FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 140 - The power of friendship?

Chapter 140 - The power of friendship?

We agreed to call Miss Chicken Spirit D from today on. She happily accepted the name, so there was no problem. She and I became spirits, but it turned out that neither I nor Spirit D possessed any physical deviations. I checked five times, so that was for sure.

And one more thing. Spirit D obeyed me. The other spirits simply helped me out of guilt for the sexual harassment, but Spirit D obeyed me independently of her will, which was a huge difference.

? Race: Natural Spirit

? Level: 3

? Specialization: Hero (Experience 500%)

? Skills: ■ ■ (S), Interpretation (A), Love (E), Energy (F), Charisma (F)

? Condition: Holy Sword, Saint

And I understood the reason why my level had dropped so sharply. When I assigned someone as a spirit, that meant I also gave away my experience points. Previously, I took the soul and the level, but this time, on the contrary, I gave that soul and level to save her, making her my spirit. So this wasn’t Reincarnation but Assign…

“How interesting.”

Besides Spirit D, there were others. Therefore, I didn’t name her Spirit A. Having received their master’s order, friends who lived in my heart appeared in turn before me.

“Kang Han Soo! You broke your promise!”

The summoned Old Prince shouted. I thought he was destroyed, and only his soul managed to survive in an android form. But now, thanks to a fair deal, this friend was my property. If you looked at it like this, we had a deep connection. It’s good, anyway.

? Race: Old Spirit

? Level: 999+

? Specialization: Prince (Nation Power = Willpower ↑)

? Skills: Willpower (Z), Infiltration (Z), Sword Mastery (MAX), Dark Energy (MAX), Resistance (SSS) …

? Condition: Submission, Outrage

The Old Prince had his previous level, and skills returned. Although he was completely naked, he could immediately be used in battle. Thus, he would be named Spirit A.

“Bullsh*t! My name is Boris!”

“But you are Spirit A from today. Got it?”

“Do not call me that! My name is Spirit A! Eh?!”

“Glad you like it.”

Next… I looked at the elf, who had a face that smelled of rotten fish. The First Hero prepared him in case the Demon Lord Pedonar decided to flee Fantasy. He was the original master of the Sword Saint of Nuclyon, who blew himself up to imprison me again in this wild fantasy world. Meeting my gaze, the Elf Hero turned away.

“Spirit B. I hope we become friends?”

“Hmm! If this isn’t a forced order, I will never cooperate!”

“Do what you want.”

I also didn’t hope for active cooperation. We were enemies that tried to kill each other to the last breath. Although if I were in place of Spirit B, I would come to terms with the harsh reality. I would teach him that reality later.

? Race: Old Spirit

? Level: 100

? Specialization: Hero (Experience 500%)

? Skills: Sword Mastery (ZZ), Endurance (Z), Martial Mastery (SS), Sword Energy (S), Inner Strength (S)…

? Condition: Submission, Despondency

If only he had a high level, he would be the most impressive opponent. Well, apart from my dear companion, the King Dragon of Oblivion, Noebius, whose power was beyond comprehension. His specialization was also Hero, so he still had the opportunity to develop further. And finally…

“For the fact that you gave me this beautiful body, I am ready to give you all of me. May I call you Master? “

The elf, with a charming smile, swore her allegiance to me.

“Of course.”

The golem controlled by the Elf Hero had also risen. However, the skills were different from what I saw when we met on Earth as her soul was too strong for a golem shell. Now everything was different. Having regained her body, she was able to fully regain her strength. This was the main reason why my level dropped to 1.

? Race: Old Spirit

? Level: 999+

? Specialization: Exorcist (Demon → Damage ↑)

? Skills: Dark Energy Resistance (ZZ), Purification (ZZ), Divinity (Z), Dual Swords (MAX), Dexterity (MAX)…

? Condition: Submission, Touched

Skills designed specifically for hunting demons. Most likely, if the Demon Lord met her, he would immediately be turned into dust. Even if an army of demons attacked her, they still couldn’t win. I decided to call her Spirit C.

“I don’t see Saint Hiplia.”

“Whom? Hip-? Oh! Why are you asking?”

The trembling Spirit C looked around and asked me about Saint H. Was it…?

