Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 112: Traveling together

Chapter 112: Traveling together

\'~say my name ~say my name\' i sang in my head, as Sol called out my real name. It was a little childish, but I felt a rush of excitement as he eyed me up and down.

With a cold, calculating frown, he clenched his fist, "He is a true demon. Be on the lookout for him." he coldly said, handing us two wanted posters.

"And this other... damn, she is hot," I yelled as Lilith chopped my head.

"tsk, that\'s his plaything...they say Yura was tricked by him, causing her to be brainwashed. It\'s quite the sad story, but that monster is said to have been raping her for months." Sol said as he took us into a large camp, "you two can stay here. We will talk about prices later for dinner."

Looking at sols back, I smiled as he faded off into the distance, "Plaything?"

Snorting, Lilith nodded, "Agreed, if anything, you\'re my plaything?" she said with an awe-inspiring expression.

"Oh really," I yelled, taking her into my arms as she shuttered with excitement, "Shall we see."

"Ummm, maybe I should come back?" A childlike voice suddenly said.

Looking off to the side at the small child in our room, I frowned as Lilith hopped off me, looking at the young boy with an embarrassed expression. "No... it\'s fine. What is it," she weakly urged.

"Sol said dinner will have to wait we will be leaving now...our scouts came back informing us of a few Saint beast in the area. It best if we leave now. We are breaking down tents." the young boy said before running off.

Following behind, Lilith and I grew amazed at how quickly these mercenaries were ready to leave within a few minutes. The most notable thing being that were over a hundred soldier working as one. A look of panic could be seen as Sol stepped up, "Let\'s go, boys; Darth Vader and Leia are with us now. Our mission is to return them to the City of Tulum."

With one final yell, we fled in a hurry. I could feel the panic in some of these soldiers as we raced through the forest. From the map I got from Flex, I knew we were about two weeks away from the city of Tulum or if something happened.

Sweat quickly began to ooze from some of the soldiers in heavy armor as we maneuvered through the thick forest. Feeling the vibrations getting closer, Sol bellowed, "We need to pick up the pace. Fighting a saint beast is asking for death. Move your asses!!! Pick up the damn pace."

His words were harsh and dark, but somehow the men all seem to roar as they rushed forward. Seeing this, Lilith smiled, "He is good at raising morale. You can learn a thing or two from him."

"Please... I\'m not a leader, more a strategist, you on the other hand. Would make a fine king or queen. interested?"

Opening her mouth wide, Lilith blushed as she nodded to my surprise "umn."

The hours quickly began to pass as night descended, but the beast was still hot on our trail. With a light smile, I willed a veil of darkness to cover the night sky as sweat began to pour from my head. Tasting the cold air against my flesh, I sensed the beast beginning to give up as its aura began to fade, allowing me to relax as I released the darkness.

"You alright?\' Lilith asked in a hushed tone as I felt many eyes watching us. No one knew what I did, but I knew they needed to keep an eye on us.

"Yeah...just tired," I replied in an uneven breath as Sol and his crew came to a stop.

"Looks like your woman is more man than you," A large muscular man roared in laughter as he patted my shoulder, "Names Al, Girl, you must be one hell of a beast, not even a drop of sweat after all that running." he roared slapping my back with his powerful arms.

"She does a lot of riding," I yelled as the man roared in laughter. Lilith seemed confused for a second before turning red hot as she covered her face with her hands. A look of embarrassment quickly filled her as I could feel Lil Arsene beginning to rise. oohhhh damn, even that little does it. Is public sex going to steps, Arsene Baby Steps. However, I was walking before I crawled.

With a chuckled, I eyed her seductive curves with lust before turning to Al, who grew a little more serious, "I\'m here to talk about price..."

"200,000," I lightly said, "it\'s fair, don\'t you think?"

"250,000," he countered with a cunning smile, "It\'s a dangerous forest."

"245,000, and I cook whatever you have available," I said as he arched his brow,

"Captain did say you were not a noble guess; I guess this proves it. Deal." He said, shaking my hand as he nodded towards Lilith, " Cheer up, girl, you must be new to Godwin. You in for a wild awakening. The woman there will eat you alive."

"Huh," she responded as Al laughed, leaving with a smile.

Flashing my bright teeth, Lilith kicked my shin as she blushed, "Dumb Dumb."

With a chuckled, we watched as the Mercenary Group Blue Cross created another encampment within a few hours. A satisfied gleam flashed through Sol\'s eyes as he saw me preparing the stew.

"What brings you out here," I asked, taking a sip.

"We were hunting a chimera but failed. NOt matter how long we searched, we could not find any of its tracks." Sol responded as he waved his arms to his men, "it\'s ready."

Pouring myself and Lilith a bowl, I hummed in response, "I\'m assuming Tulum contracted you. or was it a private contractor."

"you ask a lot of questions," he said with sharp eyes.

"I\'m heading there. Do you think I want to live there if a chimera attacks?" I sarcastically said as Al roared in laugher.

"Come on, cap, just tell him, and try this shit...this boy can cook...I may have to marry him. Woman, can you cook like him. This boy may be too lucky if you can. "

Shaking her head, loud laughter filled my ears as Lilith blushed, sending me a side glance. "it\'s humiliating, but she is the muscle of the sugar mama if you will." I said with a prideful expression.

Hearing my words, everyone paused as they bellowed in laughter. It was a little embarrassing, but it\'s true. While I could now fight evenly with Lilith, her Artes skills were way higher than mine. It\'s like she was born simply to kill.

"Yeah - yeah, laugh it up but, I\'m all for a sugar mama. She cares for me right," I yelled as more laughter sounded. I even got a response from Sol as he turned his head snickering.

"V-v-v-v," Lilith stuttered as I felt a chill down my spine.

"Darth Vader," I corrected, taking a step away out of the kill zone.

"You two are a riot. Get some sleep. We will see you all in the morning." Al said as he knocked back all his soup with a gulp.

Stepping away, we entered our small tent as Lilith and I quickly laid beside each other. Allowing Mother to take my eyes slowly. I had not truly fallen asleep, but it was enough to get some rest and stay vigilant, although I didn\'t need to sleep anymore. Sleeping in itself was enjoyable, not to mention gazing into the darkness was training.

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