Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 914 - Kneeling Neatly

Actually, because the first two singers performed unexpectedly badly, the audience was very optimistic about the third singer. Everyone was cheering for the third singer, and many fans even shouted their idol’s name in unison. “Tobias, come on!” “You are the best!”

Everyone refused to be outdone, and the atmosphere on the set became more intense.

Once the third singer started singing, the audience instantly burst into thunderous boos!

In fact, the third singer tried very hard, and his performance was indeed much better. Unfortunately, this was not a KTV, and a contestant who sang like an ordinary karaoke singer would be looked down upon by the audience.

The third singer left the stage in tears, then the fourth, fifth... tenth, eleventh...

All of them performed similarly badly and left the stage in aggrieved tears.

At such a huge competition, it was normal for one or two contestants to perform abnormally, and it was still not a big deal if three or four screwed up at the last minute. Even if five or six contestants did badly was still understandable. However, for more than ten to all perform like that, it was obvious they had suffered a huge shock...

That was completely not normal!

“What’s happening?” Claire was really shocked. “It’s normal if a few competitors perform badly because they were mentally weak. What’s up today? Why are all of them performing abnormally?”

“It looks like something serious is happening backstage.” Felix stroked his chin, then stood up and said to the host, “Pause the competition and send someone backstage to check out the situation...” After he said that, he still felt uneasy. “Forget it, we will go personally.”

The four judges looked at each other, then got up at the same time. Four white lights flashed, and all four mentors were teleported to the rest hall backstage.

“Ah, I’m so sorry, ladies and gentlemen.” The host hurriedly announced. “Something might have happened backstage and the four judges are taking a look. Please be patient, it will be settled soon.”

It seemed that something entertaining was happening here today. Anyway, the audience had come here to be entertained, and the crowd which was just watching did not mind if things got stirred up. Once they heard that something had happened, everyone got excited—

“Hahaha, it looks like things are going to be interesting today. What do you think is happening backstage?”

“Who knows. I think something big must have happened. It must be something terrifying.”

“It must be. Have you all noticed that the ten over singers who came on performed abnormally? They must have suffered a great blow!”

“They must have, poor things...”

Actually, at a competition of this size, some verbal or even physical conflicts backstage was considered normal. After all, it did not matter what you did as long as you could win—since historical times, there had never been a competition where the people taking part did not try to scheme against their competitors. It was not too bad for Sing! Milky Way. After all, they were in the virtual world and everyone was here only virtually. It was not a big issue for there to be some fights backstage. In fact, many judges hope that something would happen backstage.

After all, a singer who was able to face anything regardless of what it was and yet still be able to stand in the face of all adversity would be able to perform best in their career in the entertainment circle in the future.

If he could not even survive a little setback, he would find it hard to advance when he became famous—the entertainment industry may look glamorous, but beneath all that glamor was a lot of backstabbing and hustling. If one was not mentally strong, he would find it hard to survive in the circle.

But no matter how imaginative the four judges were, they really did not expect that the backstage would look like this...

A large group of people knelt on the ground. There were perhaps a thousand or so people, kneeling in neat rows.

Right in front of this group of people, two beautiful women were sitting there chatting. The younger one was eating melons seed and saying, “Who’s next? Go take your turn and then go wherever you want to...”

Damn, what was happening here?!

The four judges were stunned! They knew there were bound to be conflicts and arguments backstage, but for it to look like this...

Did they know they were no longer playing fair?

“Who are you? How can you do something like this here?!” Claire was furious. It was not easy for her to become a judge in Sing! Milky Way, Hundred City Showdown. The backstage had been turned upside down by these two women, how would the competition proceed? The competition had been turned into a farce, and she, as a judge, would also be disgraced.

“We are participating singers.” Li Nianwei was not really affected. Honestly, after being with Hong Dali, Li Nianwei was still very friendly to other people, but she had also subconsciously become more self-assertive. “These people were offensive first, we’re just teaching them a little lesson. But you,” Li Nianwei glanced at the four people and quickly realized who they were, but she still continued with her question, “who are you? Are you allowed to be on the backstage?”

“We are the judges of this Hundred City Showdown.” Felix’s expression was very much displeased. “It’s normal to have a little conflict backstage, but you don’t think this is too much?”

