magician who achieved the pinnacle of magic couldn’t arbitrarily call upon such a mighty existence. Normally, one needed at least one million people and four dragon hearts. Nuada Airgetlám wasn’t a lower level god but their king, the most famous of them all.

So any summoner, even Theo, would have to pay a fair price.

... If I didn’t have Claimhb Solais...

Funnily enough, the sword he’d taken from the empire’s Seven Swords was the key.

One of the four treasures of the Elin, a sword that symbolizes Nuada Airgetlám... A treasure that no one has escaped once it is pulled from its sheath, a treasure that they have to respond to.

The god clan was a contradiction. They were part of the material world and disappeared after death, but remained behind in the world to respond to calls and prayers. However, it wasn’t easy to contact a god. A divine message and calling a god down were national events, where only the wills of many people praying together would make it succeed.

“「 I swear, this is to fight against evil. 」”

Thus, this summoning was technically cheating.

“「 I swear, this is a just fight! 」”

Then again, a monster that had been gathering power for five hundred years was also cheating.

“「 I swear, this is a fight to save the world! 」”

The pressure from the magic circle grew stronger as Theo shouted the last words to Nuada, who still showed no signs of coming. The promised time was three minutes. If Veronica was killed because he was a few seconds late, Theo would punch even the godking.

- ... Aha.

Was Theo’s desperate cry heard?

- Ahahahaha!?

An excited laugh rang out in his head. It was so clear and cheerful, without the slightest hint of malice as it echoed across the sky.

The voice of godking Nuada was truly great.

- Yes, that’s it! Rather than defeating evil, carrying out justice or saving the world, a woman is the most precious!

If you’re a man, you should save a woman who loves you! I, Nuada Airgetlám, admire that honest aspiration!

Theo asked hesitantly.

Are you really the godking?

- You summoned me with my sword. There have been many who have tried to borrow my strength so far, but this is the first time a mage wanted to manifest my body directly.


Of course, it was natural. He could have obtained a blessing or even some of the godking’s power if he sacrificed Claimhb Solais. Most people wouldn’t be crazy enough to use it directly to summon Nuada. It wasn’t unreasonable for Nuada to wonder why.

The enemy has to be killed at any cost.

That was enough. Summoning magic opened up Theo’s soul, attracting the existence of another world. In the process, information about Envy naturally flowed into the consciousness connected to him. Nuada fell silent for a moment as he digested the information.

- ...?Invader, who was left behind in this world.

Theo was confused as he felt the deep burning hatred and anger flowing from Nuada. Did Nuada Airgetlám have an antagonistic relationship with the Seven Sins which stemmed back to the Age of Mythology? But before Theo could ask, a hand emerged from the light of the summoning circle. It was white like marble, and its forearm was wrapped in silver armor.

As his divine hand grasped Claimhb Solais, Nuada Airgetlám whispered in a low and cold voice.

- Indeed, now I understand your request. Fighting evil, saving the world, fighting for justice. There is no stage more suitable for this Nuada.

The last step of the summoning magic was… the other party’s consent! The godking Nuada accepted the summoning to this material world.

At that moment...



The ground bulged as an explosion went off several kilometers beneath the surface. An elderly man was calmly wielding a white flame and a sword as he blocked a storm of attacks. Every time Veronica’s fists met Invidia’s blade, the ground would shake. The lava that could melt metal wasn’t much different from lukewarm water for both beings.

As she erupted from a magma river, Veronica thought despairingly.

Dammit, this monster! It seems to be getting stronger and stronger?

Veronica was losing ground with every exchange. The dragon scales on her body were cracked and bleeding all over her body.

“You’re still telegraphing too much. Your breathing is simple. Do you have no experience learning martial arts?” Invidia remarked.

Invidia wasn’t actually pulling out more power. It was simply drawing from the battle experience from all the swordmasters it had absorbed to move one step ahead of Veronica. If she tried to punch him, a sword would end up at her collarbone. Her speed and power were superior, but it was clear that her battle experience was lacking.

“You’re on the defensive, but your strength has a limit.” Invidia closed the gap instantly.

Roland’s Rapier Sword. Penetration - Reverse Thrust.

The power of Penetration, the ability to half-neutralize physical strength, pierced Veronica’s shoulder. She reflexively swung at Invidia and leaped backward, grunting as she reached up to staunch the bleeding. “Ouch! How many Aura Abilities are you capable of, you monster...!”

The Rapid ability that made her speed look slow, the Penetration that made it through defense magic and dragon scales, and the Super Heavy Sword that matched the destructive power of magic… they were the best abilities of this age.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Invidia’s strength, which could freely use dozens of Aura Abilities, had reached the same level as a transcendent.

「 пламя нож (Flame Sword)! 」

She used Dragon Words to gather four scorching 7th Circle spells and merged them into one sword. It was an application of magic that would normally never work, but it wasn’t impossible with the strength of Dragon Words.

She had only one chance to turn the tables. “Turn to ashes!”

She unleashed a flaming storm that seemed to burn the sky and the earth!

“You want to rely on the advantage of your destructive power? It is a foolish judgment.” Invidia brought his greatsword down in a single slash.

Quadruple Compound Hidden Technique. Heavy Sword - 0th Technique, World Break. Severe Earthquake - Great Strike. Storm Force - Decisive Storm Bringer. Amplification - Transcendent Power.

