Chapter 185

It was a bit unexpected for Desmond that the house was quite simple, a nice but humble one-story house, quite homey; it didn’t suit the style or salary of an army captain, especially one who belongs to the esper section.

However, this made a lot of sense once Desmond reviewed Captain Evergrid’s impression, the truth is that the woman didn′t give a very severe impression or anything like that, much less she gave a military air; she looked like the classic happily married woman who spent her day pampering her daughters or something like that.

It’s not that Desmond is prejudiced against women or anything like that it’s just that Sofia’s gentle motherly aura was simply too noticeable not to mention uncomfortable for Desmond.

In a sense, Desmond’s suspicions were corroborated when they both entered the house and the first thing that appeared in front of Desmond were two identical little cuties, around 4 years old; It seems that Sofia had twins.

“These are my little ones, Amy and Mellie, say hello to my friend girls.”

“Hello, mom friend.” X2

The twins’ unison response was so fucking adorable that Desmond swore he almost had a cardiac arrest, Desmond was even willing to bet that if he pulled out the hunter’s book now and used analysis on the twins the result would say their cuteness level was above nine thousand.

Nonsense aside, Desmond kindly greeted the adorable twins who were quick to strike him with all kinds of questions, Desmond’s paternal instincts kicked high and he spent nearly three hours playing with the girls while Sofia talked to him about a few things over the city.


Curious enough, Sofia mentioned that the city was having gang problems, it seems that due to the increased military effort public safety has received less attention and many gangs are taking advantage of it; Because of this, more than one war between gangs has broken out, making the outlook even worse.

Listening to the current situation in the city Desmond had to do his best not to smile, it wasn′t like Desmond was happy about the insecurity the city suffered or the problems that the military was having; it was just that the whole scenario seemed to make it easier for Desmond to employ a certain plan he had in mind that was gang-related.

Still, it was too early to start with that plan and Desmond had too much on his plate right now, ironically the whole point of the plan was to give Desmond more freedom of operation and it was exactly that very reason that prevented him from doing so; the main problem was that Desmond was one man and there was too much around him that he couldn′t control.

In any case, Desmond left the matter for later and continued talking with Sofia, he did not learn anything new about the city that would be useful to him, but it was nice to chat with a beautiful woman; Desmond only wished that the woman in question didn′t give off such a strong maternal air.

“Looks like it got a little late while we were talking, do you want some dinner?”

Looking at the dark panorama beyond the window Desmond realized that he was just as Sofia had said, without even realizing it had gotten dark; True to his nature Desmond tried to volunteer to help in the kitchen, but Sofia’s response was a big, resounding no.

“I don’t need help, children should play while adults work.” From her tone of voice, it was obvious that Sofia was joking around so much that she even reached out to ruffle Desmond’s hair as if he were a child.

And that’s when something inside Desmond activated without warning, he reached out her hand at incredible speed and grabbed Sofia by the wrist, used his other hand to push her against the wall, and held her there.

“I am not a child, do not treat me as one, your daughters had not yet been born when I became a man with a woman about your age; you don’t know me and you shouldn’t act as you do. ”

Then Desmond’s warm breath made Sofia’s ear tickle, she was pressed tightly against the wall with Desmond’s body on top of her, she could even feel Desmond’s left hand squeezing one of her breasts, she felt humiliated, defenseless, sensitive, and shy; all at the same time, but what she felt most at this moment was confusion.

Ignoring the confused and almost tearful Sofia, Desmond added:

“Believe me I have seen and done more than you could ever imagine, I stopped being a child when my parents died in front of me... Do you want me to try it? How about I take you to heaven on earth and make you feel like no man has ever made you feel? ”

Not only Sofia, actually not even Desmond knew well why he behaved this way, Desmond could be an asshole and a sadist when he fought, but he had never treated a woman like that, it was just that a fury hard to contain erupted inside him when this woman treats him as if he were her son.

Samantha Astryd was his mother, she was the only woman in Desmond’s life who fulfilled that role, since childhood the person that Desmond most admired was his father Eiden but the person he loved the most was his mother Samantha, Desmond used to be a mommy’s boy in the past and there was nothing he loved more in the world than playing the piano next to his mother.

But now she was dead and he never played the piano again, she was killed by people who wore the same military uniform as the woman who now dared to treat him like a child, and Desmond just blew up; He had been controlling himself all day to deceive the military and the psychological pressure was not small, but he had remained firm, how could he know that it would be Sofia’s maternal attitude that would ruin all his efforts?

Sofia on the other hand was on the verge of tears, she was an army captain of the esper section, but she had obtained the position due to her strategic achievements rather than her combat prowess; she was at the end of the day a single mother who had taken the job that would best allow her to care for her daughters.

Amid the tension, a tender voice broke the silence of the room causing Desmond’s face to instantly turn pale with guilt and remorse wrote all over his face.

“Mommy, what are you doing?” It was Amy’s voice that broke the silence when the girl poked her little head into the kitchen where Desmond and Sofia were.

Desmond walked away from Sofia gently making sure that the little girl didn’t see the precarious situation between Sofia and him, and without even giving Sofia a glance Desmond went in the direction of the cute little girl.

“Your mom had something in her hair and I was just helping her, I see you have a book there, do you want me to read it to you?” Taking the girl’s hand Desmond left the room, the girl immediately nodded at Desmond’s question as it was obvious that that was the girl’s original intention.

Just before leaving the room Desmond looked at Sofia for a second, he knew that the poor woman was not to blame for what happened and that he had been too cruel to her, but finding the words to apologize was difficult; in the end, Desmond still left the room.

He had barely taken a couple of steps out of the room when Sofia stepped past him, she still seemed a bit disturbed by what had happened, but she still managed to find the strength to whisper something into Desmond’s ear.

“Only a child believes that having sex makes him an adult.”

Of all the things she could have said, Desmond never believed that those would be her next words, it was not an angry claim or complaint but a reply to what Desmond had said to her before when he had her cornered.

Desmond could only smile wryly as he thought to himself: “Fair enough.”

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