
Chapter 82

‘That looks amazing.’


‘Wait, did I just drool?’

Thankfully, the livestream was in first-person perspective. If it were in the third person, Jin-Hyeok might have looked pathetic to the viewers.

‘A sword should always look that amazing.’

Jin-Hyeok wanted to quickly snatch that sword that La’kan was wielding and make it his. A stronger urge than ever boiled up within him. Suddenly, Jin-Hyeok heard Cha Jin-Sol’s urgent voice.

“Oppa! That guy is getting closer.”

“Let it come.”

Although Jin-Hyeok felt tremendous pressure from the approaching monster, Jin-Hyeok knew nothing bad was going to happen while he was inside the safe zone. The monster swung its Greatsword with a menacing force.


The barrier that protected the safe zone was hit by the attack. The feeling of threat was real, and Jin-Hyeok could see that the others were also afraid. Jin-Hyeok wondered if this was because they were not accustomed to experiences like this.

He didn’t blame them. Even watching horror movies could make people shiver. Jin-Hyeok could understand feeling nervous when there was a huge and powerful monster swinging its massive sword in front of them.


It continued to swing the sword.


There was an explosion, and sparks flew as the greatsword clashed with the barrier of the safe zone.

Even so, the safe zone remained intact. For the barrier to be broken, it needed to be a Dungeon that was at least Level 150. Even that was very uncommon, so Jin-Hyeok’s party was safe.

“Mok Jae-Hyeon, how is it? Can you withstand an attack?”

“I don’t think I can take it head-on. If I deflect it, I might be able to withstand it a couple of times.”


Jin-Hyeok patted Jae-Hyeon’s shoulder. It was alright to feel tense and scared. But if that were it, Jin-Hyeok would have been disappointed. There was a reason why the safe zone was conspicuously placed here. It was the System’s intention to have Players analyze the enemy’s attack more accurately.

“I’ll try to analyze the enemy’s attack patterns a bit more, and then I will designate your position.”

“Got it,” Jae-Hyeon said.

With an expression full of tension, Jae-Hyeon observed as the monster swung its greatsword.

Unknowingly, Jin-Hyeok started to feel a little excited.

‘Damn it. Not this again.’

Lately, there had been so much fun in his life. His weekends were filled with excitement, and streaming had become very interesting as well. Also, acting like the party\'s Ruler was immensely enjoyable. Playing as a Ruler provided a peculiar sense of satisfaction that was hard to feel while Playing directly.

“The ability to swing such a massive sword so effortlessly might have a reason behind it. Do you guys have any ideas, Seo sisters?”

The initially frightened Seo sisters had now approached La’kan and were closely observing its attacks. Soon, Seo Ji-Ah spoke up, “That monster is a Demonic Swordsman.”

“I think so too,” Ji-Soo said.

Jin-Hyeok continued with the livestream.

“It seems like it might be using a gravity-related magic spell. We need to confirm whether this magic only affects the sword, or if it can be applied to the entire Field.”

Jin-Hyeok shifted his gaze to Han Sae-Rin.

“I’m pretty sure Pathfinder might be able to confirm what I just said is true. How about it, Sae-Rin?”

“...I think I can figure it out.”

The role of a Ruler was to position party members strategically to maximize their capabilities. The thrill when he succeeded in doing that was indescribable.

“How are you going to do that?” Jin-Hyeok asked.

“There are bursts of flames coming up from the small holes from time to time. Those represent terrain that threatens the Players and at the same time help us understand La’kan’s abilities. The focal point of the gravity magic is La’kan. Compare the height of the flames shooting up from the holes closer to La’kan with those from the holes further away. You will notice a significant difference."

Sae-Rin was right. Jin-Hyeok nodded and conveyed the information to the viewers.

“It appears to be a gravitational field expanding around the monster. The farther away you are from it, the weaker its force becomes.”

This time Jin-Hyeok looked at Kim Jeong-Hyeon.

“Kim Jeong-Hyeon. This monster apparently manipulates gravity. If we get too close to it, our speed will drastically slow down. Jae-Hyeon can block only up to two attacks at most. How should we defeat it?”

“I think… we need to… fight it first… to know, but…” Jeong-Hyeon’s eyes were flashing with a competitive spirit. “...In the end… It comes down to two… options… First…”

Seo Ji-Soo seemed frustrated by Jeong-Hyeon’s slow response and cut in, “We need to stab faster than we usually do, or we need to deliver a powerful enough blow to kill it with one shot! Ugh, can’t you talk any faster?”

"That was a valid point as well.”

“But looking at the monster’s armor, it doesn’t seem like attacking faster would have much of an impact. Its protective barrier also looks really solid. It might be better if my sister, Ji-Ah, and I distract its attention while Jeong-Hyeon lands a strong attack. Luring it and pushing it into the lava could also be a viable approach.”

