The Reincarnated Vampire Wants an Afternoon Nap

Chapter 217

Arge Chapter 217: Not good at dealing with children

「Ei, How persistent!

Why must I (Boku) go along with you!」(Chrome)

I heard familiar words and woke up from a nap .


When I opened my eyes and looked around, the position of the sun was high .

... It hasn’t been long since I started taking a nap .

I felt comfortable on the grass and just fell asleep .


I get up and yawn while stretching lightly .

I look around, recognizing that my sleep fatigue slowly disappeared and I slowly awakened .


Seeing the face of an acquaintance, I get up .

When approaching her, there seemed to be a little girl clinging to Chrome-chan . And for that matter, that little girl is also someone I know .


「Ara, Arge-san . Thank you for your hard work (Otsukaresama ~desuno)」(Kuzuha)

「No, I was sleeping until a while ago so I didn’t anything else today ...」(Arge)

「Vampyr! This girl is persistent! Do something!」(Chrome)

「What’s happened here...」(Arge)

I don’t really get it but Chrome-chan seems to be trying to escape from Kuzuha-chan .

As for Kuzuha-chan, for some reason, she even used her alter ego to firmly hold Chrome-chan’s arms .

「Kuzuha-chan, Do you have something to do with Chrome-chan?」(Arge)

「Actually, I got some sweets from today’s purchase . So I was wondering if Chrome-san...」(Kuzuha)

「I told you already! A tea party doesn’t suit me!」(Chrome)

「Ah, I see ......」(Arge)

For the time being, I can grasp the situation from what these two say .

Kuzuha-chan tried to invite and Chrome-chan tried to escape?

...Chrome-chan seems to be not good at it .

I’ve never seen her with other people in the rebellion .

Does she like to be alone or is she not good at dealing with others, or both?

Either way, Chrome-chan would be awkward with the cheerful type like Kuzuha-chan .

「But but (Demo Demo), It’s better to eat together (~desu wa yo) .

And Ginka-san is waiting for Chrome-san to come (orimasu~no)!」(Kuzuha)

As you can see, even if you try to refuse, she won’t give up .

Instead of being depressed, Kuzuha-chan keeps pushing with a smile . Her haunting-ghost-like stubbornness is enough to make me give up a nap .

「...... I’ll go if it’s an order」(Chrome)

「She also told me to reply just in case you are saying something like this (orimasu~no)

“It’s not good if it’s an order, I will be happy if you agree to come”」(Kuzuha)

「Gu~... that woman (Ano Onna)...」(Chrome)

It’s probably because she (Ginka) knows Chrome-chan’s personality .

Also, she chooses a difficult to refuse messenger (Kuzuha) .

That girl (Kuzuha) won’t take no for an answer...


It doesn’t even take more than a moment for her (Chrome) to break out of the restraint .


When both girls (Kuzuha+Bushiha) are surprised, Chrome-chan instantly separated from them .

Kuzuha-chan and her alter ego Bushiha-chan are dumbfounded looking at Chrome-chan .

「It’s amazing (Sugoi desu~wa~ne)......!」(Kuzuha)

「...It’s hard to keep up when I’m really surprised . 」(Bushiha)

「Kuzuha-chan is pure after all」(Arge)

「...Anyway, I don’t want to participate in that kind of party . Just tell Ginka so」(Chrome)

After briefly expressing her opinion, Chrome-chan turns around .

Before Kuzuha-chan called out, she dashed through a gap in the warehouse and disappeared .


「Kuzuha-chan . Chrome-chan also has her circumstances」(Arge)

「Uh ... I understand (wakarimashita~wa) .

And, Arge-san, I’m sorry for the bother but can I ask you for a favor?」(Kuzuha)

Kuzuha-chan handed me a bag with her tails and ears waving in anticipation .

When I checked the contents, it looked like an assortment of sweets .

「Shion-san asked me to give this to her in case she doesn’t feel like coming . 」(Kuzuha)

「How well prepared...」(Arge)

I can understand in many ways .

Both Ginka and Zion care about Chrome-chan .

「Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like I can catch her...」(Kuzuha)

「Well, that’s right . Chrome-chan is fast」(Arge)

She’s so quick that even Kuzuha-chan can’t keep up .

She was caught before because Chrome-chan was caught by surprise (puns intended) .

If she was serious, she wouldn’t be caught that easily .

「Okay, I’ll give it to her for you」(Arge)

「Thank you very much .

Please come when you’re done (~desu no)

I will be waiting for you in the tea party」(Kuzuha)

After dispelling Bushiha-chan, Kuzuha-chan moves away .

Holding the bag of sweets, I looked around lightly and...

「...... Chrome-chan, it’s already okay to come out . 」(Arge)

「...You got me well」(Chrome)

Chrome-chan popped out of the roof of the warehouse .

It’s the smell of her blood telling me where she is .

Kuzuha-chan probably knew that too, but she might have thought she couldn’t be able to catch Chrome-chan .

「Here goes (Yoi~sho~o)」(Chrome)

Chrome-chan comes to me after landing without a sound .

「... Is it the bracelet that doesn’t make any sound?」(Arge)

「...Ah, that’s right .

This is “Sound-Blurred death child”


It will erase any sound made by the wearer and its curse can cause deaf .

It’s a type of magical artifact . 」(Chrome)

With Chrome-chan’s quickness and the sound-eraser “Sound-Blurred death child” .

The silent and high-speed movement will be useful for toying with her opponent and surely killing them slowly .

「...Uhm, please take this for the time being」(Arge)


I give the bag of sweets .

Despite her blunt attitude, Chrome-chan doesn’t refuse .

「Honestly, what’s with that child?」(Chrome)

「Uhmm, she is my friend . She is energetic though, a bit too energetic」(Arge)

「How can you get along with her... No, rather isn’t she just “right” for you?」(Chrome)

I didn’t understand what she meant by “just right”, but Chrome-chan seems to be convinced .

Fixing her black hair, she sits on the grasslands .

She somehow sat down next to me and gave me a candy ball .


「Ah, thank you」(Arge)

It will be rude to refuse so I take it and put it in my mouth . I can taste the sweetness and aroma .

As I enjoyed the taste similar to the tortoiseshell candy in my previous world, Chrome-chan also chewed the same thing,

「That child, she called for you, right? Don’t you need to go now?」(Chrome)

「No, I just woke up, I still need my fill of napping before going」(Arge)

「...ain’t that right?」(Chrome)

Chrome-chan lays down in the open as if convinced with my reply .

「I’m not good at dealing with children ......」(Chrome)

「Chrome-chan seems to be the same age though」(Arge)

「Haa!? I’m already 18!

Don’t lump with such a child!」(Chrome)

「Eh, you are 18 with that body...!?」(Arge)

「Where did you look at me when you said that? I will kill you, you hear me?」(Chrome)

I didn’t want to be killed, so I kept silent without saying that I was looking at her breasts .

Chrome-chan clicked her tongue, shook her hand, and started leaving .

I just messed with her for fun but she seemed to be angry so I decided to leave her alone .

I slowly swallow the sweetness in my mouth as it melts

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