Four Aura Abilities, one from a swordmaster who had single handedly symbolized Andras and the others from swordmasters of equal renown, were combined and amplified beyond their original limits.

Veronica’s flames were cut in twain without ever reaching Invidia’s armor. It was simply too strong. But despite their disparity, they were both living natural disasters, and a horrifying explosion rocked the mantle of the earth.


Once she regained consciousness, Veronica felt a sense of defeat.

...?Ah, owww...

Her crimson scales had disappeared, and she couldn’t feel the horns on her head. Her body had determined that it couldn’t maintain its draconic state anymore and released it. Her heart, normally filled with magic power, felt sluggish and empty, and she couldn’t even move a finger, making her feel helpless. She wanted to lose consciousness, but she bit her tongue and barely stayed awake.

This place?

The wind that tickled her skin and the warm sunshine meant that she was above ground. They had been fighting several kilometers underground, but that last explosion had sent her body flying toward the surface. Her draconic form had been released shortly after. Otherwise, Veronica would’ve been destroyed without a trace.

“You’re awake?” Invidia’s sword touched her neck. “It would’ve been more comfortable if you’d never woken up.”

Veronica snarled, “... Don’t... make me… laugh!”

Invidia chuckled, “What, don’t be so boorish. You did well. This is the most power I’ve ever consumed since I founded Andras. I praise you, Meltor’s Red Tower Master, Veronica.”

Veronica looked upward as she felt death inevitably creeping toward her. Invidia had recognized her strength. It had judged that ‘Red Tower Master Veronica’ could become an obstacle in the future and had decided to kill her to remove this variable. In a sense, it could be called an acknowledgement.

... Ah, I am going to die here?

Veronica wasn’t the type to beg for her life. She looked up at the clouds in the distant sky as the blade swung down. There were still fifteen seconds left in the three minutes she had promised to Theo.

The kid will somehow be able to do something. I did my best, so don’t be too disappointed.

Veronica closed both eyes.

Damn, if I knew it would end like this, I would’ve kissed him once.

Invidia didn’t say anything as a blue aura gathered on his blade. But just as the blade was about to cut into Veronica’s neck…


A massive pillar of divine light rose into the sky a few kilometers away. Lairon’s strength was like a firefly compared to this light. The glory of the gods, which had vanished after the Age of Mythology, had finally returned to this material world.

Veronica’s weary body felt reinvigorated as the light bathed her, while Invidia just stared in shock.

“... This presence, this light! That’s impossible. It can’t be! What are they trying to do?” Invida forgot about Veronica and immediately started heading for the pillar. If he was being summoned, Invidia had no time to waste. There were only a few existences that could destroy a 6th stage Seven Sins, and the owner of this presence was one of them.

“Gluttony! Do you think I will let you do this?” Invidia’s anger, resentment, and nervousness was clear in its voice as it cut a path through space with all its might.

Zest’s Footwork Hidden Technique. Kill Interval.

Invidia’s body appeared between the five men standing before the summoning circle the moment after Nuada agreed to Theo’s summoning request.

“You dare to act so foolishly in front of me…?!”

Invidia’s face distorted like a demon from hell as it reached for Theo, who was standing within the summoning circle. If Invidia had come ten seconds later, the summoning would’ve succeeded first. It recognized the owner of the hand holding Claimhb Solais; it was undoubtedly the godking Nuada, someone who could destroy a 6th stage Seven Sins.

Even still, the five masters didn’t feel despair. They could hold off this monster for ten seconds. But exactly eight seconds later…


Randolph was thrown out with both arms crushed.

Kuoock, urgh... Avoid it!”


As soon as Edwin grabbed his bow, his left arm had been severed, and he desperately held his abdomen closed as blood bubbled between his fingers. Ellaim was downed a few meters away, blood pooling around his body from a savage slash across his neck. Orta was completely unconscious and half buried in a boulder.

They’d risk their lives to block Invidia? They could do it somehow?

The masters regretted the stupid thoughts they had a few seconds ago. Once Invidia had gotten serious, it wasn’t even a fight. Theo, Blundell, and Veronica were the only ones who had realized it from the beginning.

There were only two seconds left. But those two seconds were an eternity. Invidia could strike Theo more than a hundred times in those two seconds.

“―Haha,” Blundell laughed bitterly.


The sword that was moments away from beheading Theo froze, as Blundell threw the last sparks of his life into his spell. Invidia might be a monster, but even it couldn’t completely ignore the ultimate spell, Time Stop. But as Gluttony had said, there was a fundamental difference in standing, so Time Stop would only work for a few seconds.

But a few seconds was all they needed.

[I will remember the dedication that you showed at the end of your life.]

The ancient golden haired king who walked out of the summoning circle praised Blundell warmly. He might be an existence revered by countless people, but he was still awed by the determination of the magician. However, his words fell on deaf ears. Even Nuada Airgetlám didn’t have the power to revive a dead man.

“... Blundell.”

The moment that Blundell stopped Invidia with the last of his life, he greeted the grim reaper who had been waiting for a long time. Even so, there was no regret on his face.

Theo’s eyes filled with fierce anger. “This summoner, Theodore Miller, will dare to petition the king of the Tuatha Dé Danann.”

Filled with resentment for the reality that he couldn’t overcome with his power, Theo shouted angrily, “Please destroy Invidia, Envy of the Seven Sins!”

[... The forgotten king, Nuada Airgetlám...]

A righteous anger aimed a blade at the source of calamity.

[... will punish this evil!]

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