
Chapter 515 Losing Everything

Chapter 515 Losing Everything

However, Feebie and Royo were too great forces that were even more powerful and influential than his team of middle-stage warriors.

The influence was so great that there were still many that supported Harbour even after the passing of the two. But that was because in the mind of the Lethal Bite Clan, whoever was the leader, the team of middle-stage warriors would still belong to the Clan.

They still had some strength left in the clan, and now at a meeting of all sorts, that strength of the clan had been taken away. A seed was planted in their minds that it had been taken away by Harbour.

It didn\'t matter if they thought it was true or not; all they needed was the doubt. With that in mind, now what could they latch onto? Hiring wanderers into the clan that had great strength?

This was something that was quite sickening to the older generation of the clan. Something that they didn\'t like in the first place.

It was okay with them as long as the true power was still held with those brought up by the clan, but would that be the case now?

If that were to happen, they would rather increase the strength further and go ahead with Niang\'s plan of trying to call a Divine warrior to them.

That was how stubborn the clan members were and how fickle their loyalty was as well. The vote was cast, and Niang had gotten what he wanted, somewhat.

As long as Harbour still had some power, there was always the chance of bouncing back, and now it was time for his final part of the plan to play out.

On the side where Harbour was, one of the ministers who had put his hand up to vote for Harbour had raised his hand and stood up.

"I have something to say on this matter as well," the minister of one of the districts within the city claimed. "I did not want to speak of this before, but I can confirm that Harbour did indeed work with those from the Moon Shield clan. He had colluded with them. I have a written order from him to allow them into the city discreetly."

Immediately, Harbour\'s eyes had gone red.

"Baronor! Why would you say such a thing? Why would you make up lies right now of all things!" Harbour claimed.

"Let him speak!" Connor shouted and bashed the table. He too was furious because the evidence and claims were stacking up against Harbour.

As someone who had been in the clan for the longest of times, the one thing he couldn\'t stand was treacherous behavior.

"Yes sir, I have the documents to prove this fact as well. I didn\'t speak before because I was afraid that Harbour would be elected. If he was the leader, then he would punish me for speaking out against him. I was afraid for my own life!"

Right there and then, another one of Harbour\'s supporters stood up, raising their hand as well, and when he opened his mouth, the sudden noise drowned out all around Harbour.

He didn\'t understand what was happening. Why would those that had just supported him speak out against him? Why would they suddenly say all of these lies?

His head was swirling as he could see the vicious looks all around him. He was starting to feel ill as his whole body was covered in sweat, and finally, after a lot of speaking, reports, and a few hours had passed, a decision had been made.

"It has been decided," Connor stated. "That Harbour has been expelled from the Clan and will no longer have any rank. He is demoted to a citizen of the city.

"At the same time, due to his efforts, the treason committed by him means that every relation to Harbour will be culled. They are to be executed, but due to your family history, we will offer them the chance to commit suicide!"

Harbour\'s head continued to twirl and spin, it did so more and more.

"My family… my wife… and child… you were to get rid of them as well?" Harbour then looked up at Niang. "Getting the position from me wasn\'t enough for you… you had to take everything away from me, didn\'t you, didn\'t you!"

Harbour climbed on top of the table and launched himself right at Niang, but before he could make it across, many of the Elders as well as the rest of the clan had subdued him, pinning him to the table.


Himmy, Charlotte, Anna, and Raze were all enjoying a drink at a local establishment. The night sky was out, covering the city, and it had nearly been two whole days since the events at the Stone Manor.

After completing the task, they had sent Ivor, the no-name man, as well as Bargo back to the barracks to report and continue as they had been doing.

They were to be reported as dead. This would allow them to move freer in the city, and they were hoping they would get an updated report on the matter from the others.

"I went to the barracks earlier, and it seems the place is full of warriors," Anna commented.

"That might explain why they didn\'t meet with us yesterday," Himmy said, taking in a big gulp of his beer and wiping the foam away from his mouth.

"Do you think they\'ve been captured then? What should we do then? Won\'t they be tortured to speak, and what if they find out that we\'re alive as well?" Charlotte asked.

It was something for all of them to think about, but from what they had found out, it was unlikely that they would meet up with the others for their meeting tonight.

While waiting patiently, the door to the inn was opened rather loudly as the door slammed open. Standing right there was a man with ruffled clothing who was constantly hiccuping as he had entered the room.

His face was a little red.

"Kick me out… kick me out… What do they mean, kick me out?" The man said as he stumbled to the bar.

He had caught everyone\'s attention, and some of those around were whispering about him because he was someone that they had recognized.

Who wouldn\'t recognize one of the top officials of the Lethal Bite Clan, Harbour?

As he stumbled his way, he had found himself at a seat right at the bar.

"Drink please!" Harbour asked.

"You\'re a mess, man," the barman replied. "But it\'s my policy to not turn away customers until they\'re passed out, and then they get chucked on the sidewalk. As for you though, Coin, give me some coin!"

Harbour started to search his pockets as his body continued to sway, and he was hiccupping away, but he was unable to find anything.

"I promise, I\'ll pay you, just give me a drink," Harbour asked.

"Sorry, no coin, no drink, no matter who you are."

Among the people, the news had spread that Harbour was no longer a member of the clan. He was a common citizen, so things such as disrespect didn\'t matter.

Although they would usually still be careful since he was a talented warrior, but in this state, maybe a toddler could even push him over.

"Please," Harbour asked again, his voice cracking. "Please… I have to… I have to… I can\'t… I need to forget." Tears were rolling down his face, part of his shirt was already soaked. He had broken down a few times already before.

The barman was about to shout back at Harbour, until a person next to him appeared, placing a couple of silver coins on the table.

"I\'ll pay for the rest of his drinks for the night."

Himmy was looking at the bar, and he was wondering when did Raze leave his seat and go over, and why would he go over for a stranger.

At that point, Raze sat next to the man and took a drink, and the two of them drank away.

"Thank you, stranger… I… I need to forget… I just need to… heal the pain a little bit," Harbour answered. "I know it\'s stupid, but this is the only thing I can do."

As drinks went on, Raze didn\'t say much, but Harbour couldn\'t hold in his feelings as he went into a trail of mumbles.

"Why… why did they have to kill them… why couldn\'t they have killed me… my wife… my son… all of it!" Harbour started to break down.

Eventually, Harbour had ordered another drink, and when he did, he looked to his right and the black-haired man sitting next to him.

"Why are you buying me drinks… Do you know who I am? Because right now, it\'s useless. I don\'t have the power to help anyone," Harbour stated.

"Why did I buy you your drinks? I noticed when you came in," Raze answered. "The look in your eyes, I know them well; you are a man that has lost everything, yet is in no power to do anything about it."

"That look, the way you are acting now and feeling now, I know very well how you feel," Raze answered.

Hearing those words, Harbour let his forehead fall to the table, and the tears from his eyes dropped to the floor.

"That damned clan is now in Niang\'s hand! I would rather have the whole Lethal Bite Clan destroyed than be in the hands of that man! If there was one wish I could have granted, with everyone who betrayed me, who didn\'t believe my words, I would want it all destroyed to the ground!" Harbour claimed.

Raze thought back to the situation he was in. At the time, he had felt the same way. He wished for someone to give out a hand and reach to him. Even if it was the stranger or the devil himself.

However, it never happened, nothing happened no longer how long he waited, so he needed to get up and do it himself.

"Very well," Raze said, thinking about the time he was in the same situation. Back then, what were the words that he wanted to hear most? After that, he got up from his seat, and said the words he wanted to hear, "I\'ll do it, Your wish will be granted."

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