The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 51 - Steal Your Love

Syryn found an orange tabby cat at the door to his room, politely waiting with a note attached to its collar.

\'Hello, my name is Navicat, here to help you navigate through Elysium and numerous other locations that you\'ve never been to! Don\'t leave home without me.\'

"Seriously? Is this a joke?" Syryn loudly asked the empty hallway. There was a collar on the orange kitty with its name embossed on black leather. NAVI. "Cute, but what am I supposed to do with you?"

"Just tell him where you want to go and he\'ll lead you," Alka came walking out of his room with a towel wrapped around his hair. "Artemus sent him last night but you were sleeping when Navi arrived."

"He sent me a navigation cat?! Where did he find such a marvellous animal?" Syryn lifted the orange kitty and looked into its emerald green eyes. The furball blinked and allowed the mage to manhandle it without complaints. He was quite lovable, unlike the bossy Milky who just sat on a special cushion and hissed at anyone that tried to pet him.

"No idea," Alka replied.

Syryn thought about Alka\'s cat form, imagining a small black kitten with green eyes. Scratching behind Navi\'s ear, he decided to ask the plant mage about it. "Won\'t you let me see your cat form?"

Alka postured and made a show of thinking about it. "If you want, but in exchange for something."


The plant mage still hadn\'t forgotten that short rush of power Syryn had opened his eyes to. He wanted to taste it a second time. "In exchange for some blood."

"What blood?" A newly arrived Magnus asked.

"Mine. Alka likes the taste of it." Syryn sent Alka a look. The plant mage cooperated and nodded his head at the fire mage.

"It tastes like copper flavoured fruit juice."

Magnus scrunched his face at the terrible description that Alka had come up with. Looking between the two younger mages like they were diseased, he asked a question that Alka couldn\'t answer, "when and why did you taste his blood?"

"This is Navi, say hi." The orange tabby was abruptly lifted to Magnus\' eye level.

"Navi, it\'s a pleasure," Magnus shook its fat paw.

"Ok bye, I need to feed Luci," Alka escaped a conversation that was getting awkward.

The year had been uneventful, save for Syryn failing his ethics classes. Rowan and his class of anti mages had graduated and were celebrated by Winter Fortress through a ball that was grander than any they\'d ever held. The Politically connected and high achievers of King Hill and Saint\'s Moon were, of course, invited. Syryn, Magnus and Alka found their calling cards arriving through post.

"Are we going?" Magnus asked, holding the black invitation to the sunlight.

"Why not?" Alka replied. This was his very first invitation and he wanted to meet his family.

"It\'s a ball. Are we supposed to take partners?" Syryn asked while buttering his toast.

"Not necessarily," Alka replied. "But you\'ll need to wear something formal."

"Let\'s go shopping. I can\'t remember the last time I got cleaned up," Magnus added.

"I don\'t want to attend." Such events began with a formal ceremony honouring the best students and Syryn was sure about Rowan\'s spotlight, and Lillith\'s presence that would accompany the blonde.

"Let\'s go shopping," Alka reiterated. "Luci also needs new clothes."

Luci did not need new clothes. He had three whole trunks of the latest in fashion, all sponsored by Alka. But Syryn did not have the heart to dissuade the plant mage.

Shopping turned out to be an interesting experience. Navi led them to all the best tailors and textile merchants. At the end of the day, all four of them had been measured for new clothing that cost them each a few year\'s worths of school fees. The nice lady at the tailory assured them of a safe doorstep delivery in three days.

Luci was already 9 years old and displayed a mature temperament beyond his age. He refused to be carried by the older boys, instead preferring to walk alongside them.

"Syryn, why do you hide your face? Don\'t you think it\'s an asset that you can use?"

Syryn wondered too. He was financially secure, had a nice big estate, a guardian anti mage that acted like his older sibling when Syryn wasn\'t flirting with him, so what was he hiding from? He could openly show himself without fear of getting kidnapped by some wealthy pervert.

"I like the peace it affords. When I\'ve established myself as an alchemist to be feared, I\'ll consider letting go of the illusion," he replied to Alka.

"Is that a new candy store?" Lucien pointed at a gaudy shop that was decorated with large fake sugar confections.

"Let\'s find out what it\'s offering," Magnus replied.

"I need shoes. Navi, where\'s the best store for shoes?" Syryn asked the orange cat. Navi\'s tail went up in the air like a pole and he began a slow trot that Syryn paced. Alka was right beside him hauling a bag bursting with books. Knowing that their sweet-toothed housemates would find their way home before dinner, Syryn and Alka abandoned them at the candy store.


"Syryn, we\'re getting late. Why are you still not ready?"

Alka and Magnus were dressed in their fineries, all cleaned up and looking classy in their fit formals. The fire mage had somehow managed to tame his bedhead into a slick style that changed his entire persona. For this evening, Magnus was every inch the royalty he was born into.

"Tell Artemus you can leave without me. I\'ll arrive when it\'s time to eat." Syryn replied.

"Arrive how?" Magnus asked. "Winter Fortress is a half hour\'s ride up a steep mountain."

"Big brother, I\'ll go with you."

Lucien\'s white tunic was tucked into navy blue pants held up by suspenders. A silk bow tie held the ensemble together.

