Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 412: Meaning of the Question

Chapter 412: Meaning of the Question

Aegir POV–

「Damn shorty...... he can really drink...... uuph.」

I carry the languid Sekrit on my shoulder and take her back to bed.

「It’s because you drank 20 cups.」

In celebration of the completion of her artificial arms, Sekrit and Balbano had a drinking bout, and she went over her liquor limit.

「If a beauty like you gets totally hammered, you’ll get pounced on.」

In the eyes of a bad man, if a normally fierce-looking woman is sleeping in a drunken stupor, it would be akin to a full course meal being left on the roadside.

When she wakes up, it wouldn’t be surprising for her crotch to be painted with semen.

「I’d also be happy though.」

Looking at it from another perspective, it’s because I’m by her side that Sekrit probably feels safe enough to be drunk.

Being elated from receiving her artificial arm must have contributed to her wanting to drink until she drops as well.

I eventually reach her chambers after carrying her for a while.

「Ah, Sekrit-sama!?」

Appearing in front of me is a familiar girl, whose name is――

「I am Lott, the girl Sekrit-sama keeps with her. Aah, she drank so much......」

If I’m being nice, this girl is being cared for by Sekrit...... if I’m being negative, she’s being treated as a toy.

According to Sekrit, she found her in a nearby village, took a liking to her and kidnapped her.

She claims she was obviously going to return her, but for some reason or other, Lott’s heart was dominated by Sekrit and cried “I want to stay a slave. I absolutely don’t want to leave”.

「......shut up, bitch. Do you want me to get out the whip ag...... uueh.」

Sekrit yells in reaction to the girl’s voice even with her eyes closed, although she quickly covers her mouth and curls up.

She looks like she’s about to puke.

I lay her brown-skinned limbs on the bed and breathe out a sigh.

「Here, water. I will wipe down your body too. If you feel like throwing up, please choose between the tub or my face.」

Lott tends to Sekrit without worrying about my presence.

As expected of a girl who professed her status as a slave.


I take another look at Lott, who services Sekrit diligently as she is being cursed at.

I didn’t have time to do so when I first met her.

She is around 15 or 16 years old.

While she isn’t exactly a child, she has yet to become a full-fledged adult.

Her height is barely 150 cm and she has a rather small and delicate body type.

Her hair is a deep blonde color, which seems brown from afar.

She has pretty blue eyes that are slightly droopy and healthy-looking tanned skin which isn’t as dark as Sekrit’s skin.

「What is it?」

Lott notices my eyes scanning her body and turns to me inquisitively.

She isn’t a particularly eye-catching beauty. She’s a girl you can find in any village.

It’s just that her tone of voice and air of her actions are unique, stirring up an impulse to want to rule over her.

「......guh...... dammit...... I’ll kill you.」

Lott turns to Sekrit as she spouts obscenities in her sleep.

Lott is wearing a one-piece dress that is short enough that her thighs can be seen and has a large opening in the back.

That appearance is something Sekrit can peek at from the bed, so plenty of things are likely in view.

The red line on her back...... is probably a mark from being whipped.

Her fully visible ass is red and swollen.

Most notably...... she isn’t wearing any underwear.

「I-It was Sekrit-sama who ordered me not to wear any underwear...... and the whip was something I wanted!」

Lott hastily hides her bum.

「......damn sow...... stick your ass out...... I’ll whip you until your skin tears......」


Reacting to our voices, Sekrit sleeptalks again.

Lott’s body shivers and a suspicious liquid drips down her thigh.


Originally, she must have thought she could have fun with Sekrit after her drinking bout, but Sekrit doesn’t look like she’ll wake up from her inebriation for a while.

And I have a girl without underwear leaking juices in front of me.

「Come this way.」


I hug Lott’s tiny body.

「I’m Sekrt-sama’s slave! B-but I was also ordered not to disobey you and listen to anything you say...... aah, what should I do!?」

Then there should be no problem.

I embrace Lott from behind and roll up her dress while taking my pants off.

