Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 191 - 191 Three Options

Not even able to move his muscles except for doing small twitches of his minor muscles, even the muscular humanoid demon wasn’t able to generate enough strength to destroy the darkness tendril that latched onto his body.

If the number of darkness tendrils were in the ordinary amount or to be more particular, in the number of one darkness binding spell could manifest, then the muscular humanoid demon would have enough strength to break through the darkness tendrils that would be considered poor in quality of toughness in comparison with the muscular humanoid demon’s strength.

However, the number of the darkness tendrils that had actually latched onto his body was twice the usual amount of darkness tendrils that would usually manifest from a single darkness binding spell.

Though the quality of the darkness tendrils wasn’t enough to hold him still, the quantity of them made up for it, generating a restricting force enough to hold the muscular humanoid demon down.

Blake had actually turned off his fire bloodline power before he drew the darkness tendril spell with his own fingers. Because if he had not done that, then the initial darkness tendrils that came from the rune formation that he threw would have been swallowed by the dark flame that would encase the new darkness tendrils that he summoned while his nether carried a fiery characteristic.

The dark flame-encased darkness tendrils would have actually done quite a significant amount of damage, even more significant compared to what the dark flame bullet had been able to do for the past few attempts if the dark flame encased darkness tendrils had really latched themselves to the muscular humanoid demon’s body.

If the dark flame bullet had actually hit the muscular humanoid demon’s body squarely, then it would not have been the case.

However, the dark flame bullet had always missed and only the dark flame part of the dark flame bullet had actually made it to hit the muscular humanoid demon’s body.


Without the explosiveness of the bullet part of the spell, the spell had only become a medium to transfer dark flame to the muscular humanoid demon.

However, if Blake had cast the darkness binding spell while the fiery nether still ran in his body, then the tendrils of darkness would have become a much better medium for the dark flames to spread onto the muscular humanoid demon’s body.

With their large quantities, it would take no time for the dark flames to spread all over the muscular humanoid demon’s body, from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. But in the end, Blake decided against that at the last second.

Getting the dark flames that were very dangerous to other creatures besides him and Cyra would not be a bad choice to make considering even the muscular humanoid demon couldn’t easily put off those flames.

However, Blake’s mind decided to not use it was exactly because of that. No matter how much damage those dark flames would do to the muscular humanoid demon’s body before he could extinguish it, the fact that the muscular humanoid demon was able to extinguish it was the factor that Blake had taken into account.

If the dark flames that encased the new darkness tendril manifested and ate up the initial darkness tendrils, then the muscular humanoid demon would not be as restricted as he currently was, and Blake worried that the muscular humanoid demon would be able to use his unfair strength to get out of the single spell darkness tendrils’ latches.

And if the muscular humanoid demon succeeded in getting back to his feet, then Blake would have to kiss his chance to deal more damage to him easily goodbye.

The muscular humanoid demon’s speed was still too fast for Blake to properly react to without laying out plans beforehand like what he had just done to catch the muscular humanoid demon off-guard and trap him inside the hole he was currently in.

Blake needed to use tricks to defeat the muscular humanoid demon. And a trick could only work once unless his enemy had a small smooth brain without wrinkles on them. And from his manner of speech and battle instinct, Blake knew that it wasn’t the case for the muscular humanoid demon.

Hence why Blake decided on his second option, which was to deactivate his fiery bloodline power so that the darkness binding spell that he cast wouldn’t carry the dark flame along with them. Catching the muscular humanoid demon in a more secure grasp, inside the latches of two darkness binding spells.

With the muscular humanoid demon losing his ability to make his own moves, Blake was then given more options to think about the choices he should make to defeat the strong enemy that could threaten him, Robus, and Cyra.

Though Robus was punched out of the frame a few moments ago, it also only took him a couple of moments to get back into the frame once again, ready to pummel the enemy that was responsible for making him unable to retaliate and making his body fly.

However, when he realized that his best friend had already caught the culprit in one of his confusing spells, Robus knew that he shouldn’t chase the muscular humanoid demon into the hole that his best friend had made to capture the annoying enemy.

“What was that ability he used earlier?” Blake questioned the muscular humanoid demon’s bloodline power when he saw Robus leap back to his side.

Hearing Blake’s question, Robus also tilt his head in confusion as he remembered the unknown sensation that he felt a few moments ago when he had lost control of his own body.

It wasn’t a pleasant feeling of course, but Robus had experienced it for the second time now, the first one came from the wolves, and he wasn’t too weirded out by it now that he had felt it for the second time.

Losing control of his own body couldn’t be treated lightly, especially for Robus, who was similar to the muscular humanoid demon, who relied a lot on his strong physique for literally everything.

Losing the ability to control his body was akin to being robbed of his existence, especially when he was sent flying without being able to retaliate whatsoever because of it.

However, that thought wasn’t too important for the current Blake as it was only a passing thought that he had when he saw his best friend recovering from that attack.

What he really thought about right now was how he would deal with the enemy that he had captured with difficulty.

He couldn’t just use a normal darkness bullet spell as from the toughness of the muscular humanoid demon’s skin and bones that he showed when he clashed with Robus, Blake knew that he would need to get close enough to the muscular humanoid demon’s head to actually be able to pierce his skull with his darkness bullet.

And he couldn’t also leisurely use his dark flames to slowly burn him to death as the dark flames would burn the darkness tendrils that kept him in place, releasing the muscular humanoid demon from his capture.

‘If I want to deal with him without risking him escaping or taking the chance to escape from the darkness tendrils to fight again, then I need to make sure that either I use a strong enough spell to kill him in an instant or I need to make sure that the restriction on his body would be strong enough to not let him out despite the attacks I would rain on him…’

Blake then thought about casting two fiery darkness tendril spells at the same time to replace the existing darkness tendrils so that he would be able to burn the muscular humanoid demon slowly using his dark flames.

However, the thought of there would be a very little gap when the new fiery darkness tendril appeared, destroyed the initial darkness tendrils, and that moment when the new darkness tendrils hadn’t been able to latch themselves properly, gave Blake enough reasons to be wary of using that method.

He wouldn’t want the muscular humanoid demon to use that very tiny gap to escape. So Blake then began to think about the other option he thought about.

Blake had three clear options in mind when he thought about the strongest spells in his arsenal.

One of them was the usual, myriad of darkness tendril spells that he was very familiar with. If Blake cast the marking spell right on top of the muscular humanoid demon’s head, even the hardest skull that he knew of would break if it was assaulted by literal hundreds of darkness tendrils.

The other one was the spell combination of his darkness bullet and Cyra’s fire. With no constraint of time to gather enough dark flame into the spell, Blake and Cyra could summon a dark flame bullet that had the same strength as the dark flame bullet that not only blasted open the gate of the second humanoid demon’s base but also destroyed it into countless pieces.

Then the last one was for him to cast the second realm darkness bullet spell, which was truthfully the most secure method if he wanted to end the muscular humanoid demon’s life.

With his nether capacity still at the top capacity, Blake would not be having the same problem when he used the spell against the flying humanoid demon back then. And added to the fact that the muscular humanoid demon was barely able to move a muscle, it was a surefire way to do it.

However, there was one problem that made Blake think several times over before really committing to use this method.

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