Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 409 - Planned on Seducing Me?

Chapter 409: Planned on Seducing Me?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Sorry...” Gu Mengmeng said submissively.

Lea realized that his emotion was putting Gu Mengmeng on the spot and deliberately exaggerated the sadness and disappointment infinitely. He hooked Gu Mengmeng’s chin amorously and said, “You knew that rather than your confession of love or an apology. Why not... Call me ‘Daddy Lea’?”

Sometimes Gu Mengmeng really could not identify when was Lea being serious and when he was not. Seeing that he was playing around again, she pushed away his hand and said, “Stop saying rubbish, aren’t you going to tell me what was Cole going to do? You were just beating around the bush... Why can’t you just go straight to the point?”

Lea’s mouth twitched and said, “You are quite onto Cole, eh? Why, do you really want him to be your beast pet and let him ‘serve’ you together with me?”

Gu Mengmeng glared at him and said, “Swallow the word ‘serve’ down your throat, I hear that again and you will know it!”

Lea nodded and said obediently, “Alright, then how about ‘attend to’? Or... ‘wait on’?”

Gu Mengmeng ground her teeth and screamed in her head: Jesus Christ, there is a fox turned human here. I am not sure whether he had passed the trials? Would you consider striking a lightning bolt on him?

Lea cleared his throat, decided that the joke was enough and continued, “The snow foxes tribe was the servant of the Messenger of the Beast Deity. Within our tribe, the responsibility of ‘serving’ the Messenger is of the highest priority. In this one thousand years time, there were many tribesmen who mated to break past the third level boundary, including my father, my eldest brother and... Cole. Moreover, Cole did this to the most extreme level out of everyone I knew.”

Gu Mengmeng tilted her head and asked, “What do you mean?”

Lea replied, “Whether it was my father, my eldest brother or any other tribesmen that I have heard whom mated to break past the boundary, even if they don’t really like their females that much, they would still provide some form of protection and care for them. Whereas for Cole... there was not a single person in the tribe that knew who is his female, no one ever saw him caring for any female at all. Oh, you are the exception...”

Gu Mengmeng rubbed her temples and said, “So you are suspecting I am Cole’s female?”

Lea shook his head and said, “If you are his female, he wouldn’t have to raise the challenge to Elvis and fight for the position of the beast pet with me.”

Gu Mengmeng, “...” She had nothing to say.

Lea said, “What I meant was, why would someone that did not even care for his own female come and chase after you all of a sudden? To be your beast pet?”

Gu Mengmeng said, “Isn’t this the question that you are supposed to answer me?”

Lea looked at Gu Mengmeng with the face of ‘Huh? Really?’ and waited for her to wave her fists at him, before giving a sly smile and continued, “Cole had just mated when I was banished from Sauder and he had broken past the third level. After all these years, he must have gotten a lot stronger, so he was not worried about the punishment of the mating contract and hence could not be bothered about his female for a single bit. While you... I am afraid you are not a female to him, but the key to the highest power.”

Gu Mengmeng replied, “So, you suspect that Cole planned on seducing me to gain the support of the Messenger of the Beast Deity?”

Lea nodded his head and said, “Along those lines.”

Gu Mengmeng laughed and said, “So he thinks he is Emperor Zhou of Shang dynasty and treating me as Daji? He is so certain that I will fall for him?”

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