Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 4 004: Escaping Chaos

Cole was or rather has always been in touch with his feelings, and punching the alien\'s head was a feeling he honestly never wanted to feel again. It was an obvious weakness, judging from the way the giant alien crumple to the ground and began an epileptic fit, Cole was sure he had damaged something important. But he was also never one to hesitate or procrastinate, he threw more punches, until he was bloodied with the gore and brain matter of the Nijat Alien, and not too long after he had another iron prism in hand. And that was all he needed to start finding his way out of here.

Some people had gathered to watch, absolutely surprised that someone had taken the fight to the aliens. Of course he was not the first person to do so, but the manner and method he had used created feelings of awe, shock and revulsion. He pushed his way into the crowd, making sure the pockets holding his prisms were absolutely secure. Most people let him pass, but others were still struggling to get out of the arena, not at all willing to try their chances at surviving when it came to a fight.

Cole roughly shouldered a person to the side, but in response he got a swift jab to the ribs as someone else grabbed a hold of his collar and pulled him back. By this point he was already on the stairs heading up for the beam and the walkway above it that would get him out of here. He was most definitely caught off guard, and in response to that he was sent tumbling down, like some bowling pin as he smashed into almost a dozen people and bringing their escape to a halt. But Cole was trained, and at the moment running mainly on adrenaline, he popped up in anger noticing the person responsible for his delayed movement and realizing without a doubt, it was the same person who had killed someone by smashing their head into the chairs in the bleachers.

"Hand over all the prisms on you and I will let you pass punk!" the smile that followed was pretty annoying, and Cole was already angry enough that his anger only needed a small push to be turned into blind rage, and this guy had happily been the catalyst to do so. Cole rushed forwards and the large grin on the guy\'s face told him that his opponent was totally sure of himself, and that smile gave Cole pause, enough that he could actually see two others guys rushing towards him, probably the lackeys or friends of the guy in front of him.

But this was not just some straight forward alley fight or mugging, it was an invasion, and the aliens were making themselves known as more and more of them poured out of the portal. Cole pivoted on his toes, almost as if he was turning around. Using his momentum to throw a back elbow that smashed into the jaw of one of his approaching assailants, completely knocking the guy out as he ducked a low swing from one of the Aliens, this one actually having wings with which to fly. That drew enough attention for Cole to stomp his feet into the face of the guy beneath him, snapping his neck to the side and responding to his other partners by grabbing one of them in a choke hold and raising him up, right in the path of one of the alien\'s as his head quickly rolled to the ground before his body did. It was sheer chaos as a man in a suit grabbed a hold of Cole\'s shoulders while both his feet were in the jaws of one of the Nijat Aliens flying above them.

"Help me! Help me please!"

The only help he received from Cole was right jab that busted his nose, rocking him enough to have him release Cole\'s shoulders. The man was dragged away, his form smashing through a couple of seats as the alien was not strong enough to lift him fully into the air, Cole turned around, fully ignoring and completely forgetting the man as his voice faded into the background. The final person, aka what seemed to be the leader of the people who had just tried to attack him like he was some easy target had ran away. Cole cursed, peeling his eyes forward through the frantic crowd, hoping he would get a glimpse of the bastard, but he was nowhere to be found.

Cole continued his forward march, and this time people who already saw him fight tried their best to move to the side for him, as for those who proved stubborn; they easily found themselves rolling down stairs or being thrown up into the waiting arms and jaws of the aliens. Eventually he got to the top of stairs, the exit in front of him was tightly packed with people struggling to get out, it would have been a problem that even he would not have been able to deal with, but this was not his destination.

Cole grabbed the pony tail of a girl in front of him, using it as leverage he pulled himself over the heads and shoulders of the people in front of him. An access point to the walkway above their heads was still a little ways to right, almost two kilometers away if his eyes were telling him the truth. Amidst the cries of shock and anger, Cole grabbed the pipe that serve as the first obstacle and hauled himself up. Just in time for three Nijat Aliens to make a dive bomb for his form.

Facing them on such an unsteady terrain would be pretty much annoying, he could fall right back into the crowd below, or get dragged away by all three of them. He hunkered down as if waiting, before surging forwards with a massive slap that smashed into the head of the first Nijat, introducing it\'s skull to the side of the wall on Cole\'s left. He ducked down as a second flew over his head, but not before leaving a rather nasty scratch on his back. Cole cried out in pain as the third barreled into him, throwing him backwards on his back as it began to take quick bites out of his stomach.


It was a lot of pain to fight through in the moment, but Cole reacted quickly enough by raising his knees up and creating a little bit of space between him and the Nijat, enough that he could jab it in the eyes, causing it to reel back in pain as it lost its footing and fell into the crowd of spectators and escapees down below. Their ensuing screams was barely register as the first Alien was back up on its feet and going after Cole again. This particular breed of Nijat was just as slender and lithe as the one that had bit him, four arms, thin leathery wings, and a tail for balance. Cole met its advance with a haymaker, then grabbed the Nijat and brought its face down on his rising knee, relishing in the crunchy sound broken facial bones made, Cole felt compelled to bend down and take a massive bite out of the neck of the Alien, exposing tissue and nerves, before he wrenched it roughly to the side.

There was one more to worry about, and Cole met its advance with outstretched hands, grabbing its shoulders as its jaws snapped at him in wild rage and hunger. Cole raise his hands up and let go, as the alien\'s back smashed into the underside of the walkway above his head. It let out a pained screech as its wings seemed a little deformed from the hit, Cole took one running step forward and brought his foot smashing down into the back of its head in a curb stomp that put an end to its screams and misery. Two puffs of light later and he had two extra iron prisms. He moved forwards and almost fell to the side, his vision swimming in darkness for a few moments as he tried to reorient himself.

Titan Rising was as realistic as virtual realities may come, and he was currently bleeding to death. But this was not the place to dwell on that tid bit of information. With a force of will he pulled himself up, grabbed the prisms, and ignored the hands on the edges of the pipe as a lot of people began to follow his lead in an attempt to get to the walkway above. Cole jumped, ignoring the burning in his hands and pulled himself up from the edge of the walkway and over its railing. He landed with a loud bang, prompting him to let out an annoyed curse as he moved forwards, dragging himself most of the way and leaning on the walls and railings, before he got to the exit.

The door screamed salvation with its bright Neon green exit sign above it, Cole let loose a sigh, opened the door and walked in, Or rather out not even looking back for once, as suddenly the screaming got louder, ignoring the pleas for help and support that was thrown his way. The door closed with a bang, and Cole finally made his escape.

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