When the singers kneeling on the ground saw that the judges had come in, they burst into tears of gratitude and threw themselves at them. “Four judges, you must help us!” “Yes, how will we take part in the competition if this goes on, sob, sob, sob!” “I can’t take it anymore, these two women are really horrible, they must be severely punished!”

Seeing that the singers who had been kneeling had rushed off to beg for help, Tang Muxin was amused. “Judges, wow, you are very important people. However, I do not think we have gone too far. This is very normal. They provoked us, so we retaliated. This is to be expected!”

Before they came, Hong Dali had given specific instructions.

It did not matter if they participated in the competition or not, but they must not be taken advantage of. Whoever dared to do anything against them, thrash them. It did not matter if it was a singer, security personnel or judge. Bottom line was: no matter who it was, if they dared to try anything funny with Young Master’s women, they deserved to die!

Therefore, Tang Muxin was very confident.

Honestly speaking, in the Galaxy Alliance Center, they had no need to fear anyone with Hong Dali’s current standing—they had beaten up even Li Tianxing, there was no need to worry about inconsequential people.

“You two are the Elemental revolving mages?” At this point, Frank noticed something wrong. “Who sent you here?”

Elemental revolving mages were all super powerful. Unless forced to, no one was willing to offend them. So, no matter what might happen, the questions still had to be asked.

“We are singers taking part in this competition.” Li Nianwei smiled slightly, then said, “It just happens that we are also Elemental revolving mages.”

At this time, all four judges noticed the super beautiful Li Nianwei. Dulles touched his chin, and then suddenly asked loudly, “You are the Li Nianwei from Shenluo City who has a popularity rating of 85 million?”

“That’s right, that’s me.” It seemed that this person had actually looked up the information. Li Nianwei smiled and said, “Do you have any advice for me?”

“I do not have any advice for you, but I have to apologize.” Dulles said grimly, “Originally, I had high hopes for you after you obtained a popularity rating of 85 million in the previous competition, but you have gone too far this time. I can only inform you regretfully that the scoring for your performance will be affected. Because according to regulations, if a singer creates too much of a disruption backstage, 20% of their lyric score will be deducted. In other words, you no longer have a high chance of winning.”

Speaking of which, Dulles struggled a little inside.

Li Nianwei was the singer who was most likely to become the champion in this competition. After all, a singer who could attain a popularity rating of 85 million had never appeared in the history of Sing! Milky Way.

So he had always felt very optimistic about Li Nianwei. The problem was, she had made too big a fuss today. She had affected almost everyone else’s performance. There was no way they could let it slide.

It was normal for conflicts to happen backstage, but at this scale, it was unacceptable.

Sure enough, when they heard Dulles’ words, the group of people kneeling in neat rows on the ground previously immediately got worked up!

“Hahahaha! Li Nianwei, great. We can’t get a good score and neither can you, right? Hahaha!”

“We’ll see what you are going to do now! The four judges are the ones who will give the scores for lyrics! A perfect score is 100 points. Even if the four judges give you 100 points, you will only get 80!”

“Yes, so what if your qualifications are good? After losing 20 points in lyrics, no matter how high your Audition Stone score is, you still have no chance of being first!”

“Hahaha, yes. This time, there is no hope for you!”

Jealousy could sometimes completely destroy human reason. Li Nianwei had the highest popularity rating among all the contestants, and she was an Elemental revolving mage! Such fantastic qualifications made all the other singers crazily jealous!

They were all human beings. Why was there such a big disparity? Since they had no hope of getting first, watching the strongest contenders fall from grace was also a joy in itself!

Listening to the people talking all around them, Tang Muxin and Li Nianwei were not worried at all.

Most importantly, Li Nianwei had already decided not to participate in the competitions after this one.

Since there was nothing in the balance, and she did not really take the competition very seriously, what was there to fear?

So Li Nianwei didn’t take this to heart at all, she just nodded slightly, and then asked, “Okay, noted. Is there anything else?”

“You will pay for your arrogance!” To be honest, Claire was extremely angry. Li Nianwei was prettier than her, had a popularity rating 13 million more than her own, and was an Elemental revolving mage. Any one of these factors was enough to send her into despair—the feeling made her rage, because when compared to Li Nianwei, she, although a judge, could only be in a supporting role while Li Nianwei was the eternal protagonist!

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