Super Ability Student

Chapter 48: It's him?

Lin Tian turned his head and saw that Chen Yixuan just came out of it.

"The meeting is over?" Lin Tian said secretly.

"Lin Tian, ​​why are you here?" Chen Yixuan walked to Lin Tian alone after speaking to the colleague who came out with him.

"I\'ll go around!" Lin Tian said casually.

"Walk around?" Chen Yixuan frowned and looked at Lin Tian up and down, and said with a stern face: "Why are you out so late? Go back and don\'t dangle around all the time!"

In Chen Yixuan\'s opinion, Lin Tian is a half-year-old child, and she naturally has to teach a lesson when she sees it coming out so late.

Chen Yixuan regards Lin Tian as a child, but Lin Tian does not think that he is very dissatisfied with Chen Yixuan\'s reprimand.

A bit uncomfortable glanced at Chen Yixuan, Lin Tian said dissatisfied: "Who are you, you are my mother!"

"You!" Annoyed by Lin Tian\'s disapproval attitude, Chen Yixuan frowned and waited for Lin Tian: "What? The skin is itchy, do you still want to go in?"

"Cut!" Lin Tian curled his lips. But he didn\'t say anything. He was really afraid of Chen Yixuan\'s surging. If she surrendered, if she told her mother about the daytime fight, it would be finished.

Seeing Lin Tianfu soft, Chen Yixuan nodded in satisfaction, and then waved casually: "Go back, don\'t go around!"

"I didn\'t go around!" Lin Tian said uncomfortably.

"Then what are you doing?" Chen Yixuan glanced at Lin Tian.

"I want to help you catch criminals, didn\'t I say it during the day?" Lin Tian took it for granted.

Hearing Lin Tian\'s words, Chen Yixuan was speechless for a while, looking up and down Lin Tian, ​​with a smile but a smile: "Please, can you stay cool, please? Go back!"

After speaking, Chen Yixuan shook her head, ignoring Lin Tian, ​​turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing Chen Yixuan turning around, Lin Tian said, "What if it helped you?"

Chen Yixuan paused, turned around and looked at Lin Tian: "You? Pull it down!"

"Don\'t believe me?" Lin Tian narrowed his eyes and suddenly stepped forward, and his body approached in vain. Then Lin Tian slowly leaned forward, his mouth facing Chen Yixuan\'s jade-like ears and he breathed: "Beauty, I will do it. show you!"

After that, Lin Tian quickly grabbed Chen Yixuan\'s round buttocks!

Chen Yixuan\'s eyes stared.



Chen Yixuan was stunned.

Lin Tiandu was too fast, suddenly approached, suddenly spoke, and even suddenly grasped with his hand.

The whole process only takes a few seconds!

When Chen Yixuan reacted, Lin Tian had done everything.

After a second, Chen Yixuan glared beautifully and her face was angry.

But at this time, Lin Tian smiled suddenly, and turned around and left quickly before Chen Yixuan rushed.

Lin Tiandu was quick, and Chen Yixuan lost Lin Tian\'s figure almost in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Lin Tian flying away, Chen Yixuan\'s face was blue and white, and she was obviously extremely angry from her heavy breathing!


I was actually molested by this kid!

Also got caught in the ass!


Chen Yixuan was ashamed!

"Don\'t let me catch you!" Chen Yixuan stared fiercely at Lin Tian\'s disappearing back.

"Haha..." Lin Tian quickly fled while smirking.

"So cool! So compact and flexible!" Lin Tian left quickly, recalling the feel of the grasp just now.

Very compact, very flexible and very comfortable!

"Calling you to look like a boss, the master doesn\'t teach you, you don\'t know who the boss is!" Lin Tian thought smugly.

Chen Yixuan\'s appearance of teaching herself just now made Lin Tian very upset, and only then did he act just now.

After running for a distance, it was certain that Chen Yixuan would not chase him. Lin Tian stopped then and reached out to beckon a taxi to go home.

At 11:30 in the evening the next day, Lin Tian came to the old town of Chengdong District.

The reason for coming here is based on the conversation of the police yesterday.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian looked at a fruit shop not far away.

In that fruit shop, two men were strolling casually in the fruit shop.

If you look closely, you can also see that these two people are wearing a Bluetooth headset.


Lin Tian naturally knew these two people. They were plainclothes policemen. Lin Tian saw them both during the meeting yesterday.

Lin Tian swept his eyes slightly, and swept towards the alley on the other side.

