My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 121 - Testing The Theory

Alan nodded to tell him that he finally understood, if it hadn\'t been for Erik that day, he probably would have gone to the warehouse to buy a Healing potion high grade, but since it was Erik who had been injured, his emotions had taken over his rationality.

What Kevin then said surprised him even more : "I haven\'t asked you that yet, but I guess that if you can introduce the particles into a Talisman paper, you have to be able to absorb them too, right ?"

Alan nodded waiting for more and Kevin continued : "I want you to absorb the darkness particles that are inside this Talisman paper, according to the System the amount of particles that are inside is enough for you to create an affinity with this element.

Once you have absorbed them, try to meditate to see if you are able to see the darkness particles alongside the others, what do you say about it ? It\'s worth a try, right ?"

Alan at this point didn\'t quite know what to think, Kevin who came from a completely different world than theirs, had also a different way of seeing things, and if he was the one who was right … It didn\'t cost anthing to try.

Alan then said to him : "Okay, let\'s try ! To use the Talisman papers it\'s quite simple, the color of the Talisman paper represents the color of the particles of this element."

Alan took out a Fire Talisman paper from his own magic bag and said : "I haven\'t finished completing this one yet, it\'s a Fire Talisman paper and it can hold up to 10 000 fire particles inside.

10 000 fire particles can allow you to create a spell of maximum level 5, if you want to use more powerful spells you will have to use more Talisman papers, because there is no Talisman paper that can contain more than 10 000 particles."

Alan paused and watched him closely, there was no sign of fatigue on his face anymore and he seemed to be doing pretty well, so he asked him before continuing : "How are you feeling ? I need an honest answer."

Kevin then said to him : "I\'m fine, I didn\'t have dizziness and I didn\'t have a headache today ... I didn\'t take a nap either, I think Ashton\'s remedy was very effective."

Alan thought so too, he couldn\'t have recovered so quickly otherwise, so he continued to teach him how to use the talisman papers : "Listen, the best way to learn it\'s to see it by yourself, only like that you will be able to really understand how it works.

I allow you to meditate to observe how I introduce the fire particles inside this Fire Talisman paper, if you feel that something is wrong, stop immediately, do not force it, okay ?"

Kevin couldn\'t believe it, Alan was really letting him meditate, what kind of miracle was that ... So, before he could change ​his mind he quickly nodded and sat cross-legged, he then closed his eyes and only a few breaths later he managed to see the first particles appear around him.

He concentrated on the fire particles and he then saw a bright red rectangle which had to be the Fire Talisman paper of Alan.

He activated his perception skill curious to see what kind of information he might have and a notification appeared above the talisman paper.

[ ITEM ]

Fire Talisman paper large size : 8 756 / 10 000

Kevin was pleasantly surprised that he could follow the progress of filling a Talisman paper in real time, it would be really helpful when he needed to fill it one himself.

And it was then that he saw the fire particles approaching the Talisman paper and being like sucking through it.

Only, Kevin quickly realized that the fire particles he saw must have been only a fragment of the total of those around him because he could see the Fire Talisman paper counter scrolling much faster than he was able to see the fire particles.

He then heard Alan\'s voice saying to him : "Now look carefully, I will directly absorb the fire particles which are in my Fire Talisman paper."

Kevin concentrated on the Fire Talisman paper again and he saw the fire particles come out of it and move towards some sort of black hole just above it, which must have been Alan\'s hand, well that\'s what he assumed.

He decided to open his eyes again to see if he was right, and that sort of black hole was really Alan\'s hand.

Kevin was truly excited now, he had just learned how to use the Talisman papers, at least how to fill them up and absorb the particles that were inside.

As for directly using the particles that were inside to create spells, he would probably have to wait until he could see the particles without meditating to be able to do so.

Now that he had already experienced it during the fight against the Elite Warrior Vampire, he couldn\'t wait to be able to use the particles of the elements again in this way.

But now what he wanted to know was if his theory was correct, so he told Alan when he removed his hand that was on top of the Fire Talisman paper : "That was so cool ! And I will try to do it as soon as you give me your consent to meditate again.

But now, what if you try to see if you can create an affinity with the darkness element ... Imagine, if my theory is correct, that will mean your Fire spells will be able to do 300% more damage than before if you mix them with the darkness element."

Alan\'s feelings were all messed up, if his Fire spells thanks to the Darkness element could really do 300% more damage … Then he would become strong enough to be able to protect them all and prevent what happened in the purple dungeon from happening again.

He then said to Kevin : "Okay, it\'s time to try your theory ! Give me half an hour which should be enough for me to absorb the darkness particles and then I will try to see them while meditating.

In the meantime, write to me on a sheet of paper where you are in your element levels, and what the system has provided you to increase your Soul force points, give me all the information that you find usefull.

You must as quickly as possible reach the 1 000 Soul force points so that you will be able to see and introduce the particles directly into your spells."

Kevin nodded and immediately pulled out a sheet of paper and a pencil. As Alan began to absorb the darkness particles, he began to write down the level of all of his elements along with the amounts of particles he still had to get to level up.

Then, he wrote to him the level of his current Soul force which was 266 and how thanks to the System he could increase it quickly.

3 hours of meditation per day earned him 6 Soul force points and 100 experience points.

Every time he leveled up he would gain 1 Soul force point, and the most important of all was the rewards he earned when he crafted potions.

Crafting a low grade potion earned him 1 Soul force point and 10 experience points, and these were only for the low grade potions, he was eager to find out how much he would earn when he would be able to craft medium grade potions.

He also wrote that he needed 100 Soul force point and 5 minutes to craft one low grade potion.

And, that thanks to the items he already had, he could increase his Soul force by 930 points.

Kevin was happy that Alan wanted to increase his Soul force as quickly as possible because the higher it would be, the more he would be able to copy high level spells as well.

He looked up when he heard the front door and saw that Axel and Erik were back.

Axel walked over to him and kissed him tenderly, while Erik stood in the doorway and frowned looking at Alan.

He asked Kevin while still looking at Alan : "Why is he meditating ? He had promised me he wouldn\'t do it until tomorrow."

Kevin motioned for him to come over, and when Erik was sitting next to them around the coffee table of the living room, he explained his theory to them and what Alan was trying to do.

Erik opened his eyes wide in surprise, if that was true and Alan could truly create an affinity with the darkness element, he would become the first mage to be able to use the light and darkness element … Apart from Kevin of course.

Axel then asked him : "What are you doing babe ?"

Kevin showed him the sheet of paper he had just finished and explained to them : "Alan wants to know how I can increase my Soul force points with the help of my System and he wants me to reach 1 000 Soul force points as quickly as possible."

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