Chapter 654 - 654 Chapter 654 Titania Makes Her Move.

Even for an apex existence like Titania, a fairy who reached the sun class, all the way to the supernova phase, the task she was undertaking was insane. But Titania was not just any supreme ruler, she was the queen of the fairies, perhaps one of the beings most in tune with the natural forces of the universe that existed and her spiritual power was not there just for show.

Having refined her own wings, her node of connection to nature, into a giant artifact, the sky of Avalis was more than just the ultimate defense of Titania’s sanctuary, it was also a powerful weapon that functioned as a long-range amplifier of Titania’s consciousness, the perfect tool of war for a woman who had an army of millions of copies of herself that she could deploy like nuclear bombs around the cosmos.

Suddenly, Titania moved her hand, and all the floating swords slashed through space, creating portals to millions of destinations. Without hesitating, Titania’s copy army mobilized, entering the portals.

On that day, there was carnage unparalleled in its scale and how quickly it all happened. Within minutes, copies of Titania invaded the cosmos, all with swords in hand, and carved a path of blood and corpses, rescuing millions of imperiled or captive fey in the process.

In one of many destinations, a Titania who stood out among the clone army faced a scenario out of anyone’s wildest fantasies. Unlike most of Titania’s golems, this particular one was not exactly the same as the original.

Standing on what seemed like a world of ash and fire, a purple-eyed Titania fearlessly faced at least a dozen dragons. Clad in something close enough to a purple kimono to be mistaken for one, this Titania had her long black hair arranged in a braid that fell in front of her chest, as well as a long purple metal katana.

Though diminutive in comparison to dragons, this Titania did not let her presence go unnoticed. So much so that a scar of purple fire could be seen on the body of all the dragons present who now looked at Titania with a genuine fear of death in their eyes.

With a smile brimming with killing intent, Titania pointed the tip of her katana at the dragons in front of her. “A little bird told me that you overdeveloped lizards had a good idea to trade with fairies, I come to show you your mistake.”


In addition to Titania’s inherent pride, the contempt she showed toward the dragons made them infuriated. “Who do you think you are to break into our territory? Get out, before we eat you.”

Instead of answering the dragon leader’s question, Titania made a single statement as the edge of her sword settled on the dragon leader’s neck. “Give me the fairy in your power, or face my wrath.”

Titania hadn’t even made a sound or shown any trace of her movement, she had simply appeared already with her sword ready to slay the dragon leader. The sudden turn of events left the dragons stunned, they used to be the ones who left other beings trembling in fear at their power, but the woman they were facing didn’t seem to follow the rules.

Suddenly, a name came to the mind of the dragon leader. “Wait for a second, are you Titania?”

As soon as he uttered Titania’s name, the rest of the dragons were filled with fear. Before it had seemed like a good idea to capture fairies and sell them for astronomical amounts of riches, like dragons, greed was a big part of their raison d’etre.

However, they had always been very careful not to trespass on the fairy queen’s territory, keeping their operations as discreet as possible, so that news would not reach Titania.

After all, even though Titania had been calm for a few millennia, dragons had long lifespans and very good memories, and the terror that the mad queen caused during her time still inspired nightmares in those who heard her legend.

Immediately, the attitude of the dragons had a 180-degree change, none of them wanted to become another corpse left behind by the mad queen. It could be even worse, legends said that Titania even went so far as to use the corpses of high-level dragons as materials to forge swords.

In an act that would render anyone who had ever heard of the dragons’ legendary reputation speechless, they did not hesitate to humble themselves and give in to Titania’s demands to survive.

Quickly, the fairy currently held by the dragons was brought in front of Titania. The fairy in question was a beautiful woman, with hair full of cherry blossoms, but it was the necklace and chain around her neck as well as the fairy’s lifeless eyes that caught Titania’s attention the most.

As soon as the fairy looked up and felt Titania’s presence, it was as if she had found hope, like a lost child who had finally found her mother. Immediately, longing grew within the faery’s heart, but Titania did not seem surprised, her presence had always had this effect on faeries. Titania’s belief that she was destined to be the mother and guardian of all fairies came precisely from this strange phenomenon.

Once again leaving no clue as to how she did it, Titania simply materialized next to the captive fairy, holding the little girl in her arms with the purest motherly love. The dragons were tempted to drop their guard for a brief moment, but Titania’s loving smile changed from one second to the next, becoming the grin of the grim reaper the next.

Desmond would have been both humbled and awed to have witnessed Titania’s swordsmanship at that moment, though given the disparity in power, even if he hadn’t been turned to space dust just by being around, his eyes would only have caught a lot of purple flashes that wove a web over the dragons.

The beautiful and fragile faerie in Titania’s embrace was too absorbed in the beautiful feeling that now flooded her being to realize that her captors had turned into a mountain of minced meat in such a small fraction of a second that it was impossible to measure.

Among all the dragons, only their leader was powerful enough and had enough vitality to dimly see what had happened to them and live long enough to utter one last thing before the light in his eyes went out. “You are the purple blade of Titania...the dragon never planned to let us live.”

Although known as the Endless Blade due to her nearly endless collection of blades and clones, Titania had a select few superior clones and ultimate swords that she used in tandem when dealing with extremely powerful enemies, known as the seven blades of Titania.

Each of Titania’s seven blades had a peculiar appearance that varied from the original, as well as a sword of immense power in her possession. Though few in number, those who survived an encounter with the seven blades said that these were not only the most powerful weapons Titania had in her arsenal but that they were seven entities special enough to consider both parts of Titania and separate entities due to their peculiarities.

The seven blades have different personalities, different battle styles, different swords, and even different appearances. However, it was said that in terms of appearance, the seven blades were only far apart in the way they dressed and the color of their eyes.

Due to all of the above, Titania’s seven blades that stood out so much among her golem army managed to build their own reputation somewhat. As for the purple blade, the version of Titania that faced the dragons? Well, it was said that the core of his sword was made by Titania herself refining a purple mega sun, while the body of the sword was made from the corpse of a sun-class dragon, displaying exceptional quality when it came to wounding and even slaying other dragons.

In addition to having a sword designed to inflict powerful cursed wounds on dragons and incinerate its way through their defenses, the purple blade used sword art specially designed for slaying dragons. Not surprisingly, the purple blade was the weapon Titania deployed when she wanted to deal with the apex predators known as dragons.

By deploying the purple edge to this location, Titania had already shown her attitude towards the people who were capturing and trading with fairies in this place. The only reason she even deigned to talk to the lizards was to ensure the safety of her beloved daughter first; otherwise, she wouldn’t have bothered with such niceties.

With her mission accomplished, Titania’s purple blade retrieved the dragon corpses as materials and took her new daughter back to Avalis. Back in Avalis, the purple blade left the faerie in the care of other clones and entered another portal; this was the first of many places she would be deployed to, the same she applied to the other six edges.

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