「Doing it in front of Sekrit-sama! A-at the very least, take it outside or the bathroom!」

I ignore her plea, getting her to put a hand against the wall, and pushing myself inside right away.

Her high-pitched scream resonates in the room.

It’s a bit unreasonable to force my thing into Lott’s immature body, however, she’s wet enough for juice to run down her thigh and her hole, more importantly, feels loose like she’s already given birth.

Sekrit has trained her quite a bit, it seems.

「Sorry, doing it in place of Sekrit.」

This is the worst thing to do now that I think about it.

「Eh, in place of? Using only my hole because Sekrit-sama is asleep......」

Lott suddenly squirts from what she says.

I guess I have my consent.

I grab her little ass and shake my hips, then look out the window.

「Didn’t I tell you to prioritize the deployment of the light infantry with crossbows!? The organization of the spear unit can come later! We don’t have time!」

Irregardless of it being night time, Celia is still running about and shouting.

She seems motivated, so there is some value in continuing to give effort.

「Make them ready to fight in one week! I’ll kick the ass of whoever lazes around!」

Celia threatens the soldier adorably.

When he replies with “If it’s from the little miss, that’ll be a reward”, he was kicked in the crotch.

I think it’s fine if I leave it in her hands.

Leopolt’s conversation comes to mind――

I follow Leopolt to the headquarters as he is producing a quiet yet angry atmosphere.

Celia is also with me.

He even told Celia to come along for some reason.

She is glancing downward nervously and trotting with an anxious gait.

Once we entered the building where the headquarters is located, Leopolt shuts the door behind us.

「Please report the details of the mission.」

He asks a question without delay.


Celia ducks her head between her shoulders and shrinks.

Normally she would be going on about her respect for me, but today she is quite timid.

Leopolt’s attitude is like a superior hounding his subordinate for answers, which doesn’t really annoy me, and it’s not like I did anything I should be guilty about, so I’ll come out and reply boldly.

「Sure. I heard a small group was planning to go on a reconnaissance operation, you see. Since we couldn’t act until we confirmed the enemy force, I was free, so I thought I’d tag along.」

I bring Celia close to my body and pat her soothingly to calm her down.

「There were times throughout the mission that we were about to be discovered, but Celia did her best to delay it. We were able to ascertain the strength of the enemy’s fleet. ......after that, plenty of things happened, but Ivanna’s assistance secured our safe retreat.」


Leopolt’s expression doesn’t change despite the report of a successful mission.

No, he was always a guy whose expression never changes no matter what, but the aura of dissatisfaction around him hasn’t disappeared.

「......what are you unhappy about? We suffered a few casualties, sure, but the objective was completed. There shouldn’t be a problem.」

「It was reported that a crisis occurred due to a change in the initial plan.」


Leopolt presses the issue.

Stop, you’re making Celia smaller.

「Even though it was a close call, we made it out alive with the information we wanted. Shouldn’t that be good enough?」

I confidently stand up to him.

「That is an argument based on hindsight.」

「War is the result.」

You’re the one who fought a result-oriented battle.

「Thus, I do not intend to point out the problems of the main operation. However, if a decision is made from the details and the same is done again, it may bring about the worst case scenario. Therefore I want to warn you about your future actions.」

「You’re being roundabout. What are you trying to say?」

The trembling Celia tries to wedge between Leopolt and I.

We aren’t going to fight or anything so there’s no need to push yourself.

Besides, you aren’t tall enough to stop us anyways.

Leopolt goes on without paying attention to the really cute Celia.

「Acting on your own will derail the entire plan. Asking you to refrain from participating isn’t possible, so I at least ask that you notify me in advance. If I know whether Lord Hardlett is joining or not, I can adjust the plan accordingly.」

In other words, I should tell him before charging in, huh――?

That’s right, I don’t recall speaking to anybody.

「If I told you I was participating, would anything have changed?」

「I would have cancelled the whole operation. The mission is not worth endangering the life of the Supreme Commander. That should be clear without knowing the motive of the operation.」

After saying that, Leopolt directs a sharp stare at Celia.