Everyone was making valid points. The Seo sisters’ attacks involved stabbing and slashing, while Jeong-Hyeon’s attack involved delivering significant blows in each of his attacks. For this type of monster, Jeong-Hyeon’s attack would be more effective.

“Alright then, let’s begin the battle.”

⁎ ⁎ ⁎

“Wood Fortress!” Jae-Hyeon deliberately shouted loudly.

He did this to precisely convey the timing of his Skill to the party members. At the same time, Ji-Ah and Ji-Soo spread apart and dashed forward.


The Greatsword hit the Wood Fortress.


With just one regular attack, the Wood Fortress was shattered into pieces. After shattering the Wood Fortress, the Greatsword was about to hit Jae-Hyeon in the head. He rolled to the side to narrowly avoid it.

Meanwhile, Ji-Ah and Ji-Soo approached.

‘I’ve slowed down!’

‘My movement is slower!’

The Seo sisters thought.

If they had gone in without knowing it, they might have been greatly startled. However, through the conversation with Jin-Hyeok, they had already anticipated this level of difficulty and proceeded to attack without panicking.

Jin-Hyeok pointed at an area with his laser pointer.

“Jeong-Hyeon, go over there!”

While the Tank and Damage Dealers attracted its attention, Jeong-Hyeon moved to the back of La’kan, who was wielding the Greatsword.

“Jeong-Hyeon, you are in the gravitational field. You can’t move quickly anyway. Minimize your presence and approach slowly. Focus on your breathing!” Jin-Hyeok said.

Now was the time to trust his party members. Jeong-Hyeon was not the type to overwhelm opponents with speed. If the monster turned its attention to Jeong-Hyeon, he could be taken down with just one attack.

‘I trust you, Jin-Hyeok,’ Jeong-Hyeon thought.

Jeong-Hyeon had experienced that his abilities were maximized when Playing with Jin-Hyeok compared to Playing alone, and he had experienced this many times. Thus, he trusted Jin-Hyeok’s orders.

La’kan’s back was getting closer.

‘I need to target the back of the knee first.’

Because La’kan was so large, attacking the vital points from the start seemed difficult. Following Jin-Hyeok’s instructions, Jeong-Hyeon moved slowly, approaching.

[Flaming Fist of Cheongdam-dong activated the Skill 「Crushing Fist」.]

Jeong-Hyeon punched the side of La’kan’s knee.


The attack was a success, but for a moment, La’kan’s attention bounced toward Jeong-Hyeon.

Suddenly, he heard Jin-Hyeok shouting, “Now!”.

Following the laser point, Jeong-Hyeon threw himself forward. In an instant, flames surged up from the hole and engulfed him.


Jeong-Hyeon was hidden by the flames, making it impossible to see him.


He suddenly felt chills on his back. Though the flames obscured the view, La’kan’s first almost struck the back of his head.

‘That was close.’

If the flames had not hidden him, his skull would have been shattered by that punch. Despite suffering severe burns all over his body, it was still better than taking a blow from that fist.

La’kan roared in anger.


Meanwhile, Jin-Sol desperately applied heals to Jae-Hyeon and Jeong-Hyeon. She was a Blood Priest, using her own blood as a medium, and as time passed, her face grew increasingly pale.

‘I feel so dizzy,’ Jin-Sol thought.

However, she could not fall down here. Swordmaster La’kan was more powerful than any monster she had faced so far.

‘If the Healer goes down now, we’re all done for.’

At that moment, Jin-Hyeok asked, “Why aren’t you using Blood Drain?”


“Can’t you realize that you can’t do this with only the blood packs?”

“Ah, I know, but…”

Blood Priests unleashed their true power when they combined Blood Drain with their abilities.

“B-But…” Jin-Sol said.

“What’s taking so long? Use the Blood Drain!”

“Are you telling me to suck your blood, Oppa?”

“Who else is here beside me?”

Jin-Sol unwillingly pulled up the sleeve of Jin-Hyeok’s arm.

“What the hell are you doing? Jin-Hyeok said.

“Huh? I’m trying to use Blood Drain.”

“Don’t you know that sucking on the neck is the most effective?”


Jin-Sol bit her lip. The idea of biting her brother’s neck to suck his blood didn’t sit well with her. The target of the Blood Drain would lose a significant amount of blood. It could pose physical issues, and in unlucky cases, it could also inflict a psychological impact.

“Hurry up! Can’t you see the members are struggling?”

Jin-Sol momentarily met Jin-Hyeok’s eyes. They were eyes filled with profound disappointment. In that instant, she napped back to reality.


Jin-Hyeok subtly bent his knee to make it easier for Jin-Sol. Her teeth became like fangs.

[Babyshark activated the Skill 「Blood Drain」.]


[The target, Kim Chul-Soo, experiences significant bleeding and pain.]

The System message clearly indicated that, but there was no indication that Jin-Hyeok was in pain. Instead, he continued the livestream calmly and comfortably.

