The Demon's Bride

Chapter 467: Lock Lockets-III

Chapter 467: Lock Lockets-III

The rest of the two letters which Lady Lucy had sent told nothing about whom she was speaking to and neither there seem to be a reply to her letters which made sense as the postman had given back the letter as the person\'s location had been changed. Elise questioned if Lady Lucy knew the person had moved house but then if she knew, she won\'t sent such letters and she wondered why does the other side of the letter didn\'t tell her beforehand that they had moved houses?

Was there a reason or was it done in purpose? Was this person similar to others who had ignored and turn a blind eye to her as they deemed her to be worthless of their time?

Questions like these were not to answer without reply. It took Lady Lucy eight letters to finally stop writing one. The last letter said,

\'Today it has been said that I will be driven out of the house. I have no complain and I know you wouldn\'t either. I do not know whether my life outside these walls would still be similar to the time before I met my husband. As you know, my current situation put me in a situation where I am condemned, my life won\'t be easy but with my dear son, I promise to be stronger than alone. Changing town to live in might be the best idea and the only left way for me I still don\'t know where I would live in but the town called Ranhelled, would be the first town I think to visit as someone whom I know live there. This might be my last letter from this place. I need your help, please come in contact with me again whenever you can.

Waiting for your reply, Lucy White.\'

Elise craned her neck to see Ian\'s expression where there was bright anger sending spark from his eyes. He cannot believe his mother had to beg to someone he didn\'t know of and going by her letters he was painfully aware that he was the reason for her to beg the unknown person.

"She had always been this kind of person, a person who stand strong for herself but then she was always ready to go on her knees for me," a sudden pause came between Ian\'s words as a wretched memory crawled from the back of his mind and he sighed to release his hold of anger as the person who was on the receiving end of the anger had all been reduced to blood and flesh, and now ashes. "I never wanted to see her beg for me, to get on her knees, but she still did that before her last breaths."

Elise understand that feeling upon remembering her memory with her birth mother. Parents often ready to sacrifice all that they have even if it means their life for the sake of their child but seeing their parents to be on the stiff and unfavorable spot was something which no children wished their parents would have to go through,

Ian then get back to the subject. "That leaves these three letters."

"It\'s sent from two different places," Elise pulled the two letters. The two which Ian held was sent from the same location while the other one wasn\'t.

"Should we open the one Hallow have first?" Elise inquired and receiving the nod, she took the letter and opened it, unlike the other letters that Lady Lucy wrote she noticed the three letters which were sent from outside appeared to have been opened beforehand, possibly by the order of Ian\'s step-mother.

The letter was easy to read, having the same favorable handwriting which was smooth to the eye, the same handwriting which in a glance was enough for Elise to know the letter was written by the same person who had sent the card. She read the content of the letter, "To you, Lady Lucy. I am worried to not hear any of your letters anymore and I am saddened to tell you that this might be the last letter I will write. As I have mentioned in the previous letter, I am sure if it is that person, he would be able to help you while I am gone. I am not quite aware of what happened to your brother but when I leave back to Heaven, I will make sure to question those who heard the news of Hell of how is he doing, and tell my friend to sent the reply in my stead as I will stay in Heaven. I am sure your brother would be alright. Do not worry and rest your mind in ease. For you only, Raziel."

Elise snapped her eyes to Ian upon the name. "We have the angel\'s name he is..."

Elise wasn\'t able to complete her words as the fourth party in the room answered in her stead, "Raziel."

Ian\'s eyes was quick to narrow and he twisted his neck to glare at Lucifer, his uncle. "Hm, much of a puzzle, ain\'t it? But the names are easy to remember because we are going back to the flow. Gabriel and Raziel, truly what are they doing?"

"Why are you here?" Ian snipped, not forgetting the man\'s sudden and unwanted appearance. On the other hand, Elise who once thought of how they needed to talk with Lucifer was surprised by how quick her words were brought to the reality.

"What can you expect? I heard Lucy\'s name spoke many times and something this juicy is one thing I cannot forget to enjoy, don\'t you agree?" Lucifer\'s red eyes met with his nephew\'s same red one, the intensity and the blaze hidden inside his eyes reminded him so much of himself which had him to grin. Though this was their proper second time meeting, Lucifer felt the bond he shared with Ian, the same bond which make him feel like Lucy was still with him when she had left.

Ian was no less creative when it comes to sardonically leave his remarks as he did now to the man, disregarding the fact he was a high demon or his uncle, "I guess the Duke of Hell is less busier than what others would think. Is there not enough sinners there to entertain you? I can bring you more, after all the baby needs some distraction to stay quiet."

"They sure do but you are thinking too far in the future now. I will make sure to bring my dear grandson to hell for a visit but you two are yet to have a baby much less sex, right?" Lucifer\'s words came unfiltered, so unfiltered that Elise didn\'t only feel embarrassed but dizzy.

She was certain that Ian and Lucifer should never be placed in one room, their anger would only cause the third person in the room to be the one to suffer from their discussion rather than having the damaged affect themselves.

A frown came in Ian\'s forehead while Elise questioned how Lucifer knew that much between them as if his eyes live inside their room which she hope was false though now seemed plausible when she gave it a thought.

"Now, now, don\'t look that angry," Lucifer raised his palm then. "You see I was having my evening walk when I smelled doves flying here and there in the bright afternoon. I was curious therefore I called them up friendly with a smile. Them guess what they did? They greeted me back with punches and curses. I am not a man of violence but they started it hence why should I restrain myself either? We shared some friendly greetings again, this time physically and by the time ended, I was the only one left standing."

There was so much going on in Lucifer\'s story but to summarize his words, he had attacked back the people who attacked him, thought Elise. She questioned why he had to bring the word friendly as if trying to appear harmless when it was doing the opposite effect.

Ian sighed, never had he seen someone so uselessly sarcastic and mischievous, "In short you had a fight with some angels."

"Correct. Malphas!"Lucifer called for his servant. "Bring me it."

Thudding sound and a dragging noise of something heavy pulled across the ground then came from outside the door. Maroon, who had been watching Malphas couldn\'t bear standing and seeing the other servant any longer. He came and asked if Malphas needed help but the other demon firmly rejected, saying that he was alright.

For someone who was a Demon Malphas was quite strong especially as he was the servant of Lucifer but he still had his limits. Bringing four angels at once carried on his shoulders and arms, was the most he could take until he started to wheeze for breaths and sweats rolling off his forehead.

When he arrived in the house, he threw aside his politeness and let the angels fell to the ground with a loud thump, "Their wings are uselessly heavy!" commented Malphas and he quickly looked up with a smile as he thought he deserved some praise, "Milord, this is them, the same angels who had been following Lady Elise and her friends!"

"Great job," Lucifer spread his hands over to the collapsed angels on the ground, the corner of his smile allowed his fangs to be on display, "What do you say to your uncle, now Ian? See, I am all in for your best interest and naturally one cannot ever forget, your bride."

Ian pulled his fingers and pinched the skin between his eyebrows. He wasn\'t wrong when calling Lucifer a baby, the Demon was just a child on adult\'s skin, "They are following Elise?"

Elise was also startled upon seeing the angels that were unconscious and laying on the ground, their eyes were tightly shut, head slumping to left and right as it had lost its muscle tension to stay steady in one direction. What caught her eyes the most was the unforgettable pure white wings that remain driven snow even as it fell on the ground.

"I didn\'t notice," she whispered. While her Demonic senses had become stronger, it appears that she wasn\'t as strong as she thought she was, still missing the people who had followed her.

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