Speed Is King

Chapter 91

“Hee hee. It is not! Do you want to know my secret Jules?” Jessica Sands gave Jul’Taras, who was nodding vigorously, a sly look. “But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not your dad, and especially not my grandpa!”

“Fine. I promise.” Jul’Taras sighed deeply. The already long list of the things that Jessica told her which couldn’t be told to anyone and “ESPECIALLY not grandpa” was about to gain another notable entry.

“I actually figured out a trick to cram more power into the Boon Capsules the Gaming Commission gave us.” Jessica Sands giggled.

“The trick is to create a void within it which you can use to stuff more things within it. If you want, you can create another void within the void which you can use to stuff EVEN more things. If you REEEALLY want to, you can create another void within the void within the void’¦ You get what I mean.”

Jul’Taras frowned deeply.

“Creating a void within a void? Isn’t that impossible?” Jul’Taras said with a slightly troubled voice. She didn’t like the implications of Jessica’s power. If the rest of the universe ever found out about it’¦

“Is it supposed to be impossible? I’ve always been able to do it. In fact, the boon I made for Elliot was a triple void boon. It took me two whole voids to cram the power for the Reverse Time Walk, and the final void to cram in my final gift for him” Jessica Sands said in slight confusion.

“That’s also another source of concern. What sort of modification did you make to the Reverse Time Walk spell for it to become so powerful?” Jul’Taras asked.

“I won’t tell anyone, especially not your grandpa.” Jul’Taras finished her sentence with a helpless smile.

“Alright then. Well, the trick is’¦” Jessica Sands dropped her voice to barely above a whisper and caused both the Monkey King and Jul’Taras to lean in conspiratorially.

“Magical Compression.” Jessica Sands whispered. “I squeezed in more runes into my Spell Framework and gave it more power.”

“What? That’s impossible! Spell Frameworks are not able to handle more power than those that are already prescribed in Standard Spell Books! Don’t tell me..”

“Yes. I modified the Spell Frameworks.” Jessica Sands whispered proudly.

“Most of the Spell Frameworks I know are now able to contain at least three to four times their usual power. I haven’t got time to modify it further to contain more than four times. It gets significantly harder the more power you want to cram! In fact, it took me almost an entire week raising the power of Reverse Time Walk from a factor of three to a factor of four.” Jessica Sands whispered in a slightly disgruntled tone.

Monkey King almost fainted in shock.

First it was the ridiculously rich Jul’Taras who threw THIRTY THOUSAND resource planets at Jessica Sands as though she accidentally bought a drink in the wrong flavor and gave it to her friend.

And then Jessica talked about spending a mere seven days doing the ridiculously impossible as though it was an irritating CHORE that she expected to finish in less than seven days??

The entire magical community had worked for thousands of years optimizing and perfecting the Spell Frameworks before releasing them to the public! Each Spell Framework was the epitome of magical perfection! Even increasing their power by 1% would be a feat to be celebrated by the whole universe.

“This Jessica Sands’¦ She’¦ She’s a freak!!” Monkey King cried out in his heart. “A freak of nature! NOBODY must know about this. If anybody else finds out, not even the Void Walker Clans combined together would be able to stop the onslaught of powers that would try to kidnap her’¦”

At that moment, Monkey King felt a chill run down his spine.

He turned to look at Jul’Taras in shock. She was emitting a hardly noticeable but definitely intense killing intent at him.

“You’ve just heard critically classified information, one that could threaten Jessica’s life. Sign a slave contract now or die.” Jul’Taras said softly as a powerful contract descended upon Monkey King’s consciousness.

“Jules!” Jessica Sands cried out in shock. “Monkey is my friend! Don’t be like that!”

“This is for your own good. You barely know him. How many days have you known him for? Three?” Jul’Taras said calmly.

“Just get him to sign a contract to silence under pain of death! A slave contract is too much!” Jessica Sands urged her best friend desperately.

“You girls are talking as though Jules can kill me so easily if I reject signing her contract.” Monkey King said in an amused voice.

“Oh? You think I can’t kill you?” Ju’Taras turned to look at Monkey King and said with an equally amused voice.

“Monkey! I’m trying to save your life here!” Jessica Sands said exasperatedly.

“Thank you for your kind intentions. But I do not need any saving. Within the King and Emperor level, there are none that could kill me. If you’re a Hegemon, I might eventually die under your hands, but it would be after this entire Gaming Commission Estate is leveled to the ground. Tell me, Jules, what power level are you at?” Monkey King’s eyes glinted dangerously as he gave Jul’Taras a cold smile.

“I am an Elven Mage Queen.” Jul’Taras replied easily. “And I dare say that none within the King and Emperor level could live if I seek to claim their lives. A Hegemon might be able to live, but it would be within an inch of death’s door. And yes, this Gaming Commission Estate would be leveled to the ground as well.” Jul’Taras chuckled mirthlessly. “So tell me, Wu Kong. What is your power level?”

“Enough, both of you.” Jessica Sands said firmly. “I trust Monkey King, and that’ll be the end of it. Monkey, if you can sign a contract to keep my secret, I’ll really appreciate it. It is, afterall, critical information that could affect my well being.”

“Of course I will sign the contract to keep your secret.” Monkey King said easily. “But I’ll sign it AFTER a battle with Jules here.”

“WHAT?!” Jessica Sands shouted.

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