Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 193 193: The Offer

Weapon: The Spear Of Life And Green (Methuselah)/ Type: Spear/ Level: 1/ Rank: Silver/ Genre: Growth]

[Attributes: Nature/Earth /Effects: +45% to all attacks Utilizing The Spear, <Bramble Drain> on every 3 successive hits, all Skills cost Energy to use]

[Skills: <Root Cascade> <Point Green> <Longevity Spearmanship> <Nature Mastery>]

At a glance this spear did not have much of a difference from Black Malakai , however it was lower leveled though and was still able to match the power that Black Malakai had been able to bring to bear. And not just that, for the better part of almost a hundred years, the damn spear has been responsible for keeping the people of sanctuary and the Dremonai civilization safe, and at that point Cole was sure it had a much lower power scale.

But this spear was responsible for building or rather crafting the burrows, tunnels and bridges that interconnected with the sideways collapsed building that made up the bridge that separated the rest of humanity from complete and utter doom. This spear was one of a kind, and it did perhaps let Cole know that he might not have been using Black Malakai to it\'s full potential. But be that as it may, this spear was his now and it was up to him to figure out what to do and how to do it in order to prevent them all from being torn to pieces.

It was in the middle of this thought that Irma and her father found him, both of them decked out in combat armor similar to what Cole had seen from the guards. Her father was now sporting a bionic arm right where his original had been missing. In that moment this made Cole a bit worried, well not worried. It has not even been up to an hour but the man already had a replacement that was functioning really well without even so much as a hint of a problem, Cole could even see that the metal simulated his real arm down to the individual hairs on his arms, of course it was all still a shiny silver with grooves, notches and highlights that glowed a dull red, but ultimately this dude has every boys dream of being a half bionic warrior or some shit…. Cole wanted that technology.

"Aspirant Cole, I can not begin to thank you for the help you have rendered my daughter and I, for the closure that you have also given this family and for the rooting out of the evil that has been festering within our civilization. I\'m grateful, if there\'s anything you want at all, as long as it is Within our power, I will deliver it at your feet, even if it\'s a life time of servitude I am ready willing to give it, nothing you can ask for is too much."

Cole could see Irma stiffen as her father made all of this promises, Cole envisioned that she probably thought he would ask for something really extravagant. And maybe he would, but he was not going to bleed them dry….. much. Never the less he shook his head as he smiled first and then pointed straight at Irma.

"I only need two things from you guys. First of all is a sum of 5 million gold, I don\'t care how you get it. You can give it to me in the form of money or in the form of materials of equivalent value. And finally I want the biomechanical medical technology that you all have access to replace limbs and organs with functioning biomechanical ones that quite frankly as stupidly insane in what they can do. The fact that so many of you are running around with such replacements has let me know that your civilization had mastered it to the point that you don\'t even give a shit about giving it to a dog and turning him into a miniature nuclear bomb.

I need the blueprints, the methods, the necessary information required to study the procedures. A way to get the materials required and if possible knowledge, hands on knowledge from all of the specialist that are responsible for the procedure. Those are exactly what I need from you guys, cause I doubt you would be able to pay me for the next part of this dance, I can feel every hair on my body shooting straight up in responses to the danger that\'s heading our way. So give me that, and we can call it even."

Irma sputtered in indignation totally at loss for words as she pointed at Cole, not being able to say anything at all. She huffed as her father turned to look at her, his eyebrow raised in warning as if to chastise his daughter for her disrespect, but Irma was a fiery little thing. Cole knew there was no way in hell she would sit still and let Cole demand such a ludicrous thing from them…. In a way, Cole knew he was asking for a lot. But he was no good Samaritan, they either give him what he asks for, or he\'ll make sure to \'miss a few waves\' before coming back to the fourth floor.

"5 million gold! That\'s a thousand percent increase from what you paid for transportation and protection. You\'re doing this to get back at me for taking your money right, fuck I\'ve not even spent it or shared it amongst the members of my group. I can give it back to you! You don\'t have to fucking bleed us dry!"

"Irma! Be quiet child the adults are talking." Her father cut her off, sending a withering glare her way as Cole angled his head to the side in confusion. Just to clarify he had to ask, because it seems the lady was more worried about the huge sum of money rather than the fact that Cole was asking for civilization altering/improving technology. He really needed them to set the records straight, but before he could ask, he got his answer.

"The Biotech you\'re asking for is nothing. The methods, the knowledge and the necessary spawning crystals needed for the cultivating and harvesting of the resources needed is not something that would even take the sweat off our back. We\'re under the understanding that outside of our world, from those who have been lucky enough to get past the solar storm and multiple black holes surrounding our planet. That technology is absolutely rare, if not almost impossible to find, especially the resources it needs.

But here we have so much of it, that it\'s almost sickening to look at. However this is also information that we guard jealousy and only allow a select few, in fact only five people in the whole world or at least within sanctuary know the true methods to it. Three of them you\'ve sent to the grave in a rather grisly manner, the fourth is now locked up in a place so dark that she would never see a pinprick of light for the rest of her natural life. Only I have the knowledge and as a gesture of goodwill and gratitude I will hand it over to you right now. However that money is just too much and not something I can gather.

So I will give you 3 million gold, and a host of other blueprints that would and should be able to help you build a force more powerful than the universe has ever seen. In return you will form an unbreakable pact with the Phoenixborn Clan. An alliance if you will, to always come to our aid when we ask of it, to shelter us from storms and bad weather, and to stand with us even against the whole universe." Cole laughed then he shook his head and said.

"Nothing you\'ve offered me is worth my protection. I see what you have built here and while it is a wonder, it is scrap that\'s on its last legs. Your civilization is about to kick the bucket and everything you have achieved here will turn to dust on the heels of the approaching hordes. Waves upon waves of super powered undead, many of which can match and even supersede you in power. Just like little Neral here you\'re looking for a way out, binding yourself to me as companions or subordinates means you get an out of the destruction that\'s coming your way.

And what you have offered me, is everything you have minus the most important thing that you have. You ask for protection for the Phoenixborn clan, a clan that at the moment I can see comprised of only you and your daughter, and perhaps that uncle of hers and his children if he has any. Selfishness from the leader of one of the last sanctuaries of humanity….. I can respect that. Putting your family and your loved ones first, but everything you offer, I can probably and would probably achieve in one way or the other.

I\'d have to be in the line of fire if you so much as piss even the system off. I\'ll be the cover and umbrella to shelter you from the rain, but the rain itself would still touch me. By now you should know that I\'m not that magnanimous. But you\'re a smart man, you made it seem like you\'re offering everything but in truth this is a negotiation. You\'re also trying to see if you can pull the wool over my eyes. Everything you give me, you also will have access to, and you can grow wherever you find yourself without worrying about the consequences of any actions you take since it is up to me to protect you.

So let me give you a counter offer, I will protect your clan, but only the two of you. And you will give everything you say you will, but absolute loyalty to me and my bloodline for all time. There\'s not a future where you go free of the bloodline of Cole \'World Breaker\' Night. You will grow your clan, you both will. Make way for the next generation and build a powerful legacy with me that can withstand the tests of time. But you and your Phonenixborn Clan will do it on your knees, in service to me. Those are my terms….. do you have a counter offer?

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