Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 554 - 554 On to the Next Fight

Before Yeter had passed out, a medic was already preparing salves for his bleeding wounds. Once the salves were applied and Yeter consumed a divine elixir, his color returned to normal and his recovery was well in motion. It would only take a few days for the stallion’s body to settle and return to normal.

Clap, clap, clap.

What started with King Sardin was quickly picked up by King Zelsh, King Rhyner, and every able-bodied person in view. With everyone applauding the fight, Netra bowed to her opponents and then to the balcony before walking back to her table.

The medics needed another minute or two to wrap up the healing and carry the candidates back up to the balcony. So Netra had a brief moment where it was just her and Oliver at the table.

“Nicely done,” Oli commented while lifting his cup in praise. “I see that your standing as the perfect candidate isn’t through just affinity but through your skills as well. You’re the most terrifying mortal I’ve ever met or seen with my own eyes.”

Netra bowed her head while lifting her cup with one of her tails. “Thank you. I hope to see you in action as well. Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to praise you too, Oliver.”

Oli shrugged but kept smiling. “Only Dominus would try and guess what King Zelsh has planned for all this. I’ve long stopped trying to predict his schemes, even if he adds me to his plans to spice things up at times.”

Smiling back at Oliver, Netra stated, “You know, I’ve heard an awful lot about you from your fellow candidates in Rot Region. They all said you entered isolated training just before Iron Territory became trading partners with Rot Region. I had a couple years to face each of your friends but never even got to see you enter the arena once.”


“The same goes for you, Netra,” chuckled Oli. “King Zelsh wouldn’t stop going on about how a foxy little girl always defeated his best candidates.”

“Not his best,” Netra corrected. “Because Kraz, Tilgron, and Vant were adamant to remind me that you were supposed to be King Zelsh’s hidden tiger wearing a wolf’s hide to blend in with the other predators of the Mortal Championship.”

But Oli shook his head. “I’m sorry, Netra, but I’m so sure about that. I’ll be honest, I nearly missed the entire Mortal Championship just because my isolated training ran far longer than it should’ve. And I was lucky to make it to the regional qualifier before all opportunities to enter had passed. Now, I’ll need even more luck at the prefecture qualifier.”

“Why do you say that?” asked Netra.

Oli answered honestly, “Because I’m praying to Dominus that you and I aren’t paired up before the final.”

“Oh? So you’re confident you’ll reach the finals, yet you deny how strong you are?” Netra reasoned.

Shaking his head again, Oli stated, “No. I just want to hold up a match against you for as long as fate might allow. Because you’re a terrifying opponent and I don’t want an early exit just from dumb luck.”

Netra chuckled a bit, “I see… Do you think you’ll pass the first, unorthodox round?”

“I have no choice but to say yes. Because if I don’t then I won’t be able to have a proper fight in the exhibition round. And that’s where my odds are a little bit higher since I’m decently confident in a straightforward fight,” replied Oli.

“... I really hope King Zelsh chooses you for one of the fights,” Netra sighed.

Tilting his head to the side, Oli squinted back at the fox girl. “Again, I don’t mean to pry, but it’s starting to feel like you’re hitting on me again.”

“That depends…”

“... on what?” Oli asked.

Netra stopped herself from stammering. “Because… that depends on whether you’re the person I think you are. If you are that person, then maybe I am hitting on you.”

Oli was taken aback to hear that from Netra. Though it was still on the nose, Netra had clearly waited until they were the only two people at the table to say such a thing.

In Oli’s moment of silent shock, Netra flashed a warm smile and whispered, “Also, I did learn to cook from Ania. I have a long way to go before reaching her level but I still earn her praise. And I don’t like cooking just for myself…”

‘I told you. She’s more endearing and thoughtful than before,’ Eeole quietly remarked in the back of Oli’s mind.