“Nothing. I have some minor trauma, hoho!”

Covering her mouth with her hand, she laughed charmingly and disappeared like a mirage. I think I knew what kind of injury she was talking about.

Then the head of Spirit C was decorated with a staff. It was just a masterpiece for me, but apparently, the owner of the head and the user of the staff thought differently.

“Hmm. Not everyone can be assigned as Spirits.”

The inhabitants of Fantasy weren’t suitable. More precisely, the divided souls of the divided worlds didn’t fit. And the inhabitants of the Earth? Also no. I had killed many people from the special squad on Earth, but none were reborn in spirit form. Then the condition was…

?Glance: Maybe you need to be a hero with a whole soul?

Oh! Miss Trainee. How are you?

?Positive: With Luke, it was much more comfortable than with Sieg. He has already taken an entry-level course, and the guide that is sold on Earth played a big role. But it is precisely because of this that the opinion now circulates that it is necessary to correct the entire course of study.

I expected that. After all, the test was the same every time. The examiner, of course, played a role in determining the marks, but if you knew the correct answers in advance, then even the stupidest student could receive more than seventy points.

And this was a very important problem. For example…

You saw that the locals were in danger. In theory, you should run to save him purely intuitively. But if you run only because the guide said that there would be a big reward for it, then that wouldn’t be the Hero that the teaching staff wanted to see. You needed to save others without thinking about such things.

“First, let’s go outside.”

Five Spirits with crowns stuck to my body again, but now I didn’t even have the Spirit skill. Was it because I had already become a Spirit?


I then opened the rusty door.

?Explanation: Seven years have passed since that day.

I didn’t even ask, but thanks for the explanation, Miss Trainee.


The capital of the Holy Kingdom had become a dense forest. Abandoned buildings and roads were overgrown with grass and trees, and spirits circled here instead of people.


I spread the wings of a just Hero. And flying into the sky, I looked down at the ground. Only the royal palace and temple remained surrounded by spirits and forest, and the villages of people were moved outside the forest. I had played a role in this.

“Because of this, will the points for Reputation decrease? “

First, I needed to urgently meet with Luke. Although, didn’t they say that it had been seven years already? Even aside from Combat Strength, for seven years, he monopolized Reputation and Achievement. If he decided to defeat the Demon Lord alone, there was a high probability that he would graduate alone. I would like to avoid that.

?Laughter: Don’t worry about it.

Miss Trainee. What does that mean?

?Whisper: Last year, he challenged the Demon Lord but failed. He didn’t receive an announcement that something had changed, but the birth rate of demons seemed to have increased. Luke was confused as this was different from what the guide said.

In the ninth playthrough, the Demon Lord influenced the laws of this world. It was the birth of demons. A large population was a strength! The Demon Lord was well versed in economics and business planning, so this was the so-called unofficial patch designed for the distant future.


?Explanation: The slow Elven Princess and Saint were captured, and the Sword King, Mermaid Princess, and Mercenary King, who helped Luke escape, died on the battlefield trying to hold back the pursuers. They resurrected as demons and were now enemies. Luke, determined to take revenge, went to the northern continent to find new companions.

And what about Lanuvel, always pretending to be cute?

? Awe: With Luke stubbornly guarding her, she was fine.

I thought I understood the intentions of the Demon Lord Pedonar. If the birth rate of demons increased, then the number of enemies that the Hero must knockdown also increased. Then the Hero’s level would rise faster than before. What if the Hero’s level rose?

Then he would continue to influence this world. Luke escaped not because of the sacrifice of his companions but because of the Demon Lord’s plan for him to level up even more. However, I don’t understand the reason why he let Lanuvel go! Anyway…


The World of Fantasy was just a nursery for growing Heroes, but the Demon Lord also thought about raising the Hero and using him. Somehow the goals of the Fantasy God and the Demon Lord coincided. The victims would be Heroes like Luke, who had blindly believed the guide. Previously, following this guide, it was possible to graduate without problems within three years.

However, because of this unofficial patch, it had long since become problematic to do this. If you traveled slowly pretending to be sweet with Lanuvel, the army of demons, whose number was growing every day, would become much more difficult to cope with. The more population there was, the faster it grew.