“As confirmed last time, my blood and her Job are quite compatible. I am already looking forward to seeing what kind of power this Blood Priest who’s consumed my blood will display.”

Gulp, gulp.

Jin-Sol’s eyes turned red as she drank her brother’s blood. Unconsciously, she thought to herself,

‘This is delicious…’

The grade of blood consumed during the Blood Drain also affected the Blood Priest’s abilities. As she bit Jin-Hyeok’s neck and drank his blood, she could feel her heart start to race.


It was an electrifying sensation beyond what could be expressed as euphoria, sending tingles throughout her spine and body. It was as if a massive tidal wave had surged into her body, turning her whole being upside down.

At that moment, Jae-Hyeon was once again hit by one of La’kan’s attacks.


Jae-Hyeon narrowly avoided the Greatsword, but he was hit by its left fist. His right arm contorted as if it had been crushed in a compactor. It was so grotesquely distorted that it was hard even to recognize it as a human arm anymore. Lost in ecstasy, Jin-Sol halted her Blood Drain and shouted loudly, “Heal!”

Simultaneously, a miracle occurred. With just one healing, Jae-Hyeon’s shattered right arm was instantly restored. Jin-Hyeok calmly continued the livestream.

“It is an incredible healing power. Since Jae-Hyeon was healed many times before by the Blood Priest, his body seems to have evolved to receive the Blood Priest’s heals more effectively.”

However, Jin-Sol knew the real reason.

‘No, that’s not it. It’s all because of Oppa’s blood!’

To Jin-Sol, her brother’s blood was like a treasure. It was an elixir that maximized the abilities of the Blood Priest. Honestly, even Jin-Sol herself was surprised by how adeptly she had used her healing Skill.

After that, she sucked Jin-Hyeok’s blood several times, fulfilling her role as a Healer.

“Even though they’re fighting well, the power difference between my party and the monster is too extreme. It seems hard to defeat it. Seo sisters, let’s try to use what we’ve saved up.”

It was a special move of their own.

Ji-Ahn and Ji-Soo used the Shadow Movement.

[Unnie Shadow activated the Skill 「Shadow Movement」.]

[Dongsaeng Shadow activated the Skill 「Shadow Movement」.]

It was a Skill that allowed movements through shadows. After that, the two of them cooperated to execute their cooperative Skill called Shadow Fusion.

Emerging from La’kan’s shadow, Ji-Ah and Ji-Soo attacked the designated points on both sides of its hamstring that Jin-Hyeok had indicated.


They seemed to have dealt a substantial amount of damage, as La’kan turned and swung its sword. Jae-Hyeon unfolded his Wood Fortress and blocked the attack.

“Thankfully, only Ji-Soo’s wrist was severed by its attack.”

Ji-Ah took her sister’s severed right hand and returned to the safe zone. After receiving healing from Jin-Sol, Ji-Soo was fully restored.

Later, Jeong-Hyeon and Jae-Hyeon, who could not hold on any longer, also returned to the safe zone.

Jin-Hyeok said, “Although everyone has made significant progress in their abilities, it is still far from enough. We will have to aim for the next opportunity.”

The battle continued in the second round.

Third round.

Fourth round.

Fifth round.

As time passed, Jin-Hyeok’s party members became more skilled in facing off against Swordmaster La’kan.

Sixth round.

In the sixth round, Jin-Hyeok turned off the livestream and personally joined the battle.

“I’m doing this to find better strategies by engaging directly. There is no ulterior motive,” Jin-Hyeok said.

Although it seemed to others that there might be an ulterior motive, the members did not oppose him. Even though her ranking dropped to third place, Sae-Rin, who had been with them until the sixth round, was in shock.

‘T-That crazy bastard!’ Sae-Rin thought.

While Playing as a direct participant, Jin-Hyeok managed to block La’kan’s left fist, the same fist that had shattered the Tank’s arm in one blow.


However, something was a bit strange.

‘Wait, how is he unharmed?’

Jin-Hyeok calmly spoke, even though he was no longer livestreaming. However, he seemed like someone engrossed in a livestream, as if a person consumed by the game could not distinguish reality from the game.

“I can’t get a sense of it in just one attempt,” Jin-Hyeok said.

He looked like he was disappointed.

“I will try once more. I think I need to clash my fist against the monster’s fist one more time to truly understand its power.”

Sae-Rin could see that Jin-Hyeok was smiling softly. It was undoubtedly a manifestation of madness.

La’kan extended its massive fist. In response, Jin-Hyeok extended his own much smaller fist toward La’kan’s fist.

Their fists collided.

In an instant, Its gravitational magic was canceled, causing flames to burst high from all the holes. It was columns of flames of a height never seen before.

‘W-What’s happening?’

Soon, the flames subsided.

Sae-Rin rubbed her eyes and looked ahead.

An unbelievable event was unfolding before her eyes.

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