Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 51 051: Bounty 01 IV

Cole noticed a pair of pillars that had fallen across each other. However they led up to a couple of beams that ran cries cross across the entire ruin. While he did not have an rifle, he would just have to make do with these guns for now.

He was able to get himself on the beams quickly enough, from there it was just a matter of moving from camp to camp and pick off the goblins one at a time. Perhaps if he had spent a little bit more time trying to find out a bit more information about the dungeon then perhaps he would have known about this method to deal with the goblins. He quickly found his way to the next camp, perched on top of them as they went about their business, doing things that goblins did.

It was times like this that he wished that he had his grenades…. When this was all over he had to see what they had for explosives here. Given the wild west theme of this world, perhaps he would get a few sticks of dynamite. Either way before attacking he decided to do something he has been putting off for quite some time, and that was to look at his skills and see just what the fuck they did.

[Sin Seeking Eyes(Passive): A basic racial skill for all Raen Spawn. This skill gives the Raen Spawn the ability to shave an almost precognitive ability to sense danger, to see weak points, traps, and see through weak illusions.]

[Sin Eater (Active): A skill that is limited to the primordial Raen Spawn, that gives the ability to siphon of energy when in physical contact with any biological being or energy housing conduits. Cost 20 energy let activation]

[Technoman (Passive): A special trait that makes the user one with all technology in existence, be there mundane or arcane, or psionic based. Gives in depth understanding and mastery of Technopathy, engineering, and forging.]

[Spectral Rover (Active): Sink your being into the veil between dimensions, increasing movement speed by 300% user is completely immune to all damage until they attack. Cost 120 energy to use.]

[Adaptive(Passive): Receive no penalty to attack, defense, speed, and skills. Instead received a 5% boosts to all skills and stats in different environments.]

[Demon Constitution (Passive): The Constitution not a demon is one of the undying, passively regenerate from any and all injury as long as energy remains in your body. As long as a piece of your body remains and there is enough energy left, you will heal.]

Holy shit! You can\'t ever fuck with gold Rank skills! Out of everything that had been shown, nothing was more ridiculous than the demon Constitution skill. He would be able to heal from anything as long as he still had energy available. His ten lives would last longer and he would be able to take more risks.

This was akin to giving wings to a tiger, and if a gold ranked skill was this good imagine what would happen if he had used the diamond ranked prism. Either he was waiting, somehow he felt he had to be patient before he used it, it would definitely get him out of a tough spot in the future, if not… he could just as easily put it up for suction and become even more filthy rich.

*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Nine bullets for nine goblins, all of them going down with a single shot through their eyes. The setting for the next camp was the same as the first. 8 normal goblins, 1 goblin shaman and one Hob-goblin. The Hob-goblin was made of tougher stuff, so just peppering him full of bullets would not have been enough. Nevertheless Cole took both of it\'s eyes.

His revolvers had six bullets to their Chambers making it so he had twelve shots available. He had already used 11 of them, and with an aim as impeccable as his, nothing a single shot was wasted. Frankly speaking Cole might actually be built for this floor.

The Hob-goblin began to rage about his rage palpable as he smashed through their camp as Cole took his time to reload his guns. Eventually the Hob-goblin walked into the fire in the middle of the camp, for some reason it\'s body quickly caught ablaze as it let out a startled screech.

Cole heard a ding as a notification settled in, but he was focused on the Hob-goblin that died a fiery death. He was trying to wrap his head around the fact that the Hob-goblin had caught on fire so easily. Perhaps this was something to be kept at the back of his mind in case of future situations. He moved on, traveling across the beams until he got to the next camp, and from there he repeated his earlier actions of killing all the smaller goblins and their shamans, before blinding the Hob-goblin and watching as it meandered about and almost always ended up in the flames.

Cole pondered, was there perhaps a particular set ways that the Hob-goblin acted once they were blinded, but there was only so much that could be completely nonsensical, as he knew without a doubt that these worlds that he was going through were actually real.

But then again the rules of digital worlds were wholly different from the real-world, so he could not exactly approach it with sound logic that\'s defined by reality. Either way he had much to do so Cole shrugged his shoulders and moved on.

From camp to camp he went, slaying goblins and accruing levels. He had a whole slew of pending notifications, but he was still holding on for when he was done with the first floor, then he would decide just what he would do with all of the notifications that were waiting for his attention.

Eventually the whole movement through the first floor pretty much became a boring trek for Cole, after the first dozen camps, with all of the goblins acting the same and reacting the same to his attacks, he got positively bored about everything else.

But Cole was nothing if not thorough, so he made sure to clear all of the camps until there was only one left. However this was the last one, and it was extremely different from every other camp that he had come across. For one the beam came to an end when he got 6 meters close to the camp, and while he could pretty much shoot at them from here, there was more than one tent, which meant he had to go down and deal with the rest of the goblins on the ground rather than the range the beams offered him.

Cole sighed in annoyance then he dropped down after making sure both his guns were loaded. The goblins in the game were well above the normal ten that he had been facing in other camps so far. And it was at this point he was actually able to see a display above them.

[Dungeon Goblin: Lvl 17(Bronze Rank)]

[Dungeon Goblin Shaman: Lvl 20(Iron Rank)]

Cole blinked his eyes then smiled as he rushed forwards firing two bullets into the heads if the first two goblins that were probably serving as sentries for the camp. He holstered the gun, knowing he only had ten bullets left as he pulled out the short sword on his back.

He rolled forwards dodging two spear thrusts from the normal goblins. From his count there were about 20 of them, with two already dead, and then 5 shamans. He has not seen any Hob-goblin yet, but seeing as there was at least three tents, it was not too farfetched to say that they were hiding within.

He came up from his roll and slashed his sword from left to right, ripping open a hole in the neck of a shaman before he jumped up into the air over a dagger stab. He twisted his body and sent his short sword stabbing down into the head of the Goblin with the Dagger as he landed on the ground and flicked his blade.

He was surrounded, but that was not a recipe for his defeat as Cole smiled and placed the short sword behind him. He crouched down, holding it extended behind him as his grin took on a sinister state.

"Well... what the fuck are you guys waiting for? Let\'s dance fuck faces."

Perhaps taunting them was not the right thing to do, but Cole remained unshaken as they rushed at him. He rushed forwards locking blades with the first goblin as he utilized [Gravity] to create a blast that threw everyone around him backwards.

He deflected a spear thrusts and slashed his sword across the goblin throat, dragging the spear from it\'s hands before turning around as throwing the spear straight into the face of a shamans that had seemingly been chanting. Then he turned around and with a massive yell cleaved the skull of a goblin in half as he yelled at the corpse then kicked it away.

Cole smiled even wider as he yelled at them. "Come On!"

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