Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 354: Lori Emhore - Released

Chapter 354: Lori Emhore - Released

"There, your grace!" I pointed towards the base of the mountain where it would occur, where her excellency came to me.

The Mountain of Dreams, the single peak within Midgard said to allow one to speak with their chosen god. It was a sacred ground hidden by the people of Sa\'ar in hopes of growing closer to Hati and Skoll.

"So this is the place? Spoken in silence by the local men and woman?" Tala gracefully said, holding her head high and her eyes low. Her hands were tightly crossed, with an almost permanent scowl that could cut paper.

"Yes," I faintly replied, lowering my head.

Sensing her inhuman gaze piercing into my heart, I lowered into a graceful bow. Tracing her eyes off of me, she tapped her fingers against her crossed arms as if to think.

"May I have it now?" Flan, the local fellow we had to guide us, asked with a sheepish grin. Tossing his pouch filled with Ether crystals, my heart clenched the moment he caught the pouch. Witnessing his entire head explode into a fine mist, the chilling presence of Tala attracted everyone\'s attention.

Pulling out an autistic handkerchief, she elegantly wiped her palms clean without a second thought. Her silver dress stood stain, appearing like scarlet clouds dancing upon her.

"Now then, I suspect you can lead us the rest of the way?" Tala faintly said, not giving the stains that graced her dress a second thought. Noticing the cutting edge grin that lifted on her lips, I nodded.

"Yes, I have with me the Guiding Light of Ashna." I faithfully told.

"For your sake and your families, I truly hope so."

Bowing once more, I peered towards the fearful eyes of everyone around. "Rejoice," I cheered, "For we are a night\'s journey away! By the time we stop once more, you shall all be saved by the Guiding Light of Ashna. So rejoice, for the time has finally come!"

Spreading my aura once more over Ashna\'s lost lambs, their aura began to brighten with hope. Tears were but a common sight as faints\' cries of joy echoed. They could feel it from my power; they could feel the grace of Ashna!"

Taking to the skies, I hovered over my people alongside Tala, who remained silent more so than usual. She could feel it, too, couldn\'t she. I know she can, for I can also feel it—the ever so slight air of divinity within the air.

Leading the lost lambs through the mountains covered in a silver blanket, the excitement within grew stronger and stronger. The sun had already turned amber, bringing with it dark clouds that seemed to cover most of the Azure skies.

The mountain of dreams was cool, unlike the rest of this island that remains hot and moist. It was snowing, but a chill never ran through anyone. Instead, we felt warmth and, in some ways, loved.

"What is this?" Tala fearfully muttered, holding a fiendish grimace.

"It\'s Ashna\'s Light," I told, spreading my arms wide, "Can you not feel it? We are loved, Your Grace. For we are here lambs, returning into her arms once more."

"Woman, I shall have your head if you keep talking. Contain yourself, or I shall, for it will not be just snow falling upon this mountain."

Holding my tongue once more, I merely smiled. There were no words that needed to be spoken, for when she descends, all shall kneel. Tala shall learn her place before the light.

Wisping through the air, the breeze hummed against my hair as night slowly began to creep from the depts.

Coming to a halt, our eyes fell upon a flat plot of land. It was flat far, flatter than what a mountain needed to be, but there resided two large statues of wolves bearing down. Its gazed carried a mighty weight that made one wish to kneel. It was heavy and captivating, soothing the very minds of those that gazed upon it.

Yet they stood grandly untouched by snow or wind at the entrance. Skimming past Skoll and Hati, the echoes of hushed murmurs were carried into the wind bring with the whispers of chatter of what was to come.

Strolling towards the center with Tala following closely behind, she stopped a few arms lengths away, revealing nothing. Like a blank sheet, she stared. Awaiting for what was to come.

"So you all made it," A cold metallic voice spoke in a way that reminded me of Tala. Feeling the shift of space, two beings appeared.

"Ragnar, and I believe you are Andor, Arsene\'s little nemesis." Tala fearlessly stated, holding onto the grace that would never end.

"Indeed," said a man with sharp azure eyes and a rather nordic style hair. It was cut at the sides and long at the top, falling into a braid behind his head. He was handsome, appearing rather manly and rugged at a single glance.

He held me in his sights, sizing me up and down, before carrying his icy eyes towards my lady. Yet, nothing seemed to hold his attention for long.

"Are you ready?" He faintly asked without much care, returning his attention to me.

"Not before I figure out what is going on. What are you two doing here?" Tala darkly asked.

"Following orders," Said Andor, with a faint smile that did not meet his eyes. "our boss has grown rather apprehensive at the disappearance of Arsene, so he sent us to make sure everything goes according to plan. He was supposed to be here. I wouldn\'t suppose you know where he is? "

"That devil here?" Tala gracefully asked before a glint of realization appeared, "Abaddon." She whispered.

Receiving a simple nod, Andor flicked his sleeve, "Indeed. We lost track of him at the mirrored lake, and now all that is left is a bunch of rats."

"Why not come out." Ragnar effortlessly said, appearing rather uninteresting concerning this entire matter.

"You are quite perceptive," An unfamiliar effeminate voice resounded. "But it has been a very long time, has it not? My Dear Stepmother?"

"Wretched whore. It would seem like the gods are looking quire fairly onto me." Tala scornfully mustered, arching her head high.

Cracking her head, Zanris enchanting lips lifted into the air, draining the color of the world, "Master, is not here to control Zan anymore," She said, moving along with the very winds. "Don\'t do this, do not do that. Master is no longer here to hold Zan down. Zan is finally free!"

Clenching, my shoulder Ragnar\'s indifference began to fade to pure horror as the silver moon began to bleed a scarlet moonlight.

"Shall I show you what a Lilim of the Nine Hells is capable of?"

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