He is implicitly blaming Celia who said to wait in Tebia for the enemy fleet.

I told him it was a decision I made on instinct, so how did he know?


Celia is becoming smaller and smaller.

「Don’t blame Celia any further. If you’re going to blame anyone, blame me!」


When I bring Celia behind me to protect her, she clings to my back in tears.

「We can’t fight without grasping the exact strength of the enemy force. It’s because of Celia that we found the entire enemy fleet. Wasn’t that the purpose of the reconnaissance?」

Leopolt doesn’t react and cooly continues on.

「Those were orders for the officers and men on the scene. Everything was not transmitted to the personnel on site.」

Leopolt has three more reports lined up beside the results of our scouting.

「What is this?」

From what I can see, it has an overview of the enemy fleet written on them.

There wasn’t much of a difference to the number we determined.

「This is the analysis done on the enemy numbers based on witness reports from the scouts disguised as fishermen. This number integrated the reports from several spies. And this―― is the result from the aerial scout.」

He means Pochi for the last one.

Well, that’s fine.

「......so you had information after all.」

「W-what did we do all that for......」

Leopolt, indifferent to our dismay, plainly explains.

「The size of the enemy fleet will be part of the basis for a future operation. We can not rely on the results of a single scout to confirm anything. For example――」

Leopolt points to the documents listing the findings of the scouts and spies.

「According to the scouts, they spotted 30 large combat ships, but according to the spies, they saw 5. In the rocking small boats disguised as fishermen, there is a tendency to judge enemy ships to be larger than they are.」

Celia and I nod in agreement.

「On the other hand, the spies use an indirect approach to gather information, going by things like supply and sailors, but it’s hard to say that is completely accurate.」

Leopolt presents the scouting information from Pochi last.

「I personally think this method is extremely innovative, however......」

It almost looked like Leopolt furrowed his brow.

「Unfortunately, the scouting members are insufficiently skilled and lack reliability.」

The report was written with beautiful style and well-balanced spacing which is just as good as the previous two.

What catches my eye, is that there are scribblings and drawings all over the place.

「Did they...... try to draw...... a ship?」

「Aah, ‘they’ did this?」

The pictures are most likely the work of the harpies.

I’ve seen them try to imitate us and draw with their winged arms before.

The harpies probably went with Pochi to scout.

That’s impossible though.

They don’t know how to count and whatever they saw would be forgotten after a short break.

There was such a story.

Those girls snacked on one out of the three skewers Maria had when she took her eyes away for a second, but they didn’t even realize one went missing and started fighting with each other.

If they can’t tell the difference between two and three, there’s no way they could count dozens of ships.

There’s more.

Nonna had asked for the roof that the harpies often rested on to be repainted white to match her tastes.

All of them were gathered and advised not to step on it when the paint was still wet, but five minutes later, they came back all white.

After I washed them while clutching my head in distress, I brought them to the actual location and warned them not to rest there, in which they replied “Got it, got it”, but they still ended up all white.

To go scouting the enemy force and come back...... is a task with a high-degree of difficulty that I can’t imagine them completing.

On the way there, they would forget what they set out to do in the first place.

「Pipi’s words are next to the drawings.」


So Pochi was being ridden by Pipi.

It looks like she gave up trying to write the number of small and large ships beside the pictures.

Pipi has a dodgy sense for counting too.

「Wait, then who wrote these pretty words?」

「By process of elimination, that would be―― Pochi?」

You mean to tell me those large claws with long nails managed to hold a pen?

No, let’s not think of this anymore.

「Since the report was not written by a human, the reliability is questionable. ......assuming some portions of the report is true, complementary reports are necessary.」

I look at Pochi’s scouting report again.

「Large ships: 10, Small to Medium ships: 130-160, Extra Large ships: 2―― it’s accurate, for the most part.」

Celia’s shoulders slump.

