Fatal Shot

Chapter 311 - Great War on the Desert Tarantulas!

Chapter 311: Great War on the Desert Tarantulas!

Peng, peng!

The Light Armored Warrior was distracted for a moment, and the enraged Level 50 Elite Desert Tarantula behind him took the chance to jump forward. Its two long hairy legs dropped from the sky, jabbing heavily into the Light Armored Warrior’s chest!



Two damage coefficients emerged once again!

Furthermore, due to the mere Fine-Grade armor on his chest being already damaged to a certain extent by the attack just now, the damage coefficient this time was higher than the previous.

The Light Armored Warrior’s HP quickly dropped to less than a quarter!

The Desert Tarantula stood above him on four legs and held its broken leg to the side. The two legs which had already attacked remained on the ground, and the last leg was also raised up high, about to jab down on him!

Then the Sniper fired again!

There was another armor-piercing bullet, with a burning scent and a faint red glow. Not even a second had passed since the previous armor-piercing bullet.


The special-type armor-piercing bullet was like a cannon as it smashed heavily into the critical joint of the Desert Tarantula’s raised leg!



The spider’s jointed leg, with the thickness of a person’s entire calf, was actually broken by this red-glowing armor-piercing bullet.

Green plasma splattered onto the Light Armored Warrior’s chest, instantly erupting into white smoke. At the same time, a string of “-17, -20...” and other poisoned damage coefficients appeared.

The plasma of the Desert Tarantula was poisonous, plus it had strong corrosive properties!

However, the Light Armored Warrior wasn’t the only one showing a continuous string of damage coefficients. Above the Elite Desert Tarantula’s head, a similar string emerged.

“-100, -102, -108...”

They were all damage coefficients exceeding 100! Continuous burning damage!

After hitting the back of the Elite Desert Tarantula, that armor-piercing bullet with a burning glow had actually exploded into a ball of flames with a peng. As it was causing damage, it had also set ablaze the layer of thick hair on the Desert Tarantula’s body!

Then, the spot where the Desert Tarantula had been shot seemed like it had been drenched in gasoline. The flames rapidly engulfed the area, then spread out!

Peng, peng!

Right after, a fireball the size of a melon and a brown Earth Spike landed on the Desert Tarantula, one top and one bottom.

Even though the damage they inflicted was not too high, they had nonetheless caused two damage coefficients of “-1008” and “-672.” They expanded the fire already burning the Desert Tarantula, and that half of its body was quickly swallowed by the flames!

A normal sniper rifle bullet had been fired at almost the same time as the fireball and the Earth Spike, but it had missed, slamming into the sand across from the Light Armored Warrior!

Instead of listening to him and leaving, his companion had stayed to help?! Only, his companion’s abilities were insignificant compared to the unknown Sniper who had showed up to help!

As the team leader, My World’s face showed a bitter smile, but now was clearly not the time to lament over a friend’s techniques. Even though the Elite Desert Tarantula behind him had been consecutively hit, it was still left with more than one-third of its HP.

Also, after being burned by the armor-piercing bullet and the flames set by the fireball, the Desert Tarantula let out a scream loud enough to cause trembling a short distance away!


Gritting his teeth against the pain from his chest injuries and his ringing ears, My World grabbed his Alloy Sword, stood up, and slashed viciously at the abdomen of the Desert Tarantula.

Following that, he jumped back, dodging the remaining six legs of the Desert Tarantula, which were flailing madly!



At the same time, a third armor-piercing bullet was fired within the short period of time, once again hurtling perfectly into the wound which the Alloy Sword had created!


The damage was not high, as it had already cleared all the remaining HP of the Desert Tarantula!

Final attack!

The huge blazing body of the Desert Tarantula fell to the ground with a loud thud.

A pile of Energy Crystals exploded out onto the sand after the death of the Elite Desert Tarantula, but there was also an item radiating with a faint white glow!

A necklace decorative item with a spider-shaped pendant!

“A decorative item!” My World’s eyes widened, but he didn’t immediately pick up the nearby decorative item, despite the likelihood that it was Rare-grade.

He just hesitated a little before directly turning back, lifting his Alloy Sword as he ran towards the Heavy Armored Warrior blocking the other two Desert Tarantulas!

“Help Old Steel!” he shouted to his companion as he ran.

