Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 248

The guard stopped feeling terrified of Vincent and felt a slight hope. He thought the chance to get out of this sticky situation alive might become possible.

“Y-yes! You sold my lord an item recently, and my lord was happy to find a new supplier...” The guard was saying before Vincent interrupted with, “I don’t care. I got this angry because you and your guys killed not only the goblins normally... but you killed the goblins brutally, far worse than if a pack of hungry animals killed them.”

“I-I have money saved, and my lord promised me a favor. I can get you any kind of woman you want... or more goblin slaves if you desire...” Once again, he was interrupted.

“Zip it before my angry girl rips your tongue off for annoying her. ” Vincent said with his killing intent bare. The weakened guard could only suffer under the pressure of bloodlust.

“I’ll talk! Please don’t kill me!” The guard finally surrendered after he could find no way out of this situation.

The man with a glare that could kill the weakhearted stood before the guard full of furious emotions. He knew that trying to bribe such a person in this state was the hardest thing to do unless... the target of hate changes.

Thus, that’s what the guard did. He decided to spill the beans and hope to save his skin.

A few minutes later, the guard finished a story that made Vincent murderously glared at him. The story was a horrifying and disturbing one.


The guard tattle-taled on Viscount Demel Blackheart and informed how the noble has a dark side. The noble was a minor illegal slave trader that even traded children.

In order to save his life, the guard begged multiple times how this situation with the adventurers wasn’t the first time to happen. However, he insisted that this was his first time doing something like this and that he regretted it.

If the guard fabricated the story to save his life remained unknown. Nonetheless, the story was unbelievably gut-wrenching, and with how the guards killed the adventurers and the goblins, the story felt more true than false.

However, one crucial thing remained. When Vincent arrived, he saw the guard was about to do something to the maid that a person who isn’t guilty and is feeling remorse wouldn’t think of doing.

Vincent, with a deep bloodlust-filled glare and said, “Overheat.” Then he took a step back and asked Lupa to stand behind him.

The moment the guard saw strange green dust around him, he saw Vincent stepping away, and the wolf girl go behind him, the guard heard a *Snap!*

“Burn in hell where you belong. ” Vincent said with a deep hoarse voice, and a burst of green fire immediately blasted after Mutated Ash fell on guard.

The maid shook from fear as her eyes watched a man she hated burning alive. She fell on her bottom and thought, ‘He... he would have killed me if I said the wrong thing, but... what did they speak of to make him show such anger?’

“You served a noble for years, right? Can you help me keep my sister warm? She is suffering from cold, and I think it’s because of the ability she used.” Asked Ester from behind.

Ester looked worried about Iris’s mysterious cold condition because she suffered so much from the cold that she unintentionally became frightened from knowing how it felt.

The maid turned her gaze. She saw Ester looking very worried and a strange hobgoblin wrapped with many fabrics. Be it clothes or sheets. Iris was buried under the pile.

“Yes, I can help, but please don’t let that man kill me.” The maid begged.

“You don’t have to worry if you didn’t hurt the goblins. Vincent is kind and gentle. But anyone would get mad after watching what they protected at almost the cost of their life brutally murdered and made it look like it was a fun game.” Ester reassured.

“So, can you please help my sister? Maybe you can tell me more about your lady while we wait for Vincent to return.” Ester tried to change the subject and stop worrying about Iris every second she looked or touched her.

The maid nodded and rushed to help as her life depended on it. The maid couldn’t forget the man about to do the unspeakable burn and scream twice before he died. ‘This Vincent guy is dangerous. I need to help his women to survive.’ Passed through the elf maid’s mind.

Vincent later arrived in front of the two bound women. He turned his head after hearing Kazumi chuckle. He quickly noticed Lupa a few steps away from him. Lupa was terrified of the sticky capture vial.