「I’m still can’t get over it.」

It must be quite depressing to think she worked so hard to compete with a lizard.

「With all this information, we didn’t have to go on such a dangerous mission then. Celia and I were nearly――」

My words were cut short by Leopolt, who placed his hand onto the desk with an audible thud.

「Like I said before, if I had known Lord Hardlett was going on the mission, I would have cancelled the plan altogether.」

Although he isn’t yelling, his anger can be felt acutely.

It turns out the outlook is worsening for my independent actions and Celia is becoming even smaller.

No matter how I look at it, I’m in the wrong.

「My bad. I’ll say something next time.」

「Please do.」

There is something I want to ask on top of that.

「Even if there wasn’t a change in plans, the enemy almost discovered us from the start. If Celia and I weren’t there, the entire squad would have been annihilated. Was there enough value to warrant this mission?」

It was way too dangerous to send a group of people simply to confirm Pochi’s report.

「The final crisis could have been avoided if the plan was not disobeyed.」


「To get right to the point, the destruction of the squad was within expectations of the reconnaissance operation.」

「Hey now.」

It was exactly like the 105th thought after all, they were being treated as sacrificial pawns.

I can’t let that slide.

「But, it was worth the risk.」

Leopolt lines up the reports from Pochi and us, then taps the point “battleships: 3” lightly with his finger.

「You are sure there are three battleships?」

「Without a doubt.」

「Yeah, we definitely saw them.」

Not only did Celia confirm it, the other lookouts verified it countless times from atop the hill.

There’s no way to mistake battleships.

All the other reports, including Pochi’s, included this observation too.

「According to this report, there are two battleships...... it’s off by one ship. I have no regrets killing a thousand people for this information.」

It’s that valuable?

「We are already losing the intelligence battle. I’m sure the enemy’s spies have learned the strength of our fleet somehow. Unless we obtain accurate information, a mistake like what happened in Rafen will occur again.」

That ambush in Rafen seems to affect him greatly.

I’ll follow up and reassure him.

「It’s in the past now. Don’t worry about it.」

Leopolt continues without addressing my concern.

「This critical piece of information could possibly tilt the tides of battle.」

「I see. Don’t worry about being outwitted in Rafen.」

Leopolt continues.

「In addition, if Tebia is being established as a large home port, we can assume the enemy will be focusing heavily on their fleet in the future. This is also important.」

「I know it was difficult to destroy each individually. Getting tricked by the surprise attack was inevitable. Don’t let it bother you.」

For some reason, Leopolt’s gaze seems to be getting sharper.

And I was even considerate enough to follow up.

「――this arrived from Lord Radhalde. It’s a decree officially allowing for the cooperation with Federation reinforcements.」

Now that I think about it, Yakov and Ivanna were dispatched under the pretense of helping Goldonia.

Crap, I really screwed up by doing my own thing then.

「I get it. Making mistakes is a natural part of life. It’s nothing to―― mmh.」

Celia could not watch anymore and closed my mouth.

「Then let us wrap up this matter here―― Lord Hardlett, I have something to discuss with you privately.」


How sudden again.

「There isn’t anybody else here besides us.」

The only people in this room are Leopolt, Celia and myself and Celia is a part of me so it’s basically just the two of us.

「No, I mean truly private.」

「Hey, I can’t chase Celia away......」

Leopolt’s gaze alternates between me and Celia.

「Privacy―― please.」


Celia reluctantly answers in a soft voice and walks out of the room with a downward look.

Along the way, it’s sad to see her turn back a second and a third time.

My heart is going to break from all this guilt.

I sit unhappily on a chair after the two of us are left alone.

「Making the cute Celia sad like that. I won’t forgive you if this is going to be a love confession.」

Leopolt doesn’t giggle at all.

「It is indeed a confession, though it’s about something even worse. Or I guess, depending on Lord Hardlett’s mood, something better.」

「What does that mean?」

Leopolt checks the window, then closes up the keyhole of the door before sitting opposite to me.

