Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Chapter 89-91

From Aisha’s few words, I talked about the series of events from when I was bestowed the Skills from Kami-sama at the temple.

About my discovery of robbers within the carriage when I was returning to Lucas.

And then about my first times cutting and pasting a Skill, defeating an orc and creating a potion.

Then I told them about me obtaining a special Skill called 【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】 in the slime subjugation I received from the guild.

Furthermore, I told them about the existence of concepts like levels and proficiency level in this world, which I discovered using Apparaisal.

And also about the fact that the higher Appraisal’s level is, I will be able to confirm abilities that are still hidden like Race Skills.

Also, about my obtaining three extremely powerful Skills in my fight against the Orc King.

Namely, 【King’s Intimidation】 【Realize】 【Unique Magic・Space-time】.

About Fenrir-sama telling me that perhaps, higher-ranked species of each race have power Skills like these.

......I roughly explained such things to them in one sitting.

「And, why don’t we go hunting for slimes tomorrow with the four of us?」

「......Un, why?」

Sylphy tilted her head to one side at my proposal.

Well, what I’m thinking wouldn’t normally come into one’s mind all of a sudden, huh.

「To look for the 【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】 Skill, and paste them on Aisha, Sylphy and also Waffle.

Well, I think it’ll take a very long time to look for three Slime Experience, though......」

Hearing my proposal, Sylphy and Aisha became stiff at the same time.

「......I see, that’s how it is, huh...... Danna-sama’s Skills...... are more terrifying than I thought.

It’s not a blessing for only Danna-sama, but it can also strengthen the people around him, huh......」

In the first place, the concept of pasting Skills doesn’t only not exist for these girls, but to the humans of this world.

They’ll agree if I say it like this, and naturally, they’ll understand, but they don’t seem to have really reached this idea yet.

「Ah, that’s right! This is a good timing」

In order for them to easily imagine it, I quickly pasted the remaining Skills on both of them.

Both of them tilted their head to the side, as they looked at me suddenly shouting, quickly standing and going to the table to take my storage bag.

Waffle has already experienced it himself, so he excitedly wagged his tail and observed me.

......By the way, he’s currently on top of Sylphy’s head.

Sylphy’s strangely happy, so there probably isn’t a problem, but, Waffle? The person you’re on right now is a royalty, you know? Do you understand that?

As I thought that in my mind, he patted Sylphy’s head as if saying that such a thing is irrelevant.

Sigh, let’s leave Waffle alone for now.......

What I took out from my storage bag are pebbles with 【Strong Arm】 and 【Physical Strength Enhancement】, two of each.

I quickly pasted them on the two people.

Moreover, I pasted a Skill which I am not using, 【Martial Arts: Succesive Shot】 on Aisha.

I pasted 【Martial Arts: Sharpness Sword】 on Sylphy.

「I just pasted the Skills 【Strong Arm】 and 【Physical Strength Enhancement】 on both of you.

On top of that, I’ve supplemented them by pasting a bow martial arts on Aisha and a one-handed sword martial arts on Sylphy」

As I said that, both of them showed an expression, as if saying 「Eh?」, but they immediately looked like they were trying to use 【Strong Arm】 and 【Physical Strength Enhancement】.

It became clear that the luminescence that appears when a Skill is used appeared from their bodies.


Uwa〜, both of them are more surprised than I expected.......

However, as expected of those who have a second names, they adapt quickly.

They swung their arms around and lightly punched, they seem to be confirming the effects of the Skills.

「Danna-sama, tkae care of Waffle for a while」

Sylphy said that, and shifted Waffle onto the top of my head.

Why did you go out of your way to place him on my head??


No, don’t just Wafu〜 me!

I desperately endure retorting, and decided to squish Waffle’s paw pad while once again watching over the two of them.

「......I see, this is certainly an outrageous power」

「Indeed, with this, even my archery might be able to instantly kill mosnters the level of orcs」

They can’t test the martial arts in this room, as expected, huh.

I wonder if they’ll test it from tomorrow onwards?

「Myne-kun, won’t you tell us the martial arts’ names? We can’t activate them without knowing their names, you know」

I accepted Aisha’s retort, and agreed.

「The bow martial arts is called 【Martial Arts: Succesive Shot】 and the one-handed sword martial arts is 【Martial Arts: Sharpness Sword】. Let’s test them while defeating slimes tomorrow!」

Both of them seem to be repeating the names of martial arts with a low voice.

