Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 380: Greyson Snow - Master

Chapter 380: Greyson Snow - Master

"What the hell do you mean?" I shouted in the most respectable tone possible before the two monsters before me.

"I see potential in you, Greyson. So much that I feel it\'s wasted here. My granddaughter wishes me to take the abyssal Children to the Celestrial Palace and have them rule under me, but my wife here will take them. What I want are you and your brother." The Stranger stated as if I had no say but noticing at the alert grimace of Zelvak by my side. I could not help but be a little frightful of these two.

"Feng, stop playing games with them. This is Yura\'s grandfather Tang Feng, and I am Mo Chou, his wife." A rather attractive woman kindly explained, gently smiling at me. She was not especially beautiful, but there existed a warmth that simply drew people to her, a type of kindness one could not resist.

"Lady Mo, no offense, but I cannot consent to anything without saying from Arsene or Yura," I uttered, cuffing my hands.

"See, I told you he would be a good disciple." Tang Feng fearfully muttered, sending a glance towards Mo Chou, who grinned in return. Yet such a smile seems to have Tang Feng shaking.

"Boy, gather your research, brother, and the others we need to go. Bring Zelvak, Asmodeus is rather fond of this one."

Narrowing his cold crimson eyes, Zalvek did not seem to reach for the bait that Tang Feng tossed out. Like a true devil, he waited with his scholarly appearance. That did not seem to break, no matter what happened.

"You and your brother are to be my first and second disciple. A soul bender and a holder of the eyes of Truth. What more can one ask for?" Tang Feng cunningly uttered, stroking his long grey beard, "Think of this opportunity carefully. You are an intelligent man Greyson Snow. Why not learn under me before you perform a ritual without fully understanding the risk. Let me show you the Truth of Sacrifice?"

"You make it sound like whatever you show me will stop me from performing it?" I darkly said, never being so sure of anything in my life.

"We are both sure you will perform that horrid spell, Greyson." Said Lady Mo, "But what we want to show you is that not everything is as they seem. Do not forget who you are dealing with."

Chuckling darkly, Zelvek arched his lips, sending a chill in the air. "They are quite right, Lord Greyson. You stand with a devil and demon on each shoulder. To trust either of them is foolish." He said, carrying a mocking glint I had never seen. "No matter the fact of who or how we act, you must understand devils and demons share one common goal, and that is ourselves. You will do well to remember this."

Sending the man a heavy stare, I did not speak a word as I recalled Arsene not wanting us to be demons or devils.

"If we follow... what type of danger will await us?"

Losing their smile, Tang Feng sent a stare at Lady Mo, who nodded in return, "Your enemy is well I am sure you know our son. The current King of the Celestrial Palace that was just appointed to be one of the head seats on the Court of Nox after the loss of a few of their members a few years ago.

A/N: Baphomet killed a few, remember?

"You would help us kill your son?" I inquired, not truly understanding what they wanted. What type of parent wished for the death of their child?

"Heavens no, Arsene and I already have an agreement." said Tang Feng, waving off my concern, "What we want from you is to keep him in check."

Touching his left arm, Tang Feng\'s expression grew grim, "Arsene is changing... The boy is becoming lost to the Monarch within. I want you to care for not just him but for my people. My son is a fool and may push buttons he was never meant to."

"I have no... No." I uttered, shaking my head with a self-ridicule smile. "I accept," I stated with a smile; I never thought I would ever have a master? Who would have thought that I would need one?"

Falling to my knees, Tang Feng\'s gaze grew cold and commanding. Lowering my gaze, my head touched upon the floor as I spoke, "Master."

Releasing a heavy breath, he spoke in a tone that called for attention for both beast and man, "Let Heavens of Elysium and Iluthath be a witness, form here on out Greyson Snow shall be my Disciple."


Hearing the crackle of heaven shake the entire world, I trembled at the heavy pressure upon my soul and body. Holding my head high, Master\'s eyes began to grow warm as he spoke, "Arise, Greyson Snow, from here on out. You are no more just a simple man but a celestial within my eyes. Do me proud, my disciple!"

Clapping her hands, Lady Mo\'s dark eyes grew misty as she rushed towards me, taking me into her arms. "Make him proud, Little Grey!" She tenderly whispered, turning her head towards him, "Although I am still pissed at you! But I will leave Little Grey out of it."

"of course, dear." He muttered in a rather pathetic tone I had only seen in whipped men. Twitching my brow, I decided not to speak of such things, "Shall I bring the others?"

"no need," A childlike voice echoed out, causing my eyes to open wide at the little girl grinning at me, \'Yo!" She shouted, sitting upon the floor with All the abyssal children and my brother all behind her.

"Ygg?!" Lady Mo shouted with a vibrant smile, rushing to her with a loving smile. "Did you get even smaller?" She asked, lifting her in the air like a child!

Giggling in the air, as Lady Mo caught her, Yggdrasil kissed her cheek, "How I have missed you."

"You haven\'t even given me kisses. Yet, you give Ygg? No fair! I found Yura, you know!" Master childishly shouted, pouting, glaring daggers into Yggdrasil.

Snorting Ygg, kissed Lady Mo, grinning ear to ear, "Take him boo. Take em all. Maybe my realm will finally find some peace for a bit."

"I am not so sure," I stated with a chilling smile. "While some of the devils and demons are leaving to conquer in the name of Arsene and Lilith. Tyr and Freya are remaining to finish off our business."

"Oh?! And what of that little crazy girl by Arsene\'s side then? where is she?" Yggdrasil suddenly asked as I recalled that murderous woman by Arsene\'s shadow.

"Melino?? She said she was going to find Arsene. She told me she could enter the lands of the Celestials without issue."

"Great," Master bitterly uttered, "just what I need. A cannibal and a butcher working side by side."

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