So, the power gap between the strong and weak countries became bigger as time went by. That is…

“This is a chance for me?”

Luke attempted to attack the Demon Lord but was defeated, and the Demon Lord’s army was growing rapidly. Luke, who has lost his companions whom he raised for three years, has to strain to somehow resist him. Wouldn’t it be easier to kill yourself and start over?

I flapped the wings of the just Hero. Although Ms. Trainee continued to tell me about Luke’s current situation, I didn’t listen to any other information. Due to the increasing birth rate, the number of demons was growing rapidly, and therefore they needed to expand to new lands. Then the Dumpling Kingdom, the Holy Kingdom, and the Elven Kingdom, which were located near the Demon Lord’s lands, came under attack.

Were they going to be safe?

“You! Those who have dark energy, don’t eat them!”

“Unite under the greatest Demon Lord!”

“We will reward those who find the Hero’s companions!”

“Under the Demon Lord, all people will be equal!”

The Holy Kingdom and the Dumpling Kingdom were already in the hands of the Demon Lord. Only the capital of the Holy Kingdom, in which I fell asleep, remained untouched, as it was a kind of sanctuary. The Elven Kingdom was more or less calm compared to the other two, with only small battles taking place on the border of the steep mountains.

But even such minor losses to the elves threatened the already small kingdom with extinction. The kingdom continued to exist only thanks to the good political skills of the Queen of Elfheim. She was devoted to her homeland, even while in captivity. Now she was the ideal queen who led the country and people. Wasn’t the Elven King lucky to have such a wife?


“The situation is somehow incomprehensible.”

Although people were under the rule of the Demon Lord, you could not tell that they were in distress.

Now they worshiped the Demon Lord more than their parents who gave them life, but the quality of life seemed to be better than before. And not only that.

? Race: Human

? Level: 3

? Specialization: Chef (Career → Cooking ↑)

? Skills: Cooking (E), Cleaning (F), Dark Energy (F)

? Condition: Controlled

All residents had the Dark Energy skill. It seemed that the country had been turned into demon followers. So now, not even disputes arose here. As ordinary people live under hundreds of CCTV cameras, people here also led a quiet and peaceful life under the supervision of demons. But there were also some negative sides. A stereotypical and correct life. Everything was perfect, but there wasn’t enough variety or change.

If this continued…

? Type: Race.

? Title: Human.

? Rank: Normal.

? Ability 1: Possibility of interspecies crossbreeding.

? Race 1: Excellent reproduction.

? Race 2: Includes various abilities (↓)

The effect of the race was getting worse. Thanks to experiencing different opportunities, extraordinary heroes could be born among people and geniuses or just gifted children. Elves, dwarves, angels, and demons didn’t have this. They were like carbon copies, with similar appearances and predetermined talents.

“I shouldn’t leave everything like this.”

We need to quickly kill the Demon Lord and go to the 11th playthrough. There was no other way out. The Hero lost, and the Demon Lord took over half of the central continent. The other Heroes were sleeping at this time. Because of this, their Reputation and Glory suffered.

“Oh? Kang Han Soo?! Hey! I’m here! Here!”

Flying across the sky, I heard someone calling me from the ground. Usually, I ignored this, but the dimwitted inhabitants of the fantasy world didn’t usually remember my name. So I looked closely.

“Luke? When did he come to the central continent?”

Miss Trainee? You said he went to the northern continent.

?Excuse: There seems to be a mistake due to a lack of time and budget. I don’t always follow him. I am still in charge of Sieg, and I also have a personal life, so this happens.

Then I couldn’t help it! Having failed with the Demon Lord, the Hero Luke searched for new companions in the northern continent for four years. Sage, Ice Princess, Sword Princess, Saint C, God of War. Amazingly, he managed to get hold of the God of War controlling the Golden Golem.

“Haha! How do you like my new companions? I also got a new Holy Sword, which isn’t even mentioned in the guide! Just don’t be surprised! This is the Ego Sword!”

Luke bragged about the power of friendship and the Holy Sword 3.

“Yeah! …Cool.”

I also decided to introduce my dummies, each of whom had enough strength to defeat the Demon Lord alone.

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