I only pasted three Skills on each of them, but I think they’ve become extremely strong.

I’ve decided to go to labyrinths, forests and other places from now on and gather Skills for the girls.

「......Fumu, with this, the request Chichiue gave our Clan...... might really be completed, huh」

Hm, request? Come to think of it, King-sama did say such a thing, didn’t he?

A request from King-sama seems like it will be difficult, though.......

「What’s the request from King-sama?」

「......Actually, in the outskirts of the royal capital, in the direction directly opposite of the DIvine Spirit Forest...... we’ve discovered a Dungeon.

It suddenly appeared at a place where there haven’t been any」

A Dungeon!? It’s something like the previous Dungeon of Strength, huh! (TLN: Anytime a dungeon is capitalised from now on, it’s because its kanji is Labyrinth, but not the other way around.)

「It only appeared recently, so for Chichiue, he seems to want to quickly capture it and shut it down.

After all, it isn’t that far from the royal capital, it’d be bad if something dangerous happens」

I see, the request from King-sama to the Clan is the “Capture of the Labyrinth”, huh.

Certainly, if it’s us, we might be able to capture it.

I can also greatly expect Waffle’s battle power!

It seems that tthe request will begin after the wedding ceremony has ended and the clan officially starts operating.

Un, until then, we’ll have to prepare all kinds of battle power!

Name: Aisha Lorelle


Race: Hume

Gender: Female

Age: 26 years

Occupation: Archery Master


Magic・Large Recovery Lv4

Archery・Saint Lv3

Cooking Lv7 (6→7) LevelUp!

Strong Arm new!

Physical Strength Enhancement new!

Martial Arts: Succesive Shot new!

Name: Sylphid Augusta

Race: Hume


Gender: Female

Age: 19 years

Occupation: Augusta Kingdom’s First Princess


One-handed Sword・Extreme

Body Enhancement・Large

Elegance (TLN: Previously grace. Seriously, I have no idea what to put here)

Strong Arm new!

Physical Strength Enhancement new!

Martial Arts: Sharpness Sword new!


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

TL: Izzy

We have currently arrived at the forest where I previously fought against hundreds of slimes.

My number one aim is the 【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】 Skill.

However, from my experience, it’d be good if we can secure even one of the 【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】.

When I obtained it, how many did I defeat...... If I think about that, well, it might be difficult.

That being the case, it can be said that our main purpose today is to secure any other useful Skills and paste them on my two fiancees and Waffle.

Since I’ve came her once, I know that there aren’t any strong monsters in this forest.

Unpreparedness is indeed one’s greatest enemy, but thinking of our battle power, no matter how I think about it, there probably won’t be any hard fights.

If I had to say, then from my senses, it feels like a family picnic.

「Martial Arts: Succesive Shot!」

Aisha aimed at a goblin, and released the martial arts I pasted on her last night.

An arrow with only one shot.

However, the moment it was fired from the bow, arrows which were created from the effects of the martial arts were fired succesively.

The goblin which had become a target literally became a beehive from the large number of arrows, and was at a loss as it collapsed.

「......Phew, that was impressive.

Archery troops are weak when it comes to melee, but with this martial arts, I think it’ll become considerably easier」

As Aisha said that, I could see Sylphy who had been fighting ont he other side use her martial arts.

「Martial Arts: Sharpness Sword!」

As if there was nothing there...... a goblin became two equal parts from that degree of sharpness.

It’s not only her martial arts, but she also swung the Linus Sword obtained from the “Dungeon of Strength”.

Honestly, that power cannot be measured with a goblin.

She was showing off the excess power.

「Un, a wonderful sword, a terrifying martial art...... It’s too great an honour for me.

However, since the power was too thoughtlessly strong, we can’t use a goblin as a reference, huh......」

As expected, Sylphy seem to be thinking the same thing as me.

Well, there’s no helping it, I guess.

In the first place, goblins aren’t that strong a monster.

By the way, these are the Skills I’ve stolen from the monsters until now.

【Magic・Small Recovery】

【Presence Erase・Moderate】

【Presence Erase・Small】



【Iron Wall】


【Body Enhancement・Small】

If you ask me whether it’s natural or not, then it is certainly natural, but these are all Skills I was able to obtain hte last time I came here.