I glanced over and saw a girl with a height of 1.7 meters, black high heels on her feet, a black short skirt, and black **** stockings walking slowly toward the dark alley.

Seeing the girl slowly disappearing into the alley, Lin Tian smashed her mouth, rubbing her hand slowly after get off work with a trace of stubble and secretly said: "Chen Yixuan looks very feminine!"

After speaking, Lin Tian smiled and followed.

Lin Tian was invisible at this time, and no one could see Lin Tian.

As for why Chen Yixuan would dress like this, it is naturally a bait.

After discussing with the police yesterday, they figured out an alternative method, which is to let a girl be the bait.

At the beginning, it was suggested that men disguise themselves as women. But because I tried it before, it didn\'t work, so this time I tried it with a real girl.

And this request was still proposed by Chen Yixuan, and actively asked to act as a bait.

Lin Tian, ​​who has a perspective, can clearly see the Bluetooth covered with black shimmer under Chen Yixuan\'s crystal ears.

At 11:30 in the evening, the old town was already a little dark, and because of the backward facilities here, many places looked very dark. Even in some places without street lights, cameras are even more impossible.

Now Chen Yixuan is walking in a small alley with no street lights and no cameras.

The whole alley looked a little gloomy. There is no one around, usually at night, girls would not take this road unless there is an emergency.

Of course, Lin Tian knew that as long as something happened, the police in ambush would come over in just ten seconds.

Lin Tianyin slowly followed behind.

In fact, Lin Tian doubted that the gangster would come so stupidly. Is this method really feasible?

Of course, this thought disappeared after a round in Lin Tian\'s mind.

Those policemen are not idiots, and it must be possible to propose this ambush. As for the specific reason, Lin Tian didn\'t want to explore. He didn\'t want to waste that brain cell. All he had to do was to follow the police and then act.

Slowly through the dark alley, nothing happened.

Lin Tian felt a little disappointed.

And when Lin Tian slackened, one or two shadows suddenly appeared in front of him!

Lin Tian\'s eyes widened in vain!

A black shadow suddenly sprang out from the alley, and then Du quickly covered Chen Yixuan\'s nose with the handkerchief in his hand!

Then she dragged Chen Yixuan and ran!

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian\'s eyes widened!

I didn\'t expect this scene to happen at all. After a while, Lin Tian hurried to catch up.

Not only was Lin Tian stunned, Chen Yixuan\'s tight heart also relaxed subconsciously when she walked out of the alley.

At this moment, she had no idea that she would be attacked suddenly. She only had time to groan and groan, and the other party covered her nose and mouth with a handkerchief. When she took a breath, she felt weak all over!

This handkerchief has medicine!

Chen Yixuan, who was weak all over, wanted to struggle, but the drug was too powerful. Although she only took a breath, Chen Yixuan felt all over. Ten% of the power is now only 30%!

What made Chen Yixuan even more alarmed was that the opponent\'s strength seemed extremely powerful. The other party didn\'t feel any difficulty dragging his 100-jin body!

Some panicked Chen Yixuan wanted to yell, but couldn\'t make it. She hurriedly pressed a button in her pocket, which was an emergency device.

Not far from the alley, there were people who looked inconspicuous. As long as these people pay attention, they all wear Bluetooth headsets.

When Chen Yixuan was caught, there were still some slight groans and groans.

Hearing this sound, some people felt something was wrong, so they hurriedly said: "Yixuan, are you okay?"

"..." Jing, no one answered.

At this time, other people also felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Chen Yixuan, can you hear me? Please answer?"

"..." Still quiet.

"Beep..." Just when these people felt something was wrong, there was a rapid beep on the headset.

Hearing this beep, the faces of all policemen changed!

All of them rushed in the direction of Chen Yixuan with a bang, and at the same time ran quickly and flew out the pistol!

The alarm went off!

There must be something wrong with Chen Yixuan, and she must not even be able to open her mouth now, otherwise the alarm will not be sounded.

Seeing that man dragged Chen Yixuan away, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly chased him.

But after a few seconds of chasing, Lin Tianxian suddenly stopped, and then quickly turned around, and he was holding a black hole in his hand!


Seeing what was in his hand, Lin Tian was startled, and the pistol was pointing in his direction!

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian hurried down!


A gunshot!


This shot hit the wall not far behind Lin Tian, ​​splashing a piece of stone debris.

"Huh!" Lin Tian lay on the ground and took a big breath.