"Go with them, Luci. I\'m not sure I\'ll make it to the ball."

Artemus, whose patience had run dry, appeared behind the mages and he unilaterally decided for them all. "I\'ll come to pick you up after I drop them off. You have an hour to get ready."

Syryn was left all alone in the house. He had a bath in a tub filled with orange blossoms and oil that had been extracted out of Puff Sobrel, a pod that had calming properties.

Stepping out of the bath naked, Syryn looked in the mirror and ran his fingers through wet hair that went almost halfway down his back. His indigo eyes were reflected to him, as were the pink lips moistened by the bath he had. Wiping down the droplets of water collecting on his skin, Syryn left the bathroom where the sweet scent of orange floated in the mist.

As promised, Artemus arrived within an hour. Syryn was waiting in his room, already decked out like a fairy prince. His illusion had been dropped for the night. The alchemist\'s formal suit was the colour of burgundy - rich and royal while still bringing out Syryn\'s youth and elegance.

"Who are you out to impress?" Artemus asked him.

The demon child was long done playing by the rules and feeling sorry for himself. Some chaos was warranted in the life of a half demonic human and Syryn would do it justice. He\'d arrived at self-acceptance after more than a year of his rebirth. And for much of the growth in his self-confidence, he credited Red. The redhead was unashamedly content to be a denizen of the darkness without losing himself to it. They\'d had more conversations about it and Syryn had begun to find a balance and appreciate the gifts that his blood bestowed him with.

He angled his head up and pressed a palm to the crisp white shirt over the anti mage\'s chest. "Myself," he answered.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath of the delicious anti mage. "I could eat you up right now Artemus."

Syryn\'s palm felt the anti mage\'s heart speed up through the cloth. A tendril of satisfaction curled in the pits of Syryn\'s gut at the reaction. Fear and arousal made for a heady combination that Syryn enjoyed.

"I\'ll offer myself to you after the world is saved," Artemus replied, hand clasping Syryn\'s. "We are already very late to the ball, kitten."

Syryn wondered if Artemus was also a shapeshifter.

"Lead the way then."

When the duo arrived, the formal ceremony was at its end. Syryn and Artemus descended the stairs at the very moment that the Lord Chancellor announced the banquet\'s opening. The graduating class facing the audience was first to take notice of the brilliance that was Syryn descending down the staircase with one of the most popular anti mages amongst their peers. The Lord Chancellor herself was immediately drawn to the two.

One by one, curious people turned and looked at the pair that quickly reached the bottom of the staircase and melted into the crowd.

"Do you have a table reserved for yourself?" Syryn asked Artemus. The stares coming his way were appraising, appreciative, and curious. They were wondering who he was.

Artemus held Syryn\'s hand and pushed through the students to get to his spot. The crowd parted before them, making it unnecessary for much effort on the anti mage\'s part. He was already a well-known figure but the presence of a mysterious stranger beside him made things easier.

"Here we are, take a seat." Artemus pulled a chair out for Syryn and then for himself. Artemus hailed a passing anti mage student and asked the boy to bring two glasses of wine.

"You\'re letting me drink alcohol. Am I dreaming?" Syryn leaned forward and grinned. Artemus was always so stuffy about Syryn acting his age. This was a deviation from the norm and it pleased the alchemist.

"Only one glass," the anti mage replied while taking his suit jacket off. "Or two," he allowed, "if you can handle your alcohol."

Syryn reclined in his seat and welcomed his approaching companions with a smile. Magnus, Alka and Lucien had found them.

"Well, well, well, if it isn\'t Syryn looking pretty enough to steal the hearts of every living thing inside the walls of these halls." Magnus spent an inordinate amount of time eyeballing the alchemist.

"No wonder you needed the extra time," Alka complained while taking the seat directly next to Syryn. "Forgive me brother but I\'ll be glued to Syryn tonight." The green-eyed mage directed his words to Artemus who made no reply.

Artemus had noticed early on how Syryn carried himself with an air of assurance that hadn\'t been there before. He exuded confidence and maturity in spades, and it amped up the boy\'s attractiveness. An older Syryn was a figure that sent the fear of Eos into the anti mage\'s heart. How would he come out of it with his heart intact? Artemus was careful about guarding himself but he was already losing the fight.

"Where\'s the food?" Syryn demanded after taking a sip of the liquid in his glass that matched the colour of his suit. Syryn\'s hair was tied back with the black ribbon he had won off Salem. A loose tendril of hair brushed his neck, drawing eyes to the creamy skin there.

"Arriving soon," Alka replied.

Syryn\'s searching gaze then found a gorgeous blonde in the company of the said blonde\'s future wife. Lillith\'s arm was around his but to anybody watching, it was apparent that the anti mage was rigid, tense and wanting to be elsewhere. Rowan chose that moment to look straight at Syryn.

The alchemist\'s heart leapt to his throat but there was an undercurrent of excitement in it. Indigo eyes brightened and he smiled feline-like at Rowan. Syryn subtly lifted his glass and tipped it at an angle before taking a deep drink. Averting his eyes, the alchemist could still feel a hot gaze melting into him. Lillith be damned, Syryn was going to steal someone\'s husband tonight, and maybe a few other hearts or lips if he had time.

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