「A South Yuguria spy came in contact with me.」


I pretend to give an interested reply as I drink some water.

So what?

“Switch sides, your social standing will be guaranteed if we win”―― is a line they commonly use.

They probably tried to lure not only me, but also the other commander-level personnel.

And I’m sure nobody took the bait.

「Lord Hardlett’s name is well-known even in the reaches of South Yuguria. They offered unparalleled favorable conditions―― specifically, extensive rights of autonomy to rule over Trisnia and the South Central area of Goldonia, which includes Arkland.」

「That’s incredible. I’ll give you a reward of 1 million gold for the achievement of letting me know.」

Conditions mean nothing.

If they have no intent to keep their promise, they can talk as big as they want.

Leopolt nods.

「They are aware we don’t trust them. That’s why they said, if Lord Hardlett accepts an invitation to talk, they can send proclamations in the name of Empress Wilhelmina all throughout the country in advance.」

If Wilhelmina’s name is used to announce an alliance with me, they can’t simply offer empty promises.

Otherwise, they would be making light of her words and that would create problems for her rule.

「By going that far, I guess they’re now standing at the base of negotiations for the first time.」

South Yuguria are engaged with too many betrayals and plots after all.

「Then, are you considering it?」

I refill my cup with the pitcher and drink more water.

「I’m not accepting.」

The time I took to pour my water was enough time for me to consider it.

「If you look solely at the conditions, you will be ascending to greater heights as a feudal lord. Is the reason you don’t seem to care regardless because South Yuguria is ultimately lacking integrity? Or perhaps you are loyal to Goldonia?」

I take a brief moment to think this time.

「If I have to say...... it’s for my own self-satisfaction, an obsession, I guess.」

My final goal is to become king.

Whether I’m a noble of Goldonia or a self-governing lord of South Yuguria doesn’t change anything.

On the other hand, I’m not fine with doing absolutely anything in order to become king.

Loyalty to the country and all that isn’t very important to me, however Erich is a nice guy and he’s helped me out a bunch.

There’s also Agor and lots of others in the military who I’m close with.

I can’t obtain a country by stabbing my friends in the back and greet Lucy proudly.

In that case, it would be better if I declared independence of my current territory and appoint myself as king.

The reason why I haven’t done that is because I think it’s really uncool.

I want to feel unashamed when I reunite with the woman I love.

Taking a cowardly way out is not what I want to think of.

「An obsession?」

「Something like that.」

I don’t tell Leopolt that my final goal is a woman or he’ll probably abandon me.

In any case, South Yuguria is an enemy.

That doesn’t waver.

Leopolt goes into thought and peers into my eyes.

I wouldn’t mind if it was a lady, but I’m not going to fall for you if you do that.

「Are you satisfied with your current standing in Goldonia?」

「That’s another question out of nowhere.」

I thought this was only about the spy from South Yuguria.

All of a sudden, I feel the tension in the air.

I’m not sure what this is about, but this point must be extremely important to him.

I shouldn’t lie.

But I’m not obligated to answer.

I don’t say anything and simply stare back at Leopolt.

There was a probably smile on my face, a very small one.

「I understand.」

「I didn’t say anything.」

Leopolt gets up from his seat.

The tension dissipates.

「In the first place, turning coat after coming this far is out of the question. Even if they guarantee your status, they could easily force an interpretation of what they said after the war and dismantle what they promised.」

「Then why did you ask? Are you mocking me?」

I pick up on what Leopolt was trying to do as I complain.

Everything was for the sake of this final question, nothing else mattered.

And he was satisfied with my answer―― well, he was satisfied with my silence, I guess.

Thinking back, it’s kind of gross that Leopolt and I could communicate with each other through eye contact.

「I also confirmed Lord Hardlett had the minimum level of intelligence.」

Damn him, it’s annoying how he says it with no expression.

「You don’t have to say anything unnecessary. Besides, why did the spy come to you if they wanted to entice me to betray Goldonia? Isn’t that strange?」

「That just shows how excellent the enemy’s information network is.」

「What’s that supposed to mean?」

Wait, did Leopolt just smile...... no, it must be my imagination. He’s wearing his usual iron mask.