At this time, Lin Tian had a daze on his face and a shock: "He, can he feel me?"

"Impossible, I specially wore very soft shoes today, and there was basically no sound when I walked. Moreover, I am still some distance away from the other party! It is not possible!" Lin Tian looked shocked.

"Bang!" Another shot! This voice came from behind!

Lin Tian stunned, lying on the ground and turning his head hurriedly, he saw a plainclothes in the corner behind him shooting a pistol in the direction of the gangster.

"Isn\'t the other party spotting me, but the police?" A thought flashed in Lin Tian\'s mind.

"Bang!" The violent gunshot interrupted Lin Tian\'s thoughts. Lin Tian lay on the ground and raised his head to look forward.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the gangster calmly fired a shot.


"Ah!" followed the gunfire with a scream.

Lin Tian was taken aback, turned his head and saw that the gangster had hit the plainclothes thigh directly with this shot.

"Papa..." At this moment, a rush of footsteps sounded from all directions, and all the plainclothes in ambush rushed over.

Lin Tian, ​​who was lying on the ground, glanced around and felt that this was not a safe place, and then quietly moved his body to find a good position.

While moving his body, Lin Tian kept his eyes fixed on the gangster. When the gangster glanced at him, Lin Tian\'s muscles tensed and prepared to avoid it with the fastest movement.

But after the gangster\'s gaze swept across Lin Tian\'s body, there was no sign, as if he hadn\'t seen anything.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the other party can\'t see him."

The other party couldn\'t break his own invisibility, which made Lin Tian a lot more courageous and began to calmly find a suitable position for him.

"Boom!" At this time the gun battle became more and more intense.

Seeing the policeman surrounding him, the gangster appeared calm and expressionless, as if he had known that these policemen would come.

The gangster didn\'t evade much, so he shot it over!

"Bang Bang!" His marksmanship is very accurate, as long as the policemen are not paying attention, they will be shot.

Frightened by the opponent\'s marksmanship, the policemen were very fierce at first, but they all hid after a while and could only quietly fire two shots.

But with such marksmanship, the bullets don’t know where the bullets are going. Besides, there are still hostages in the local hands. They dare not fight against them. They are afraid that they will hit Chen Yixuan and the bullets will fly far. The other party is too arrogant.

And that gangster apparently also discovered this point. At the beginning, he would hide for a while. In the end, he didn\'t hide. He held Chen Yixuan in one hand, shot and shot with the other, just standing swaggeringly.

Because of his accurate marksmanship, anyone who dared to show up was easy to be shot by him. In this way, a dozen policemen were beaten down by one person.

Seven or eight shots were fired. When the police thought he had no bullets, he just came out, who knew he was hit by a bullet and was almost hit.

Lin Tian, ​​who was hiding by the side, clearly saw three pistols on the opponent\'s body through perspective.

After firing a pistol, will finish firing a second pistol.

When he took out the third pistol in his hand, the gangster began to hold Chen Yixuan and slowly backed away, and behind him was another dark alley.

Due to the urgency of plainclothes and being suppressed by this gangster at the same time, a dozen policemen did not form a strong encirclement at all.

In this encirclement, the dark alley is the only flaw.

Holding the third pistol in his hand, he held Chen Yixuan in one hand, while slowly backing away. He shot all those who dared to come back.

Everyone was very anxious when he noticed the gangster’s movements, but the opponent’s marksmanship was too accurate, and they didn’t dare to show up. In just ten seconds, four or five people were injured, and one fell to the ground and could not move. , I don\'t know if it\'s dead.

So at this time the police can only call for support loudly.

The gangster slowly backed up, and when he was about to reach the alley, he glanced at the policeman who was immobile by himself, with a scornful smile on his mouth, and then turned around quickly holding Chen Yixuan and ran into the dark alley. !


One foot appeared in vain!

Kicked it hard!

The gangster who just ran into the alley flew out and fell to the ground severely! The pistol in his hand snapped to the ground.

Looking at the pistols scattered on the ground, Lin Tian relaxed and walked out slowly.

Seeing the gangster turned and walked away quickly, the police looked anxious, but they couldn\'t help it.

But then the gangster flew out fiercely, as if being kicked by someone!

The sudden scene left everyone in a daze, and then everyone looked at the alleyway.

Seeing the person slowly coming out from inside, Chen Yixuan, who was lying on the ground feebly, was in a daze, with an incredible expression: "Is it him?"

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