Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 253 253: Part 1: Reunion I

Cole sat back as he watched Tehilla work, apparently she was supposed to be done with everything today, and after that they could begin their move back to earth. For the last few days since they\'ve been here the mining colony has experienced a massive change as it has now once again become a hub of activity. Many of the miners were arrested and many more were placed on cargo ships that would be returning them to their various hometowns.

But beyond that there was also an influx of new miners, many of them getting to work immediately and Tehilla had gone far enough to sign new trade deals with merchant vessels, and other space refineries to refine the deuterium and other resources gained from the asteroid belt. She\'s hired a new foreman, and carried out a lot of repairs and Reconstruction of the colony to make sure it was up to living and mining standard and not the hovel we met when we came here. But Cole was bored, he was tempted to log back in, but Tehilla needed him here, apparently his grandparents would be calling soon, their first attempt to reach out since Cole and Tehilla had flex earth after surviving the attempt on his life from his own aunt.

If Cole had to be honest he was not looking forward to communications of any sort with them, he has already made it clear that he no longer considered himself a member of that family and frankly speaking if Cole was returning back to earth, he would be coming for retribution and everyone that was involved with him nearly loosing his life would pay for it. Tehilla scoffed as she looked over the documents in front of her, surprising Cole as he could not remember the last time he had even seen paper.

"If you keep glaring any harder then your eyes would fall out. Plus I can smell the bloodlust and anger all the way from over here and it is making it a little bit too hard for me to concentrate. Reign it in Cole, even if they call us now and you\'re this riled up, they won\'t be affected because they are far away from you, and you showing them any sort of anger would give them power over you, don\'t be so emotional." Cole\'s response was concise and to the point.

"I don\'t care! Whether they see me as weak or think they can manipulate me because I\'m angry and not in the right headspace, then they\'re welcome to try. But I assure you the outcome is still going to be the same." And he was right, in some ways, being too emotion would mean he was not thinking clearly, but Cole had changed. Over the course of this event he has grown so many times that he was most sure about this person he has become more than anybody else.

Cole was vindictive, in fact even he had no idea he could be so vindictive and petty. He\'s never lost a fight no matter how dire the situation might be. Dealing with his family has left him blindsided, betrayed and hurt, the level of vulnerability that they had left him with had probably left trauma that he would have to deal with for a very long time, he hated them for how weak they made him feel, and for how they betrayed his trust. He was happy that in the end when it came down to it, his father had chosen him without question as opposed to his grandparents wanting to kill him because they could not conceivably look a way to control him, because he had grown so powerful he threatened the stability of their positions and what they had built.

In the end the whole about him being groomed to take over was just bullshit, both of them were not ready to step down. Instead they wanted to use him to attain new heights of power, but he was only useful as long as he could be controlled. And perhaps his aunt offered a different alternative to them.

Regardless of what it was or is, Cole had his mind set and he would not be changing it, there would be no reconciliation with his family until blood has been spilt, particularly his aunt…..then maybe he grandfather and grandmother too. All are equal under the light of fuck ups and bullshit. And so everyone would be getting a similar ass whooping so help him God, amen.

"You really should get it under control though, I keep smelling it and it\'s giving me a headache. I need to focus on this and you\'re not helping, do you want me to send you out?" Cole scowled, but he knew she was right, there was no gain to letting off anger here, Raens could smell emotions, in fact that could possibly be one of the biggest selling point of their race, sot hey always know what a person is thinking or rather feeling about them.

"I\'m sorry, I just don\'t know why I have to be here. I\'m not ready to talk to any of them, and there\'s no way I can promise that I won\'t lose my cool once I see them, but never the less what the fuck is taking them so long. I have things that I need to do, and waiting around for them to grace us with their presence is not something I want to be doing for long." Cole said as Tehilla turned her chair around and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Awwnn poor me, and here I thought that you\'d at least love to spend some time with me. You\'re hurting me feelings you know, you could talk toe about anything else you know." Cole nodded with a despondent look on his face and his head cocked to the said and replied.

"Sorry to disappoint you love, but I\'m most definitely not in the mood. In case you have forgotten you also almost died from that attack too, and I almost died trying to save you from dying. So no, I\'m not in the mood to spend time with you, I just want to kill something." Cole growled out, a bit of his energy leaking out as Tehilla chuckled.

"Oh my! Everyone should hide their children, there\'s a savage monster here on the prowl for blood and carnage. You should lighten up baby, but are you sure I can\'t do anything to interest you in just finding joy in my presence? I could for example….strip you know and that could lead to other more joyful things, sure you won\'t be interested in that, I\'m sure that can drag your attention won\'t it?" Cole raised an eyebrow and sat back resting back on his elbows then spread his hands and said.

"You\'re welcome to try then." Cole said as he relaxed and held her gaze, testing her resolved. He was not even the least bit surprised when he saw her hand go to her back to pulldown the zipper of her jumpsuit. But it was in that moment the communications panel lit up and a phone\'s ringtone was heard. Cole sighed and let out a breath of exasperation, Tehilla skilled at that and asked him.

"Is that because you don\'t want to talk to them, or because you just lost an opportunity for sexy time?" all Cole gave her was an annoyed stare, to which she chuckled and shook her head, it seems she got her answer and she picked the call and a hologram of his grandparents showed up in front them, and right behind them, looking a lot better than the last he saw her was Sarah.

Tehilla cursed as she turned to look at Cole, but there was no change in his expression. His grandparents hit hard and they hit fast, getting straight to the point of it all without so much as easing into the conversation before throwing attacks at Cole. He could appreciate that, they came for a fight even if it seems they were wrapping it in an amicable gift. They were putting all their cards on the table, but perhaps this was just the opening salvo, they wanted to see if Cole would fold from the initial hit, they were testing him, and that realization made Cole even more annoyed.

"Well you guys have got my attention….. what the fuck do you want?"

Their expressions flickered, it was obvious his grandmother was trying to control herself from bursting out into an angry tirade. The woman has never let herself be held down or controlled by any man or woman in her life, but to have a progeny of her own bloodline give her lip was a whole other level of annoyance, but Cole\'s grandfather was the calmer of the two parties, he decided to steer the conversation or at the very least get it started.

"Cole my dear how have you been, we haven\'t seen you since the night before the attack on you. Things happened so fast that we were not able to react on time. And we\'re sorry we could not protect you as we should, so please give us a chance to make up for it…..Come home grandson, come home and we can be a family again"

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