Feng Luo was watching through the scope of the Eye of the Thunder, and he had clearly seen the Light Armored Warrior’s change in expression as he turned to help his friend. Feng Luo smiled.


The battle ended swiftly with the help of Feng Luo’s “Rapid Shooting” and the Eye of the Thunder’s accuracy.

A total of four Level 50 Elite monsters had been finished in a few short seconds.

“Big Brother Steel!”

The female Doctor player had already hurriedly brought over a first-aid box and attended to the Heavy Armored Warrior, whose HP was at less than one-tenth and who had almost gone into the “heavily injured” state.

As the others stood around, the eyes of the two female Manipulators could not help but fall on the spider necklace produced by the second Desert Tarantula!

Decorative items in War were just too rare.

Moreover, this was very likely to be one of the best-selling full-grade decorative items of the time, and it was extremely likely to be of Fine-Grade!

“Don’t!” The Light Armored Warrior shook his head at the two, then he turned and shouted in the direction that the Sniper’s shots seemed to have come from.

“Sniper friend, thanks for saving us! Could you come out for us to meet you?”

Feng Luo was initially about to agree but suddenly creased his forehead. A meeting, huh? It would be better for you all to immediately retreat from there and come to where I am...

After feeling the message via Mental Link from 24K lying on his shoulder, he spoke as his vision instantly switched back. “Big Brother World... The decorative item?”

Below the sand dune, the two female Manipulators looked a little irritated when they heard Feng Luo’s words. The drop rate of decorative items in War was very low, let alone the decorative item produced by such an Elite monster which was highly likely to be of Fine-Grade!

The equipment of their small team were very average, most of the pieces being Elite-Grade, not even Excellent-Grade. A Fine decorative item of equivalent value to a piece of lesser Rare equipment would be very precious to them!

“Okay, right now!” My World creased his forehead but decisively agreed. Then he explained on the team channel to some complaining teammates, “Without this expert Sniper’s help, we’d already be finished, and our mission would’ve also failed.”

“Among the four Elite monsters, three of them were killed by him, and even the last one was more than 50% his contribution. Honestly speaking, these prizes should indeed belong to him!”

“Also...” My World’s eyes turned grave. “With the ability that this Sniper has just displayed and the position advantage that he currently possesses, we’re not his match despite outnumbering him. So this prize belongs to him...Tangerine, when this team gets decorative items, you and Milkshake will have first pick.”

After he finished speaking, he called the Sniper and the Heavy Armored Warrior, who had already recovered some of his HP, to join him in climbing towards the top of Feng Luo’s sand dune.

Except for the Heavy Armored Warrior, the others all looked at the Energy Crystals and prizes the Tarantula had dropped with regret... But they still did as they were told in the end.

But just then, Sniper’s voice suddenly sounded again, with a slight astonishment!

“Um, why’re you guys not picking up the equipment and Crystals? You shouldn’t leave them on the ground for the monsters, right?”

The team players climbing up the sand dune paused. “You want us to pick them up?”

When Feng Luo switched his vision back and saw the players’ expressions, he quickly understood that because of his distraction, his slightly careless words had made them misunderstand.

“Er... I think that I phrased my previous statement poorly. The items produced by that Desert Tarantula are not of much use to me, so take whatever you need. But I need the eyeball from the Elite Desert Tarantula!”

“Besides, you guys need to hurry up, because this battle isn’t over yet,” Feng Luo said as he shifted the muzzle of the Eye of the Thunder in his hands.

The Elite Scout Beetle’s vision allowed him to see around the huge sand dune lying opposite him, and it had revealed a group of more than 30 Desert Tarantulas twisting their long legs, running towards him!

As for the equipment on the ground, he really wasn’t concerned about it.

It had been more than two weeks since the Huan Yu auction. In that time, the Eye of the Thunders and W-virus Enhancement Potions, which Huan Yu Company had been auctioning off in various major cities, had all been sold at extremely high prices!

Feng Luo was now essentially earning 1,000,000 credits per day, in addition to the fact that his equipment was now all high-grade Rare items.

Thus, he really wasn’t very interested in equipment produced by typical monsters, even if it was a Fine-Grade decorative item!

He had noticed that the equipment of this small team of players was not very good, but they had still been very persistent in the battle. He had been touched by their determination, and he didn’t mind giving out the prizes from these four Elite tarantulas.

Furthermore, he would need their strength for the remaining horde of Desert Tarantulas!

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