Nameless King

Chapter 665 Home (Part 1)

The fiery scroll glowed brightly, then it disintegrated into small particles that scattered in the air.

"All set...?" Kobe uttered while in disbelief.

"Yeah." Linda nodded, "If you break your oath, your body will be covered in scarlet flames as your heart explodes. Only I can spare you from that, so you had better not break the oath that you took."

Kobe and Veltrug nodded.

"Fine." Luar said with a satisfied smile on his face as he spread his arms apart and headed for Linda, "Now, command your monsters to do the same and surrender. It\'s time to end this drunken war, isn\'t it?"

"Sure." They responded simultaneously as their auras intensified while seals lit up on the monsters.

"Linda, you did a great job." Luar smiled as he moved closer to her.

"You shouldn\'t..." Linda shook her head, "I didn\'t take part in the battle. I just used one skill, that\'s all I did."

"Huh, you always underestimate yourself." Luar smirked, grabbed her chin, and kissed her.

Linda\'s eyes went wide as she tried to push Luar away from her, but her strokes were weak and soft which gave away her true intentions.

\'Well, Luar certainly isn\'t the kind of man who would be satisfied with just one woman.\' Wain inwardly muttered with an awkward look, \'Though he seems willing to do more for her than for others... Her fire is quite strong...\'


Linda stepped aside and with a worried look shouted, "Mr. Luar, what are you doing!"

"Heh, do you mind? At least I didn\'t feel it." Luar smirked.

"No... I\'m not talking about the kiss... your lips, they..." Linda muttered as she looked at Luar\'s burnt lips.

"Oh, you mean that? Don\'t worry, my powers have to do with fire too, after all." Luar said as he smiled weakly.

[The two owners of Voids admitted their defeat!]

[Luar Jacquinot, owner of Golden Fire Forest won the war!]

[Azure Lake and Frozen Hills are now part of Golden Fire Forest!]

[Due to the special conditions of the end of the war, the two previous owners are still in charge of these territories except for Luar Jacquinot!]

"Just in time." Luar muttered with a satisfied look.

"Shit... This system is pretty unfair, isn\'t it?" Wain uttered as he frowned, "I was in the war, but I got nothing. What the fuck is this? Who came up with that?!"

"Hahaha, Wain, stop being so mean, we accomplished our original goal!" Luar laughed.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Wain asked while in confusion.

"For Frigus there were too hot, so I fixed that problem! Onward to Azure Lake!" Luar exclaimed as he threw off his outer clothing.

\'Now I definitely regret not running to Last Light on foot with the Light Racer...\' Wain inwardly muttered while staring at the departing Luar with a detached look.

\'Sure, it might have taken us a whole day, but you wouldn\'t have had to go through all this.\' Light Racer said with a serious look while holding his arms crossed.

\'Heh, I disagree. There might have been difficult trails and dangers along the way as you still can\'t fly.\' Blind Sorcerer smirked, \'That was pretty fun, moreover, your friend got stronger, isn\'t that a good thing?

"I don\'t even want to know which of you two is right." Wain sighed as he shook his head.


After a while, all the monsters from the four Void ended up in Azure Lake. The idea seemed strange to everyone since the war had just ended, but Luar\'s optimism gradually affected everyone, so when Frigus plunged into the water the others followed him.

"My head... Now I\'m not sure I should have drank so much..." Frigus uttered with a pained look as he held his hand to his head, "But... Cool water is the best thing to have in this situation..."

"Though I didn\'t think it would come to this, I have to agree with you." Wain muttered as he placed his hands on the rocky edges of the lake in a relaxed manner.

"Ahahahahaha, this is incredible! Look! I\'m riding a crocodile!" Luar exclaimed while floating in the middle of the lake on the back of a monster that strongly resembled a crocodile.

"Damn. It was as if he had turned into a child. His joy is the sincerest I\'ve ever seen." Elegan muttered with a slight smile on his face.

"Hmm? What\'s wrong with Mr. Luar rejoicing?" Linda frowned before sinking into the water next to Frigus, "He just won a war against two Voids! That\'s a serious achievement!"

"Yeah. Maybe you\'re right." Reto said who finally didn\'t have a bottle of wine in his hand, "We\'ll have to do something like that too."

"You think we need to get new territories?" Wain asked as he waved his hand.

"I don\'t know. I just think winning the war is cool." Reto shrugged, "Sarras, I thought you said we needed to capture other Voids, didn\'t you?"

"It\'s not critical right now. Elegan said we still haven\'t made the most of the current territories and I totally agree with him." Sarras said as he was almost completely submerged.

Elegan just nodded in an accepting manner.

"Linda, I don\'t mean to be rude, but could you please swim away from me?" Frigus said with a calm look.

"Hmm? Is there something you don\'t like?" Linda frowned.

"No. It\'s that you\'re too hot." Frigus said in a confident voice.


Elegan and Reto coughed as Wain\'s eyes went wide while Linda\'s face flushed heavily.

"W-What!? What are you talking about!" Linda exclaimed with a confused look.

"You misunderstood me. I mean, you\'re literally too hot. Look." Frigus pointed to the water next to Linda that was already boiling because of the high temperature.

"Damn, you could have said it differently!" Lina exclaimed with a confused look, "I just need to control my energy. It\'s very simple!"

Linda sighed, calmed down, and the water gradually became cool again.

\'Well, maybe I wasn\'t wrong after all.\' Wain inwardly muttered as a smile appeared on his face.

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