Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 650

“Master. Thank. You. Iris. Talk. Happy.”

Vincent laughed. “Yes, that is the spirit. You are one of us. We help and support each other like the family we are.”

“~Family~” Zero said in a softer tone.

“Vincent. We are ready to depart.” Said Sofy with the reins in her hands.

“Okay. Let’s depart.” Vincent turned around and waved at everyone.

In his view, Vincent saw Ester, Lupa, Iris, Lilith, Sakura, and Jun Ye Rim becoming more distant. ‘This feeling... am I starting to feel homesick already?’

Vincent had the urge to stop his plans and remain in the mansion with everyone. He had experienced his kind o feeling quite a few times in the past. It was the feeling of being homesick.

“Hehe.” Vincent quietly chuckled. The feeling of being homesick already meant one thing. Both his body and mind considered this mansion as his home.


The Emerald Lionheart Mansion was the place Vincent considered to be a safe haven. It was the place where the people Vincent loved were going to gather, stay, and wait for his return.

The carriage soon stopped in front of the closed gate. Lenn, Renn, Eliara, and Fliara were at the mansion’s entrance to say farewell instead of waiting in front of the gate to open it.

Vincent or Sofy needed to open the gates. However, an unexpected thing happened. Vincent saw the gates open. Beside the gates were two men.

At one side of the gate was an old man with one eye covered. The man on the other side was young, yet he had an arm missing.

“We greet the Baron.” Both men said casually.

[Lucas works quicker than I expected. No wonder Lenn, Renn, Eliara, and Fliara gathered with the others to see us leave.]

[But why didn’t they mention anything to us? Did they think we were already told?]

“Good morning. Can I know who you are?” Vincent asked to gather information about their background.

“I am old, but my remaining eye does the job of two. I am Baron Isk Valtion, a retired Royal Soldier. A veteran retired Royal Soldier who dislikes staying idle.”

“Staying idle? Grandfather. Just say you are a workaholic.”

The one-armed young man looked at Vincent and continued, “Royal Guard Duke Lucas Hawkins requested us to temporarily work as gate guards for a family he is interested in. Any family the Duke has an interest in means they have a good future ahead of...”

“Apologies, Baron.” Isk interrupted. “My grandson likes to forget his standing. Like most people, he doesn’t know her highness is sponsoring the new generation of the Lionheart family.”

The young one-armed man froze from shock. He glanced at Vincent while cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

“I am sorry for acting disrespectfully. I didn’t think a person who recently became a Baron like us could be this influential.”

“I am Baron Fiskal Valtion. I finished the academy last year, and after a lot of waiting, I was fortunately chosen to become a Royal Soldier. But... I was only able to be a Royal Soldier for a few months before I lost my arm.”

*Bump* Fiskal bumped his fist against his chest and continued, “But rest assured, I will do my best to protect the Lionheart family and bring honor to the Valtion family. I can not let this chance slip by and miss her highness or the most infam... I mean, famous Royal Guard in Lusterfall from noticing me.”

[This Fiskal dude is honest with his feelings like a certain father-in-law. Am I right?]

*Sigh* Vincent didn’t want to be reminded of Leonis right now. He focused his gaze, and their status appeared in front of his face.


[Name] Isk Valtion

[Race] Human

[Age] 68

[Condition] Healthy, Impaired Vision (One Damaged Eye)

[Traits] Blood Tempered Body Stage Two

[Class] Warrior

[Stats] Strength 74 || Agility 31 || Perception 89 || Mana 0


[Class Warrior]

*Wild Blow

*Strong Body +27

*Nimble Body +11

Perceptive Body +33


[Name] Fiskal Valtion

[Race] Human

[Age] 24

[Condition] Healthy, Missing Limb (One Arm)

[Traits] Blood Tempered Body Stage One

[Class] Warrior

[Stats] Strength 23 || Agility 19 || Perception 22 || Mana 0


[Class Warrior]

*Wild Blow

*Strong Body +6


Vincent felt relieved to leave the security of the mansion in their hands after discovering their power level.

They were strong enough to deter any person interested in entering or causing a commotion. Furthermore, they were nobles of the Baron rank. Their nobility title was a powerful deterrent.