「......And, Myne-kun, how is it? Did you gather the Skills?」

「Un, I’ve properly taken the same Skills I’ve taken when I came here before」

「However, when I heard about this yesterday, it didn’t really feel real, but......

Using them against monsters, though they’re goblins, really feels real」

Both of them are warriors who have a second name.

Their fighting strengths had originally been prominent, but with the power of their newly added Skills, they’ve become considerably astounding.

Now then, we should change to hunting our desired slime.

The last time when I moved around the waterside...... at that place is.......

As I had expected, there was an unending anumber of slimes surrounding the lake.

「Aah, as expected...... I thought this before as well, but isn’t there too many of them?」

As I grumbled, Aisha nodded with a cramped expression.

「......Why are there so many here? Something’s obviously not right......」

Un, as expcted, it seems to be weird.

A former guild receptionist said it, so it should be fine to think that there is a reason for this plague of slimes.

Well, at any rate...... we’ll have to search for the “Slime Experience” within that huge number of slimes.......

......They look the same as the other ones so we can’t differentiate it with a glance, huh.......

「......I think that perhaps, among them is a slime with the Skill we are aiming for.......

You can’t do anything without Appraisal, so can both of you take Waffle and hunt the other monsters as you think fit?

Once I finish, I’ll call Waffle with telepathy」

As expected, it’ll be difficult just watching from here until I discover a Slime Experience.

If it will take an hour like what I felt last time, it would be good, but there’s a possibility it’ll take three or four hours.

Furthermore, even if they help me, there’s a need to appraise them, so I cannot judge that just defeating it is better.

In this situation, as expected, it’s best for me to do it myself.

Aisha and Sylphy insisted on staying since it is for their own Skill, but.......

In the end, with Waffle’s one sentence, 「I don’t want to feel boredー」, they obediently went hunting.

Nice, Waffle!

......Now then, after seeing the two people and one animal off, I stared at the hill of slimes.

My level’s considerably higher than before, but for safety, I casted 【Iron Wall LV3】 and 【Body Enhancement・Small LV4】 beforehand, and rushed towards the hill of slimes.

The more I use my Skills, the higher the proficiency level will become.

Let’s work hard and think of it as training.


......Two hours as I continued killing slimes.

It finally appeared in front of me.

Name: Slime Experience


Race: Slime Family

Gender: None


Tenfold Experience Acquisition



Without a moment’s delay, I cut off its Skill and pasted it on a pebble.

......And then, an hour after that.

When Sylphy and the others came back, I discovered another Slime Experience.

「Phew, one left, huh」

I had Aisha, Sylphy and Waffle who came back, store the slime oil scattered around.

Just by doing that, I feel like my suroundings became fairly wider, so I realised the considerable diminishing of the number of slimes.

As I let my mind wander a little, Waffle suddenly barked loudly.

『Waffu!!! Myne, there’s something thereー!!』


As I appraised the “direction” Waffle barked at.......

Name: Slime Hermit


Race: Slime Family

Gender: None




Presence Erase・Complete


What’s this!!!?

I can’t see its figure, but there’s a slime there!?

For now, let’s steal its Skill before I lose sight of it.

......As I did that, a pitch black slime suddenly appeared in front of me.

I see, I don’t know whether it’s the Skill or Ability, but because of it, I couldn’t see it’s figure, huh.

Waffle, thanks for your service!

As expected of your enemy-searching ability!

For now, I don’t have business with this slime anymore, so I promptly killed it. (TLN: Wow.)

As I unexpectedly obtained a new Skill, my spirits rose greatly.

I forgot my fatigue from before, and I was intent on continuing hunting the slimes, and after that, another hour.

When Waffle started yawning, I could discover the last Slime Experience.

After that, I borrowed Waffle’s ability and succeeded in defeating another Slime Hermit.

It took a long time, but we got a great harvest, didn’t we?

Un, this time, it’s thanks to Waffle!

Name: Myne


Concealment new!

Name: Aisha Lorelle


Tenfold Experience Acquisition

Presence Erase・Moderate new!

Presence Erase・Small new!

Magic・Fire new!

Magic・Earth new!

Iron Wall new!

Incitement new!

Body Enhancement・Small new!

Fire Attribute・Resistance new!

Water Attribute・Resistance new!

Wind Attribute・Resistance new!

Earth Attribute・Resistance new!

Light Attribute・Resistance new!

Dark Attribute・Resistance new!

Name: Sylphid Augusta


Tenfold Experience Acquisition new!