Not replying to Eeole, Oli sighed and smiled back at Netra while Kako was hobbling up the stairs to the balcony. “I’m a little confused by what you’re saying, but if you’re offering food I’ll never say no. For a nomad, food is the best way to make our wandering hearts settle down.”

Netra blushed deeply at that comment. She just nodded in twitter-pated shock. With so little experience with genuinely socializing, and even less experience with romantic socializing, the fox girl hid her face behind her twin tails out of instinct.

‘Look at you! Stealing your father’s pick-up lines!’ Eeole heartily laughed.

‘Hey, what’s wrong with that?! If it’s a good line, then not using it would be worse,’ Oli telepathically reasoned.

Eeole’s mental laughter softened up. ‘Still, you’re more openly excited than I anticipated. First, you curse and claim that you didn’t want Netra to do anything sentimental that might give away your cover. Yet now you’re indulging in her hint-filled conversation, even adding your own hidden messages to possibly entice her in return.’

Oli decided that it was once again a bad idea to bicker with Eeole. Not only could Eeole read Oli’s mind, but Eeole had been around Oli for such a long time before ever revealing himself. It was impossible for Oli to hide anything from him.

‘Do you still want Netra for your mate in the future?’

That question left Oli’s mind sputtering for a moment. ‘... Is… that a problem?’

‘No. Not at all. In fact, I might not be able to ask for anyone better,’ chuckled Eeole.

‘Why do you say that as if you’re playing matchmaker with us?’ Oli asked.

Eeole sighed to calm his tone and sound more genuine. ‘It’s not that I’m playing matchmaker. But I have set certain parameters for limiting your options concerning your future mate. It just so happens that Netra fits all those boxes, for the most part. She’s not the perfect candidate but she’s more than worthy enough of that honor.’

‘What parameters?’ Oli asked as his tone got colder.

‘To wed someone with naturally perfect essence and shares at least one of your affinities,’ stated Eeole. ‘Of course, I hadn’t included you getting a mate in my plans at first. I was saving that for after we defeat Kartzal and his half of the world. But there’s nothing wrong with you claiming a mate earlier than that if it happens naturally.’

Mixed feelings were beginning to swell in Oli’s head and heart. At first, Oli hated the idea of his life choices being unwillingly limited. But Oli also couldn’t deny the fact that he had agreed to Eeole’s and Dominus’s terms in order to eventually revive his father. And since Netra happened to fit both Oli’s qualifications for a mate and Eeole’s, Oli didn’t even want to argue or touch on the subject any more than necessary for the time being.

Then a question trickled into Oli’s mind. ‘... Wait, me finding a mate is the second phase of your plan?’



Sighing, the invisible man replied, ‘Oli, Dominus and I both told you that we can’t discuss too many matters of such importance until after the Mortal Championship. Didn’t we?’

‘... That’s correct. You both did.’

‘Then save that question for when you see me after venturing into Devil’s Canyon,’ added Eeole. ‘We’ll find out how sharp you are and if you can figure out Dominus’s true intentions before you can even ask that question at a more proper time.’

Oli took that to heart while Netra sat in silence under the cover of her tails.

When the baboon finally made it back to the table, he noticed the awkward expressions on both of their faces. “What happened? Did a human make a fox girl blush?”

“Tilgron!” Zelsh’s shout cut through every table’s conversation. “It’s your turn! Get in there and make us proud!”

Ingall Sardin raised one eyebrow, asking, “Didn’t we say that we would put forward our strongest candidates? And wouldn’t that be Vant, your Mortal Championship finalist?”

Laughing yet shaking his head, Zelsh explained, “You’re not necessarily wrong. But as of this moment, Tilgron is our strongest candidate moving on to the prefecture qualifier. Unless you would rather face my son and his death essence. He’s barely weaker than Tilgron, if at all.”

“Hmm… I’m not sure,” Rhyner Trighton replied. “I’d rather watch your other province finalist fight, personally. Doesn’t he also have death essence but as a human?”

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