Anyways, the confidential talks are over.

After I give permission to come in, Celia enters partially in a huff and clings to my side.

「Good, everything’s fine.」

Why did she check whether my clothes were disheveled?

「Regardless, I’m sure the spy will come again. If Lord Hardlett changes sides, the war will be over. From what I’ve seen so far, Empress Wilhelmina isn’t a person who chooses her methods as long as her objective is achieved.」

「I won’t be lured by sweet temptations.」

「That’s Aegir-sama for you!」

I put my hand under my chin and strike a cool pose.

「Lord Hardlett’s weakness is widely known by enemy and ally alike. If the Empress overs her own body in exchange――」

「Wilhelmina’s body......you said?」

I recall the beauty of Wilhelmina that I once saw before.

Her body lays naked on the bed...... her long black hair spread out and her slender frame trembling slightly as she waits for me.

The moment we become one, her green eyes that draw me in wavers and her pale neck bends back――

“Become...... my ally, please.”


「You’re already starting to think about it!? Aegir-sama, please come back! This is all Leopolt-san’s fault!」

Celia shakes me back to reality and blames Leopolt.

Realistically speaking, there is no way a single person can infiltrate an enemy nation during war, so he can rest assured.

「Err, is the little play over?」

The troublesome-sounding voice is Tristan.

「What are you whining about? If you’re a commander, hold yourself with more dignity!」

Ivanna, who has become a mother, is also here.

Yakov is here with a rather refreshed face.

「Let us begin the strategy meeting regarding the results of the scouting.」

The thorough Leopolt aligns the documents like he usually does.

「Just the other day, coordination with the Military Commissioner has also been completed.」

I didn’t hear about anything.

Seriously, you need to stop.

I didn’t hear about anything, so I couldn’t do anything, but the strategy meeting proceeds without a hitch.

The first stage of the strategy involves leaving all of the enemy on land to Erich’s Royal army, while we aim to defeat the enemy fleet.

Because the difference in the sizes of our fleets is so large, Ivanna had to come up with a scheme besides running straight at them.

Once completed, the enemy western army will be isolated on the west coast area and can be left alone without being annihilated.

In the second stage, we regroup with Erich and work together, along with support from the fleet, to defeat the enemy central army.

Apparently, this is the time when the recruits of both sides start gathering and it’s predicted that a large scale fight will unfold with battles on multiple fronts going on simultaneously.

Then the third stage is split into two parts.

In the case we defeat the enemy, we’ll connect Arkland, Trisnia and the major cities, which will allow us to take back towns and villages one by one.

However, if the enemy army fully collapses in the process, we’ll conduct a forced march straight to the south centered around the Royal army, where we can also aim for Tortoent and the city state Meldora.

If we take back Trisnia, we can recover most of the wetlands, and Tortoent is an extremely important city to the enemy. If this place falls, it’s safe to say the battle will turn.

「I understand the western strategy, but what about the east? Myla should only have the recruits.」

When I interrupt, Tristan answers me.

「There won’t be reinforcements. Goldonia is already stretching out as thin as they can. They don’t have anything to spare when they have to maintain the defense line in the capital.」

Leopolt continues the point.

「But the same applies to the enemy. All the elite soldiers have been directed toward the capital, and only the bare minimum of recruits can be sent to the east. Lady Hyuutia has also sent notice of the war situation......」

Like I said before, why does the communication go to you and not me?

「Lady Hyuutia is steadily recapturing the territory. Although the enemy army sporadically counterattacks, the fight eventually results in victory for her.」

「That person’s tactics are excessively cautious after all. She might not have the power to overturn the entire battle, but she doesn’t show any openings for the enemy to exploit. Those kind of people are precious. Oww, what are you doing!? I’m going to end up like Adolph-san!」

I pull out one strand of hair from the cocky Tristan...... no, I guess it’s more like ten strands.