“Thank you for accepting to work as gate guard. I am reassured to have the two Barons protecting my people.”

“I am a retired soldier, while my grandson was unlucky a couple of months ago. He lost his arm to a damn ant. I fear my grandson could have passed away if the information about the acid being weak to water wasn’t discovered. I am grateful to the person who allowed my only grandson to survive.”

“Yeah. The acid was burning me alive. If it wasn’t for a bucket of water thrown at me, I...” Fiskal touched the stump on his arm. “I would probably be another casualty of the ant crisis.”

Vincent and Kazumi didn’t know how to respond after hearing this. They didn’t expect a person whose life was saved because of the information they provided would not only be in front of them but also want to show gratitude to the person who provided the information.

“Thank you for saving my life, Baron Vincent Lionheart.” Fiskal bowed respectfully.

“Huh? Do you mean what I think it means?” Isk questioned in a bewildered state.

“Yes, grandfather. The Duke told me in secret after I didn’t want to be reduced to a gate guard. I didn’t want to lose my position as a Royal Soldier because of my injury at first, but after I learned the truth, I accepted to return what I could for my saved life.”

[Sigh. Lucas really loves to rope people into things by piquing their interest one way or another.]

Isk bowed respectfully. “Leave the safety of the property to the Valtion family.” He stated with a firm voice.

“The judgment by combat is steadily approaching. The two of you might have a harder job than you signed up for.” Vincent said.

“Leave it to us.” Both said.

Vincent looked at Sofy. “We can leave. The mansion is in safe hands.”

Sofy gently nodded. She moved the reins, and the horses began pulling the carriage.

The gate was closed by a strong retired Royal Soldier and a temporarily dismissed Royal Soldier who wanted to pay Vincent for sharing life-saving information.

*West Gate*

Later, the carriage arrived in front of the west gate.

Vincent was about to jump down when he was pulled back into his seat. A pair of lips assaulted him for a minute before he was released.

Kazumi giggled while Vincent needed to breathe. After jumping down and placing Plow and Zero on each shoulder, Vincent waved farewell.

“Stay safe. I will come rushing if a messenger bird tells us you need a ride.” Said Sofy with a beaming smile after feeling recharged.

“See you soon. ” Vincent said with a warm smile.

Vincent turned around. He headed to the gate, where two soldiers approached and asked for his identity.

They looked at him with suspicion since no noble would ride a carriage as a passenger on the driver’s seat. Furthermore, no noble would publicly let a maid assault his lips as Sofy did.

After receiving the golden identification card, their mind went blank for a moment. The noble they were asked to expect by taking today’s morning shift was in front of them.

“Baron Vincent Lionheart! We were expecting your lordship to visit the west gate. Captain Russo has already informed us about reserving a carriage and a horse for the next few days.” Said one of the soldiers.

“Your lordship can return without any worry. We will help your lordship return home safely.” The other soldier said in a friendly tone.


Vincent thanked both soldiers. He smirked and asked, “Who are you rooting for in the upcoming judgment by combat?”

“I heard it was going to be one noble family against five noble families. It is obvious the five noble families have the best chance of victory.”

The other soldier nodded. “I also think many noble families would have more power and resources to become victorious.”

Vincent turned his head to look at Sofy. She was still waiting for Vincent to leave and disappear from her view.

“You heard that, Sofy? Tell everyone to bet on us since everyone underestimates the Lionheart family’s power. We can make a fortune, haha.”

The two soldiers began to sweat nervously. Circulating around and out of the city was the news of a judgment by combat happening soon. However, the official date and the participating families still needed to be discovered.

The two soldiers immediately believed Vincent’s words by the way he acted.

“W-w-we apologize for saying your family is going to lose. Now we know why Captain Russo requested a carriage. Please forgive our insolence.”

“I-I-I will bet my entire fortune to apologize for my transgression.”

“Hahaha. You two will be doing yourself a favor. Choosing the lion over five despicable rats is the best possible choice you will make in your entire life.” Vincent said while patting their shoulders.

“Vincent Vincent will definitely win” *Pho!* Plow proudly stated.

“Master. Will. Not. Lose. Zero. Protect.” Zero also stated.

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