“I... I will go near my sisters. I don’t want these pheromone-stained women to touch me and get me all sticky. You deal with them, but no cheating. I only accept kind new sisters as your left-hand girls.” Lupa turned around and quickly paced away. Her flustered words and haste were cute.

After burning the last of Viscount Demel Blackheart’s private guards, Vincent remained in Overheat form. Previously, he decided to activate Overheat to make a spark and also protect himself if the burning man had a trump card hidden on him.

“Don’t blame me if I hurt you. I hope you girls can remain civil.” Vincent warned. He sprinkled some Mutated Ash on the sticky substance and snapped his fingers. A small green fire melted the sticky substance enough to lose its potency yet not injure the two women.

However, as Vincent and Kazumi thought, the two women gazed at him with a pair of lustful eyes. Momentarily, they lept at Vincent with their tounges out like a pair of hyenas.

Vincent quickly pulled out a piece of the large red mushroom from his pocket. It was a piece of the same red mushroom he grabbed from the vine graveyard monster’s chest.


[Name] Red Mushroom Variant

[Condition] Fresh

[Description] A mushroom variant possessing the taste and effects of Red Numb Mushroom, Fay Grass, Apple, and Ponp Mushroom. The larger the mushroom is when plucked, the more concentration it will have.


*Medium Numbness

*Medium Relaxation

*Minor Sleep


Previously, Vincent inspected its effects and decided to use it if the situation required a quick pause. He broke a piece as a precaution for the maid, the guard, or the two women.

Vincent quickly broke it into two pieces and forced it in their mouths. The two women began chewing while Vincent held them away from him by the collar of their blouse.

A few minutes later, of two lustful women struggling to get a piece of Vincent, he placed the two sleeping women on his shoulder and carried them over to the others like two sacks of potatoes.

Vincent returned beside Ester, Lupa, Iris, and the maid. He placed the two women on the ground and checked on Iris. “You can uncover Iris now. Her body heat should be returning soon.” He suggested.

Vincent turned his gaze, and the upturned ground littered with dozens of bodies and withered vines entered his sight. It was a sight Iris would have nightmares for days if she saw the view after living there for years.

*Sigh* “Lupa, can you help me throw the human corpses in the crater and cover them with dried vines and dirt to help nature recuperate what it lost?” Vincent wanted to hide the evidence.

The easiest option would be to burn the corpses, but unfortunately, it would attract attention. Mainly because their location became a location of interest to a particular scout who wished to keep getting in the good graces of nobles.

“We will bury the goblins for Iris’s sake after we finish. I hope she can forget of this day in the future.” Vincent felt guilty, but the situation escalated to this point when he was unconscious.

Vincent nor Kazumi didn’t have the chance to insist against remaining in this location and see the goblin tribe leave before they return back to the city. Vincent blamed himself for not doing better.

*Later, when the sky became dark and night arrived*

Vincent and Lupa exhausted themselves after a long day of burying the humans and afterward digging a trench and burying the goblins separately.

Lupa felt sorry for Iris, so she placed a small thin branch with healthy leaves on them for every goblin they found and buried.

Lupa hoped Iris would feel better after she woke up and saw a line of branches. However, Lupa forgot it would most likely make Iris sadder since she would know the actual count of dead goblins.

“S-sir Vincent. May I leave now?” The elf maid asked.

“No. You need to take care of the two adventurers.” Vincent strongly declined. He focused his gaze and took a glimpse at her stats.


[Name] Xu Xao Long

[Race] Elf

[Age] 48

[Condition] Mlidy Injured, Terrified

[Traits] None

[Stats] Strength 9 || Agility 11 || Perception 9 || Mana 280


Vincent thought she was a half-elf, but her paler younger skin radiated vitality at a second glance, and her ears were also longer than the few half-elves he met with. Vincent also became surprised that the woman looking in her twenties was forty-eight years old.

“Tell me, Maid Xu, can you go back alone in the darkness of the night with your powerless strength at that?” Vincent questioned.

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