「The point is, Lady Hyuutia is steadily progressing as planned, while not leaving the range of the main front. Besides that, is there anything else?」

When Leopolt concludes, Yakov, who kept silent until now, raises his hand.

「I have one, although it doesn’t have anything to do with the strategy, it is important for leadership.」

「That’s fine.」

Yakov stands up when urged by Leopolt.

「The previous reconnaissance operation was drawn up by you, right?」


Yakov glares at Leopolt and his tone becomes harsher.

「Rumors are spreading among the soldiers that returning home from that operation was difficult from the start. The rescue barely made it in time and it was because the general...... commander was there, that reinforcements were dispatched reluctantly. I know those are just rumors, but if it’s false, I want you to deny it clearly.」

That’s right, the 105th division were up in arms.

How will Leopolt respond?

「It is true. Although survival was intended, there were plenty of chances for total annihilation. If Lord Hardlett wasn’t there, the combat ships would not have been discovered..」

「Hmp, treating a group of thugs like sacrificial pawns is generous.」

There it is.

Leopolt is that kind of guy.

Ivanna said something meaner though.


Yakov stands and charges at Leopolt.

He’s not going after Ivanna after all. He’s scared of her.

If they quarrel, the number of troublesome things to deal with will increase.

「Don’t fight. Use your words.」

When I calmly speak from my seat, Yakov drops himself angrily back onto his chair.

「We’re used to being treated like sacrificial pawns. But there is no trust between us. No soldier will die obediently for someone unfamiliar!」

「Doing something about that is your job. Is that all you have to say?」

In the end, Yakov exited the room furiously.

「Rumors...... huh? Is it fine to leave them alone?」

Celia asks worriedly.

「It’s too late already. The news has circulated throughout the 105th army corps.」

Tristan states jadedly.

Leopolt is not fazed at all.

「It’s not a problem. If I was commander, the distrust would be an issue, but as long as their confidence in Lord Hardlett doesn’t waver, there should not be any impact on leadership.」

He’s that kind of guy.

I’ll leave Leopolt and attend to Yakov later.

「Alright, let’s end the meeting――」


The most important suggestion to me is still yet to be discussed.

「Wah! What is it?」

I grab Celia and put her on my lap.

「Celia has shown remarkable quick wits during the operation.」

When I pat her head as I praise her, she goes soft.

「I have something to bring up at the same time. Of course, the one who made the final decision was me.」

Celia tenses up on my lap and her hair stands on end.

「But grasping the state of the enemy fleet was due to Celia’s advice.」

Celia sticks out her chest proudly.

「To fully utilize her talent, I want to permanently entrust a special unit ―― of 1000 to her!」





All four of them have their own reactions while I loudly declare the formation of Celia’s squad.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Summer.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend. Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City.


Celia (squad captain), Myla (has won), Irijina (sleeping), Luna (commander), Sekrit (dead drunk)

Leopolt (staff officer), Tristan (staff officer), Gido (escort unit), Yakov (injured, really angry), Brynhildr (vampire, free), Ivanna (fleet commander, shocked), Annette (princess of the 105)


Under Protagonist: 42 000

Escort Unit: 120

Infantry: 11 230

Cavalry: 1200

Archers: 1300

Cannoneers: 450

Bow Cavalry: 8700

Aless Soldiers: 14 000

105 Army Corps: 4940

Cannons: 60, Large Cannons: 30, Dwarven Cannons: 16, Field Artillery: 20, Chariots: 50

Battleships: 1, Large Combat Ships: 5, Small Combat Ships: 20, Transport Ships: 20

Stationed in Port City, Patena

Enemy Force: Confirmed

Western Army: Approx. 50 000, Magrado Local Army: Several Tens of Thousands

Fleet Stationed in Tebia: (Battleships: 3. Large Combat Ships: 10, Medium Combat Ships: 50, Small Combat Ships: Approx. 100)

Assets: 0 gold

Sexual Partners: 783, children who have been born: 69 + 565

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