Magic・Small Recovery new!

Presence Erase・Moderate new!

Presence Erase・Small new!

Magic・Fire new!

Magic・Earth new!

Iron Wall new!

Incitement new!

Body Enhancement・Small new!

Fire Attribute・Resistance new!

Water Attribute・Resistance new!

Wind Attribute・Resistance new!

Earth Attribute・Resistance new!

Light Attribute・Resistance new!

Dark Attribute・Resistance new!

Name: Waffle


Race: Divine Beast

Gender: ♂

Status: Tamed (Myne)


Concealment new!

Tenfold Experience Acquisition new!

Magic・Small Recovery new!

Presence Erase・Moderate new!

Presence Erase・Small new!

Magic・Fire new!

Magic・Earth new!

Iron Wall new!

Incitement new!

Body Enhancement・Small new!

Fire Attribute・Resistance new!

Water Attribute・Resistance new!

Wind Attribute・Resistance new!

Earth Attribute・Resistance new!

Light Attribute・Resistance new!

Dark Attribute・Resistance new!


Presence Erase・Complete new!


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

TL: Izzy

Contrary to my expectations, we were able to obtain the 【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】, the Skill we were aiming for in just once day.

It was very agonising doing nothing but hunting slimes continuously for long hours, so it was really helpful!

Furthermore, thanks to Waffle, I got some new Skills and Abilities!

【Concealment】: Activated after a period of activation is set on a preferred target.

The figure of the target that receives this Skill can be hidden from external interference.

【Presence Erase・Complete】: Active Skill.

The presence of the user will be completely erased. No matter the methods, he/she will be unable to be identified.

When I defeated that slime, its sudden appearance is because of the effects of 【Concealment】, huh.

It didn’t use 【Presence Erase・Complete】, did it?

If that slime used this, even Waffle might not be able to discover it, huh.

Aah, there might be individuals who use this Skill.

I’ve only managed to find two of them in total, after all.......

Because 【Presence Erase・Complete】 is an ability, I can’t use it, so I pasted it on Waffle.

If the 【Camouflage】 I pasted on Waffle before is utilised together...... won’t Waffle become invincible?

At any rate, this time’s Skill collecting can be said to be a huge success.

Although it’s a Clan with only three people + one animal, if we look at it purely by fighting strength, I think even Cass-san’s Clan, who we met before, will lose to us.

「Danna-sama, thank you for your hard work」

Finishing the life or death struggle (?) with the slimes, I, sitting down, had a towel gently placed on my head by Sylphy.

Both Sylphy and Aisha seem like they were able to ascertain the feel of their newly-obtained Skills to their hearts’ content, so I could feel that they were in a considerably good mood.

「Thanks, Sylphy. How was it? The feel of the new Skills......?」

「......Let’s see, my honest impression is that it’s “terrifying”.

Even with the Skills I were originally bestowed with, I felt that I was strong, but......

combined with the Skills I received from Danna-sama, I feel a really abnormal strength」

Aisha who was carrying Waffle in her arms added to the conversation.

「I recalled the time when Myne-kun battled the Orc King.

I was worried what would happen at that time, but right now I think “I see”.

If Myne-kun has this power, there’s a choice to fight in that place」

Un, thank goodness.

Both of them seem to have accepted it without problems.

「Yosh, now then, let’s return to the royal palace」

As I said that, I connected the space to our room within the royal palace with 【Unique Magic・Space-time】.

Probably because the frequency I am using this Skill is extremely high recently, the time taken to connect the space has become considerably shorter.

Previously, I couldn’t connect without having fairly firm image, but now, just by calling it to mind, I can connect them in an instant.

Aisha + Waffle, Sylphy entered the black vortex which appeared in turns.

And then, as usual, I passed through it last and the black vortex vanished from that place.


As we returned after hunting for Skills and rested ourselves in the room prepared for us within the royal palace for a while, we were summoned by Brother-in-law-san.

「I wonder what is it...... at such a time?」

As I asked Sylphy on whether she had any idea, she said that she didn’t know at all as she shook her head.

Brother-in-law-san was busy in dealing with the aftermath of the case with Claude along with King-sama, though.......

At any rate, let’s go for now! I won’t know if I don’t go, after all!

As I was about to exit the room after collecting my thoughts, Waffle totteringly ran out and jumped at my back.

『Myne, I’m going tooー!』

While he was saying that, he said “Heave-ho, heave-ho” as he climbed up to his usual place, my head.

Reaching his usual place, he was probably greatly delighted as he lightly purred「Wafu」, and patted my head with his pawpad as if to say “Let’s go!”.

I smiled bitterly at the usual Waffle, and walked towards Brother-in-law-san’s private room.

「......Ooh, you came, brother-in-law. Sorry for calling you suddenly.......

Roger, prepare something to drink for brother-in-law...... and Waffle-dono too」

As I visited his private room, Brother-in-law-san was just receiving black tea from Roger-san (?), a cat-eared maid. (TLN: ??? Maid??? Roger???)

Cat-eared...... Demi-human, I guess? I don’t really see them in the Town of Lucas, though.

I’ve only seen a few of them in the adventurer guild, I think?

As expected of the royal capital.......

While admiring about a strange thing, I sat down at a chair I was offered.

Until Roger-san brought over the drinks, I made light chat with Brother-in-law-san.

As we chatted for about five minutes, the cat-eared Roger-san brought me black tea which I think is the same as Brother-in-law-san’s.

I don’t know what Waffle got, but she brought over a soup-like drink in a plate.

Un, delicious!

It’s probably a high grade black tea which I have never drank in my whole life, as expected.

It’s the drink the next King-sama is having, so it’s natural for it to be a high-class item, isn’t it?

「......This black tea is realy delicious!, sigh, it’s a drink...... I will never be fated to in my whole life」

As I sighed, Brother-in-law-san burst into laughter as if something was funny.

「It’s certainly a delicious black tea, but it isn’t that expensive, you know.

This deliciousness isn’t from the tea leaves, but rather thanks to Roger’s skill」

Ehh! I see!!

It’s the skill in making the black tea, huh!

As I looked at Roger-san with eyes of respect, her cat ears twitched, and her tail started swinging from side to ide.

Her face is normal, but from her attitude, it’s easy to understand that she’s happy.


Because Waffle suddenly raised his voice, I looked at him in a panic...... probably, he’s antagonistic to Roger-san.

His ears were twitching and his tail was swinging wildly.

The difference is that Roger-san’s expression is normal, but Waffle made an greatly triumphant look.

No, Waffle? It isn’t amazing even if you make a face saying “I can do that tooー”, you know?

We were healed by Waffle’s adorableness for a while, but shortly afterward, Brother-in-law-san’s expression stiffened, and he called out to me.

「Now then, there’s only one thing I want to say to you for calling you out.

You remember the talk about your training from before, don’t you?」

「Yes! I remember!」

Un, I remember it firmly!

If I remember correctly, I was told that I will be given training so that I can fight without relying on my Skills!

「I see, did you properly put into practice the training method I passed to you when I was returning?」

「Yes! Every morning...... not really, as expected, but I took at much time as I could to do it!」

Probably satisfied with my answer, Brother-in-law-san said “Un, un” as he nodded happily.

「The post-treatment of Claude’s case has mostly been finished, so from tomorrow on, I will start coaching the knight’s training again, but......」

Aah, I see.

The time Brother-in-law-san can take is for coaching the knights, huh.

......However, he’s busy so that is out of the question.

The reason he’s busy is because of Claude’s case, huh.

「And so. I was thinking of having Myne participate in that training.

Myne’s ability is certainly terrifyingly strong, and everyone who heard about that ability probably accepts that.

However, your opponents from now on won’t only be monsters.

That’s why, I want you to study properly on how to use that power」

Hearing Brother-in-law-san’s words, the figure of “that” Hume I saw from the back of Jormungandr-sama surfaced in my mind for a moment.

「In the end, it’s the same as Roger’s skill in making black tea which you admired just now.

With his skill, ordinary tea leaves had a taste rivalling that of high grade tea leaves.

So, if it was made with high grade tea leaves in addition to that skill, what will happen?

Right now, you are black tea used with high grade tea leaves, but made without skill」

Aah, it’s as Brother-in-law-san said.

From now on, my battles will definitely not end simply by relying on Skills.

There will be opponents who have intelligence, and power which I cannot appraise like the black dragon from before.

Un, it’s as Brother-in-law-san said, huh.

I will have to protect my family from now on.

For that, I will have to put in more and more effort.

「Yes! Please teach me many things!」

Brother-in-law-san said “Un” happily and returned a nod at my reply.


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

TL: Izzy

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